Average outside temperature with Lua

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Average outside temperature with Lua

Post by Knibor »


I want to measure the average temperature from my outside temperature sensor, this is a sensor that measure, temperature and humidity.
I'm not familiar with the Lua scripts.
But I found an example on the the internet

My IDX from the temperature/humidity sensor is IDX 37 (Buiten Temp)
The dummy temperature has the IDX 247 (Gemiddelde buiten temperatuur)

I have no output to IDX 247. , it gives me the number "0"

Can someone help me with this?

In the Log I get this information

EventSystem: in Script #1: [string "local function DeviceUpdate(idx, value1)..."]:16: attempt to index global 'otherdevices_247' (a nil value)

Here is the script:

local function DeviceUpdate(idx, value1)
local cmd = string.format("%d|0|%.2f", idx, value1)
table.insert (commandArray, { ['UpdateDevice'] = cmd } )

Debug = "YES" -- Debugging aanzetten ("YES") of uitzetten ("NO")

commandArray = {}

local m = os.date('%M')
if (m % 5 == 0) then -- script loopt iedere 5 minuten

-- Variabelen instellen
local temperature_name = 'Gemiddelde Temp buiten'
local temperature_idx = otherdevices_idx[temperature_name]

local uitlees_name = 'Temperature'
local uitlees_idx = otherdevices_idx[uitlees_name]

--Temperaturen van afgelopen 24 uur opvragen
local sQuery = 'curl " ... &range=day"'
local handle=assert(io.popen(sQuery))
local raw = handle:read('*all')

--Ontvangen waarden verwerken
json = assert(loadfile '/home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/JSON.lua')()
local jsonData = json:decode(raw)

if Debug=='YES' then
print (jsonData.title)
print (jsonData.status)
print (jsonData.result[1].d)
print (jsonData.result[1].te)

--Gemiddelde temperatuur van afgelopen 24 uur bepalen
local sum = 0
local ave = 0
local elements = #jsonData.result

for i = 1, elements do
sum = sum + jsonData.result.te

ave = sum / elements

if Debug=='YES' then
print('Gemiddeld: '..tostring(ave))

--Gemiddelde temperatuur opslaan in virtuele temperatuur sensor

return commandArray
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Re: Average outside temperature with Lua

Post by aleph0 »

I don't know exactly what you want to do, but it looks a bit overkill to calculate an average value. Why wouldn't you use a low band filter for that :
avg_value=((n-1)*avg_value+instant_value)/n will give you the running average value over n measures

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Re: Average outside temperature with Lua

Post by Knibor »

Hi, thanks for the info.

In want to measure the exact average outside temperature in 24 hour.
This because I want to know how much gas I use in my house in 24 hour with the average temperature of that day.
So I can calculate the cost of the gas I used with that given average temperature in that day.

Where do I put the average calculation? In Lua or somewhere else.
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Re: Average outside temperature with Lua

Post by jvdz »

Shouldn't this line:

Code: Select all

sum = sum + jsonData.result.te
be changed to:

Code: Select all

sum = sum + jsonData.result[i].te
I tested this script and works fine for me.:

Code: Select all

local function DeviceUpdate(idx, value1)
    local cmd = string.format("%d|0|%.2f", idx, value1)
    table.insert (commandArray, { ['UpdateDevice'] = cmd } )

Debug = "YES" -- Debugging aanzetten ("YES") of uitzetten ("NO")

commandArray = {}

local m = os.date('%M')
if (m % 5 == 0) then -- script loopt iedere 5 minuten

    -- Variabelen instellen
    local temperature_name	= 'Gemiddelde Temp buiten'
    local temperature_idx	= otherdevices_idx[temperature_name]

    local uitlees_name	= 'Temperature'
    local uitlees_idx	= otherdevices_idx[uitlees_name]

    --Temperaturen van afgelopen 24 uur opvragen
    local sQuery	= 'curl "'..tostring(uitlees_idx)..'&range=day"'
    local handle=assert(io.popen(sQuery))
    local raw = handle:read('*all')

    --Ontvangen waarden verwerken
--~ 	print(raw)
    json = assert(loadfile 'JSON.lua')()
    local jsonData = json:decode(raw)

    if Debug=='YES' then
        print (jsonData.title)
        print (jsonData.status)
        print (jsonData.result[1].d)
        print (jsonData.result[1].te)

    --Gemiddelde temperatuur van afgelopen 24 uur bepalen
    local sum = 0
    local ave = 0
    local elements = #jsonData.result

    for i = 1, elements do
        sum = sum + jsonData.result[i].te
        -- print(i,sum)

    ave = sum / (elements)

    if Debug=='YES' then
        print('sum: '..tostring(sum))
        print('elements: '..tostring(elements))
        print('Gemiddeld: '..tostring(ave))

    --Gemiddelde temperatuur opslaan in virtuele temperatuur sensor

return commandArray

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Re: Average outside temperature with Lua

Post by Knibor »


I copied your code in Lua (Time) and only changed the Ip adres to (My Domoticz IP address)

Now I get the error "2018-11-18 18:45:00.292 Error: EventSystem: in Script #1: [string "local function DeviceUpdate(idx, value1)..."]:28: cannot open JSON.lua: No such file or directory"

What do I wrong?
This is what I use now.

local function DeviceUpdate(idx, value1)
local cmd = string.format("%d|0|%.2f", idx, value1)
table.insert (commandArray, { ['UpdateDevice'] = cmd } )

Debug = "YES" -- Debugging aanzetten ("YES") of uitzetten ("NO")

commandArray = {}

local m = os.date('%M')
if (m % 5 == 0) then -- script loopt iedere 5 minuten

-- Variabelen instellen
local temperature_name = 'Gemiddelde Temp buiten'
local temperature_idx = otherdevices_idx[temperature_name]

local uitlees_name = 'Temperature'
local uitlees_idx = otherdevices_idx[uitlees_name]

--Temperaturen van afgelopen 24 uur opvragen
local sQuery = 'curl " ... &range=day"'
local handle=assert(io.popen(sQuery))
local raw = handle:read('*all')

--Ontvangen waarden verwerken
--~ print(raw)
json = assert(loadfile 'JSON.lua')()
local jsonData = json:decode(raw)

if Debug=='YES' then
print (jsonData.title)
print (jsonData.status)
print (jsonData.result[1].d)
print (jsonData.result[1].te)

--Gemiddelde temperatuur van afgelopen 24 uur bepalen
local sum = 0
local ave = 0
local elements = #jsonData.result

for i = 1, elements do
sum = sum + jsonData.result.te
-- print(i,sum)

ave = sum / (elements)

if Debug=='YES' then
print('sum: '..tostring(sum))
print('elements: '..tostring(elements))
print('Gemiddeld: '..tostring(ave))

--Gemiddelde temperatuur opslaan in virtuele temperatuur sensor

return commandArray
Last edited by Knibor on Sunday 18 November 2018 18:55, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Average outside temperature with Lua

Post by jvdz »

Change the JSON.lua line to the one you had as I am testing on a different setup. :roll:
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Re: Average outside temperature with Lua

Post by Knibor »

i actually don't understand exactly what you mean?
What exactly should I change in this line.

ok, I think I understand? My Domoticz IP address was changed due a modem update to local address
it is not anymore
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Re: Average outside temperature with Lua

Post by Joep123 »

If you use a Pi...

Code: Select all

json = assert(loadfile 'JSON.lua')()
shoud be:

Code: Select all

json = (loadfile "/home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/JSON.lua")()
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Re: Average outside temperature with Lua

Post by Knibor »

Ok, thanks I will try.
Indeed I use Rasp pi3B Beta
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Re: Average outside temperature with Lua

Post by Knibor »

Now I get this Error

2018-11-18 19:15:00.897 Error: EventSystem: in Script #1: /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/JSON.lua:660: html passed to JSON:decode(): <html><head><title>Unauthorized</title></head><body><h1>401 Unauthorized</h1></body></html>

i change that line to

Code: Select all

json = (loadfile "/home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/JSON.lua")()/code]
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Re: Average outside temperature with Lua

Post by jvdz »

That line should be without "/code]"at the end, but that is not the error you see.
I assume you are using user&password to access your domoticz systems and you aren't prvoding the userid&password on the url?
The easy way out would be to change the ip asdress to when you run the script on the domoticz pi and add that to the system settings for local ipaddress, which means that it won't need an userd&password to access the system.

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Re: Average outside temperature with Lua

Post by Knibor »

ok thanks,
where can I find the system settings, and where to add, I'm newbie to linux and Domoticz.
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Re: Average outside temperature with Lua

Post by Joep123 »

Setup > Settings > Local Networks (no username/password):
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Re: Average outside temperature with Lua

Post by Knibor »

I changed the IP address in " Setup > Settings > Local Networks (no username/password)" to and now I get the error

2018-11-19 20:20:01.142 Error: EventSystem: in Script #1: [string "local function DeviceUpdate(idx, value1)..."]:32: attempt to index local 'jsonData' (a nil value)

code is now

Code: Select all

local function DeviceUpdate(idx, value1)
    local cmd = string.format("%d|0|%.2f", idx, value1)
    table.insert (commandArray, { ['UpdateDevice'] = cmd } )

Debug = "YES" -- Debugging aanzetten ("YES") of uitzetten ("NO")

commandArray = {}

local m = os.date('%M')
if (m % 5 == 0) then -- script loopt iedere 5 minuten

    -- Variabelen instellen
    local temperature_name	= 'Gemiddelde Temp buiten'
    local temperature_idx	= otherdevices_idx[temperature_name]

    local uitlees_name	= 'Temperature'
    local uitlees_idx	= otherdevices_idx[uitlees_name]

    --Temperaturen van afgelopen 24 uur opvragen
    local sQuery	= 'curl "'..tostring(uitlees_idx)..'&range=day"'
    local handle=assert(io.popen(sQuery))
    local raw = handle:read('*all')

    --Ontvangen waarden verwerken
--~ 	print(raw)
    json = (loadfile "/home/pi/domoticz/scripts/lua/JSON.lua")()
    local jsonData = json:decode(raw)

    if Debug=='YES' then
        print (jsonData.title)
        print (jsonData.status)
        print (jsonData.result[1].d)
        print (jsonData.result[1].te)

    --Gemiddelde temperatuur van afgelopen 24 uur bepalen
    local sum = 0
    local ave = 0
    local elements = #jsonData.result

    for i = 1, elements do
        sum = sum + jsonData.result[i].te
        -- print(i,sum)

    ave = sum / (elements)

    if Debug=='YES' then
        print('sum: '..tostring(sum))
        print('elements: '..tostring(elements))
        print('Gemiddeld: '..tostring(ave))

    --Gemiddelde temperatuur opslaan in virtuele temperatuur sensor

return commandArray
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Re: Average outside temperature with Lua

Post by jvdz »

What does the rest of the log messages show as this is the very last part stating it didn't set the value for the variable?
Are you sure about the devicename for temperature_name being "Gemiddelde Temp buiten" (check upper/lower case as well)?

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Re: Average outside temperature with Lua

Post by mvzut »

I tried your script, and it works when I add the Domoticz port number (in my case 8080) to the curl command, so
In a previous version of your code, I noticed that you did use the port number (also 8080), so this will probably solve your problem.

By the way, a few remarks which might be relevant for your application:
  • It calculates the average over the time configured in Domoticz under Settings > Log History > Short Log Sensors. I have this at 2 days, so in my case it calculates the average over 2 days! May be important to realize if others are going to use your code for inspiration. This can be solved by the way, by not adding all values but only from the last 24h.
  • You may already have thought of this, but in case you didn't: It calculates a so-called "running average" over the last 24h, so not for an exact day (0:00 - 23:59). This means you have to retrieve the value at 0:00h every night and use that for your gas calculations.
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Re: Average outside temperature with Lua

Post by Knibor »

Hi, it works now, I was struggling with Setup > Settings > Local Networks (no username/password) and indeed make a little mistake with the device name.
Thanks for the info "calculates the average" now I understand how it works.

I have only one little problem when I use the device "Temperature" it only has the temperature in degree C.
This was only my test temperature device not the outside temperature.

Now I want to use the the real outside temperature measurement, but this one is from the type degree C and Humidity %
How do I separate the degree C from Humidity %, so that I only measure the degree C.
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Re: Average outside temperature with Lua

Post by Joep123 »

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Re: Average outside temperature with Lua

Post by Knibor »

Hi, now outside temperature works perfect, thanks for the info.

Now I use the script for measure the "Gasverbruik per graaddag" in conjunction with the previous script "average temperature"

The following error is in the error log "

2018-11-20 20:17:00.475 Error: EventSystem: Lua script Gasverbuik per graaddag did not return a commandArray

What do I wrong?

The script is,

Code: Select all

return {
          on   = { timer    = { "at 23:58"}},

  execute = function(domoticz)
        local Date = domoticz.time.year..domoticz.time.month..domoticz.time.day
        local meantempOutside = domoticz.devices('Gemiddelde Temp buiten').temperature
        local baseTemp = 18
        local factor = 1
        local degreesday = baseTemp - meantempOutside
        if (domoticz.time.month >= 4 and domoticz.time.month <= 9) then factor = 0.8 end
        if (domoticz.time.month >= 11 or domoticz.time.month <= 2) then factor = 1.1 end
        degreesdays = degreesday * factor
        local GasUsage = domoticz.devices('Gas').counterToday
        local GasUsageperDegreesday = domoticz.round((GasUsage / degreesdays),3)
        if (degreesday <= 0) then 
            degreesdays = 0 
            GasUsageperDegreesday = 0
        domoticz.log('Gemiddelde temperatuur buiten (laatste 24u): '..meantempOutside)
        domoticz.log('Gasverbruik vandaag: '..GasUsage..' m3')
        domoticz.log('Aantal graaddagen: '..degreesdays)
        domoticz.log('Gasverbruik: '..GasUsageperDegreesday..' m3 per graaddag')
        domoticz.devices('Gasverbruik per graaddag').updateCustomSensor(GasUsageperDegreesday)

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Re: Average outside temperature with Lua

Post by jvdz »

Knibor wrote: Tuesday 20 November 2018 18:13 Now I want to use the the real outside temperature measurement, but this one is from the type degree C and Humidity %
How do I separate the degree C from Humidity %, so that I only measure the degree C.
Have you tried and didn't it work, because as far as I know the JSON result contains field TE containing the temperature and field HU for the Humidity so all should work fine.

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