Lua for Noob's :)

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Lua for Noob's :)

Post by mcjackdus »

Can someone please help me out on how I create and store a lua script?

With the Toon wiki I managed to get the Toon plugin running but I need to use the Lua script for it to auto refresh the states.
I understand that I have to copy the script but where do I copy it in to, using what program?
And how do I get it in the right location? (running domoticz on a synology)
If someone can point me in the right direction or webpage where it is explained I would very much appreciate it.

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Re: Lua for Noob's :)

Post by niki_lauda »

mcjackdus wrote: Thursday 25 October 2018 14:18 Can someone please help me out on how I create and store a lua script?

With the Toon wiki I managed to get the Toon plugin running but I need to use the Lua script for it to auto refresh the states.
I understand that I have to copy the script but where do I copy it in to, using what program?
And how do I get it in the right location? (running domoticz on a synology)
If someone can point me in the right direction or webpage where it is explained I would very much appreciate it.

You can paste the script in the events option under settings->options->events.
Select on your right an lua give it an name an select the tim option. Save the lua and your done
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Re: Lua for Noob's :)

Post by mcjackdus »

You can paste the script in the events option under settings->options->events.
Select on your right an lua give it an name an select the tim option. Save the lua and your done

Done and working.
That was easier than i expected...just need to know it :)
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