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Radiator valve: LG-13 vs FGT001
Posted: Friday 21 December 2018 16:21
by Squalo
Hi all,
I'm looking for a radiator valve. I'll take at least three.
My choice is between Danfoss LC-13 and Fibaro FGT-001 ZW5.
Any advice?
Re: Radiator valve: LG-13 vs FGT001
Posted: Saturday 29 December 2018 21:33
by aardwolf2
Depends how hacky you want it, and your house setup, I have mains outlets next to all of the radiators so I use Sonoff S20s ($6, pick your country's version) flashed with espeasy, a ds18b20 wired temperature sensor (err, bought a bag of them, think $1) soldered onto gpio 0 (the contacts of the pushbutton on the front), which will give you room temperature, and a mains powered normally closed underfloor heating control valve ($15) powered through the Sonoff screwed onto a manual trv valve ($5) in place of the original manual trv control bit so it can be switched by domoticz based on the temperature sensor value.
Re: Radiator valve: LG-13 vs FGT001
Posted: Saturday 29 December 2018 22:56
by Squalo
This could be a good solution, I’ll have to do some work on electrical side, but your solution is what I would like to do.
Can you please post some link to the stuffs you used (mainly the electrical valves)?
I’d like to put valves at the distribution point, instead of at the radiator, so to avoid useless heat along unused pipes...
Thanks for your suggestion.