Universal sensor arduino

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Universal sensor arduino

Post by Thomas420 »

Hello everyone !

I start on Domoticz ;)

I want to use Domoticz like an acquisition card

i use arduino Uno or Nano (mega 328P) and FS1000A like a sensor

i want to transmit many variable

For my first test i have install "Oregon" sketch on arduino (i find on web, for simulate température sensor oregon with arduino)

Because i havn't température sensor for wiring on my arduino i use variable

On domoticz i see my sensor see picture

setup device :
on my arduino code, i have duplicate code when send temperature on 433mhz and i have change ID(BC20 and BB20) so i can transmit different variable

temperature :
see max is 150.5°(150° on image) (if i ad a value more than 150.5, the real value are not displayed)

Graph :
see, i change variable on arduino code and value change on domoticz

Now if my explanation is understand ;)

If it's possible ( i'm automatician, i know « c » language but other language a little, i understand the structure of code)

I want transmit value more big, if i can send a float variable, i can send a integer variable ?
And after is possible i want to create a widget for différents value because value is not a temperature, is it possible to create an universal widget ?

Today the code on arduino transmit trame same like oregon temperature sensor, so i can modify to transmit different data but i don't know the principe of 433mhz, if anyone can explain frame for Domoticz understand the message, i can code for adapt different value because for exemple, i don't want transmit battery level

finally, i want to transmit value with 433mhz on arduino to domoticz on after i want to observe graph with different variable on the same graph :)

If anyone can help me or redirect me where i must post my explanation :)

If you want more explanation i can :)

Very thanks

setup device.PNG
setup device.PNG (52.33 KiB) Viewed 5292 times
Last edited by Thomas420 on Tuesday 20 November 2018 7:28, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Universal sensor arduino

Post by Thomas420 »

second and third picture, sorry :)
graph.PNG (153.95 KiB) Viewed 5289 times
temperature.PNG (40.98 KiB) Viewed 5289 times
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Re: Universal sensor arduino

Post by Thomas420 »


Please it's possible to redirect my demand, i don't find in forum

I want to add this function (universal arduino transmitter) on Domoticz :)

I can edite the source code, i know "C" language but i can adapt for an other language

it's a real good idea because after we can create a sensor with arduino and it's very open and adjustable to return any variables in Domoticz

I think this has already been done by someone, I must not be the only one to have this idea ;)

Please help me


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Re: Universal sensor arduino

Post by Rainman »

Why not use espeasy instead of the arduino ? I think it would be easier for you to use.
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Re: Universal sensor arduino

Post by Thomas420 »

Thanks Rainman

I don't know this, i check it :)
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Re: Universal sensor arduino

Post by Thomas420 »

If i understand espeasy is a devellopement board with wifi ?

I want use arduino because i have create little machines with arduino, like a pellet stove, a chicken automated parc with automatic door, food, light and water

I want use domoticz to save data instantly and see curve for my pellet stove
i want to transmit (i have this value on arduino) :
-exterior temperature
-interior temperature
-fire temperature (value are more than 150°)
-pellet consumption
-wind speed

Because i have devellopped on arduino, i want to carry on with this because i'm very satisfy, i have never bug when my program is good, I have confidence in the material

And i like 433mhz because very low power consumption and i just want to send value, no communication, like a supervision

433mhz is very simply structure protocol, i just need where in domoticz i can create my own sensor, i have download source code, i have start search but if a domoticz moderator can explain me where is implemented "Lacrosse TX3", i can copy and modify for adapt to my need
and after is good i can create an add for all people we use Domoticz, if moderator want ;)

Please i want to code ;)


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Re: Universal sensor arduino

Post by Rainman »

Ok, then I suggest you look into Mysensors, which is also easy to combine with Domoticz.


Re: Universal sensor arduino

Post by SweetPants »

I agree with Rainman, take a look at MySensors project (https://www.mysensors.org/). It will save you a lot of time implementing all kind of sensors, even low power sensors. I use it myself and it works great
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Re: Universal sensor arduino

Post by Thomas420 »

Thanks Rainman and SweetPants

I have check website of mysensor

And i have recheck esp8266, you have reason

For my need it's more simple to use esp because is implemented in domoticz

I have check source code of rflink and domoticz and you have reason, for add my need, i must modify rflink and domoticz source code

so i have buy esp 01-s for connect to my arduino and transmit value

Very Thanks :)

I come to you when i have run connection between domoticz and esp

Have a great day


Re: Universal sensor arduino

Post by SweetPants »

Thomas420 wrote: Friday 23 November 2018 9:38 For my need it's more simple to use esp because is implemented in domoticz
MySensors is also implemented in Domoticz. If you want low power sensors, ESP is not suited for that
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Re: Universal sensor arduino

Post by lwolf »

Thomas420 wrote: Thursday 22 November 2018 16:23 If i understand espeasy is a devellopement board with wifi ?
ESPEasy is a custom opensource firmware for ESP8266 & ESP32. It has a nice webGUI for settings and sensor-setup.

There are an Arduino fork for Mega with Ethernet Shield:
Now it is a little obsolote, last update was ~2017.

I've forked it and patched to compile with cheap STM32 cores (128-256Kb flash) + W5500 LAN:
There are some controllers inside the code for sending HTTP/MQTT data to Domoticz in case you need something similar.

I've found a very little fork for Arduino Nano: (but most functions missing)
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