Trouble reading/controlling DS2406

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Trouble reading/controlling DS2406

Post by akost »


I'm running Domoticz with the One Wire service on a PC with Win 10. I have no trouble reading any of my DS18B20 temperature sensors or reading/controlling my DS2408 (8-channel I/O). I also have a 4-channel I/O card from ( that consist of a pair of DS2406 and I have trouble reading/controlling this I/O card with Domoticz.

If I use the Maxim OneWireViewer.exe the two DS2406 on the I/O card have the following address:
A: Device Address: B5000000B766F412 (12 F4 66 B7 00 00 00 B5)
B: Device Address: 9E000000B7579C12 (12 9C 57 B7 00 00 00 9E)

With OneWireViewer.exe I can then read/set each channel (0 and 1) of the DS2406 - no problem here!

In Domoticz the same I/O card ger the following ID's for each DS2406:
Idx 147: F466B700 (correspond to address "A" above)
Idx 148: 9C57B700 (correspond to address "B" above)

In Domoticz I cannot see any channels but channel 0 and channel 1 acts like an AND function som if both channel 0 and 1 is high the data for the DS2406 is set to "Open". If one of the channels is set to low the data is set to "Closed".

If I look in OneWireDomoticzService.log I can see data as follows where I assume Id "000000B766F4" correspond to Idx 147 (and Id "000000B7579C" to Idx 148) above.
2018-12-03 23:44:29 : Request received <== {"ReadData":{"Id":"000000B766F4","Unit":0}}
2018-12-03 23:44:29 : Answer send ==> {"Temperature":0.0,"Humidity":0.0,"DigitalIo":true,"Counter":0,"Voltage":0}
2018-12-03 23:44:29 : Wait for request...
2018-12-03 23:44:29 : Request received <== {"ReadData":{"Id":"0008022A1633","Unit":0}}
2018-12-03 23:44:30 : Answer send ==> {"Temperature":11.5,"Humidity":0.0,"DigitalIo":false,"Counter":0,"Voltage":0}
2018-12-03 23:44:30 : Wait for request...
2018-12-03 23:44:30 : Request received <== {"ReadChanelsNb":{"Id":"000000B766F4"}}
2018-12-03 23:44:30 : Request received <== {"ReadData":{"Id":"000000B7579C","Unit":0}}
2018-12-03 23:44:30 : Answer send ==> {"Temperature":0.0,"Humidity":0.0,"DigitalIo":false,"Counter":0,"Voltage":0}
2018-12-03 23:44:30 : Wait for request...
2018-12-03 23:44:30 : Request received <== {"ReadChanelsNb":{"Id":"000000B7579C"}}
2018-12-03 23:44:30 : Answer send ==> {"InvalidRequestReason":"UnknownRequestType"}
2018-12-03 23:45:07 : Request received <== {"ReadData":{"Id":"000000B766F4","Unit":0}}
2018-12-03 23:45:07 : Answer send ==> {"Temperature":0.0,"Humidity":0.0,"DigitalIo":true,"Counter":0,"Voltage":0}
2018-12-03 23:45:07 : Wait for request...
2018-12-03 23:45:07 : Request received <== {"ReadData":{"Id":"0000013F3EF0","Unit":0}}
2018-12-03 23:45:08 : Answer send ==> {"Temperature":8.71875,"Humidity":0.0,"DigitalIo":false,"Counter":0,"Voltage":0}
2018-12-03 23:45:08 : Wait for request...
2018-12-03 23:45:08 : Request received <== {"ReadChanelsNb":{"Id":"000000B766F4"}}
2018-12-03 23:45:08 : Answer send ==> {"InvalidRequestReason":"UnknownRequestType"}

I really would like to read/set all the four channels of this I/O card using Domoticz. Anyone know how? I have tested with two different I/O card (with DS2406) and both of them showing the same result.

Any help would be higly apreachiated - Thanks!
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