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Quigg GT-1000 properties needed i.c.w. RFXcom
Posted: Saturday 29 December 2018 21:08
by janvdpol
Today I got 4 switches (Quigg GT-FSI-08) and a broken remote control (GT-1000). I'm under the impression that this combination should work with RFXcom. My idea is when I have the right setings for the RFXcom I can self-learn the switches. Is there somebody who can help me with correct settings (RFXcom modes needed) and switch type/sub type/code/etc.?
Best regards,
Re: Quigg GT-1000 properties needed i.c.w. RFXcom
Posted: Sunday 30 December 2018 13:42
by b_weijenberg
This device is not in the supported device list, chapter 2.2.2 of the RFXtrx User Guide.
Unknown if this module is supported by the RFXtrx.
Check with RFXmngr is you can control the module using Lighting5 - Kangtai or Lighting5 - IT or Lighting4
If this does not operate contact support
Re: Quigg GT-1000 properties needed i.c.w. RFXcom
Posted: Tuesday 01 January 2019 21:06
by janvdpol
Lighting 5 - Kangtai works! Thx for the hint.
Re: Quigg GT-1000 properties needed i.c.w. RFXcom
Posted: Tuesday 01 January 2019 21:22
by janvdpol
But which RFXcom settings within domoticz belong to that?
Re: Quigg GT-1000 properties needed i.c.w. RFXcom
Posted: Tuesday 01 January 2019 22:00
by b_weijenberg
Transmit should operate without enabling a protocol. Enable Lighting4+AC to receive Kangtai.
Re: Quigg GT-1000 properties needed i.c.w. RFXcom
Posted: Thursday 03 January 2019 8:27
by janvdpol
OK clear. But what I mean is that I do not have a working transmitter to "Learn Light/Switch" within Switches (https://<mydomoticzurl>/#/LightSwitches) section. So I need it to add manual via "Manual Light/Switch". There I need to configure a few things. Some I know, and some I don't:
Hardware: RFXcom
Device name: n.a.
Switch Type: On/Off
Type: ??? (what should this be, because Kangtai is not available in this combo box)
Depending on the Type fields get added or removed.
Re: Quigg GT-1000 properties needed i.c.w. RFXcom
Posted: Thursday 03 January 2019 22:31
by janvdpol
Downloaded the source of Domoticz and found the following fragment within RFXNames.cpp:
{ pTypeLighting5, sTypeLightwaveRF, "LightwaveRF" },
{ pTypeLighting5, sTypeEMW100, "EMW100" },
{ pTypeLighting5, sTypeBBSB, "BBSB new" },
{ pTypeLighting5, sTypeMDREMOTE, "MDRemote" },
{ pTypeLighting5, sTypeRSL, "Conrad RSL" },
{ pTypeLighting5, sTypeLivolo, "Livolo" },
{ pTypeLighting5, sTypeTRC02, "TRC02 (RGB)" },
{ pTypeLighting5, sTypeTRC02_2, "TRC02_2 (RGB)" },
{ pTypeLighting5, sTypeAoke, "Aoke" },
{ pTypeLighting5, sTypeEurodomest, "Eurodomest" },
{ pTypeLighting5, sTypeLivoloAppliance, "Livolo" },
{ pTypeLighting5, sTypeRGB432W, "RGB432W" },
{ pTypeLighting5, sTypeMDREMOTE107, "MDRemote 107" },
{ pTypeLighting5, sTypeLegrandCAD, "Legrand CAD" },
{ pTypeLighting5, sTypeAvantek, "Avantek" },
{ pTypeLighting5, sTypeIT, "Intertek,FA500,PROmax" },
{ pTypeLighting5, sTypeMDREMOTE108, "MDRemote 108" },
{ pTypeLighting5, sTypeKangtai, "Kangtai / Cotech" },
Looks like this is (part of) the list that is being used to populate the combobox. Some of these names I can find in the UI of domoticz when adding a new switch manually (i.e. MDRemote 107/108), but some I can not find (i.e. Kangtai). I restored domoticz just now with the latest stable, but still not able to see Kangtai. What am I missing here?