Use specific data in graphs
Posted: Sunday 21 October 2018 9:52
i used the graphs in dashticz to display the data of a weatherstation in the garden. It was anoying, that the value of the barometer ruined the graph. Because all three values where displayed on the same y-axis. In this case, the Temperature was no longer displayed properly, because of values 1000hpa to 1,2C.
So i changed the graph.js. Insert this before the line Morris.Line({
And then change the custom.js like this:
The above example changed the displayed data from baro,temp and hum to temp and hum only, if the device is 432, which is my garden weather station.
If you changed the graphs.js, you have to insert at least this into custom.js:
Maybe this is something do implement permanently to dashticz.
i used the graphs in dashticz to display the data of a weatherstation in the garden. It was anoying, that the value of the barometer ruined the graph. Because all three values where displayed on the same y-axis. In this case, the Temperature was no longer displayed properly, because of values 1000hpa to 1,2C.
So i changed the graph.js. Insert this before the line Morris.Line({
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
function getChangedGraphProperties(idx,graphproperties) {
if (idx=432) {
return graphproperties;
If you changed the graphs.js, you have to insert at least this into custom.js:
Code: Select all
function getChangedGraphProperties(idx,graphproperties) {
return graphproperties;