RFXcom and Lucci / Westinghouse

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RFXcom and Lucci / Westinghouse

Post by ervine »

I have upgraded my RFXcom to th XL version, and Domoticz to the latest stable. I amongst others use it to control a Westinghouse fan. Since a few weeks I am not able to control the fan anymore. I used to use the Lucci air AC controls for it. Now apparently something has changed, either on RFX side or on Domoticz. When I use RFXmgr, I see the protocol is now Westinghouse:

17-10-2018 08:30:34:921= Fan command
Packettype = Fan
subtype = Westinghouse
subtype = Westinghouse
Sequence nbr = 13
ID = SW1=Off, SW2=Off, SW3=Off, SW4=Off
Command = OFF
Signal level = +9 dBm

However, I am not able to select Westinghouse as an option from the dropdown box in the switches view. Anybody encountering the same problem?

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Re: RFXcom and Lucci / Westinghouse

Post by lolomin »


Did you find anything regarding your problem please ? I have bought a 7815840 WestingHouse Turbo Swirl Fan, I'm having RFXCom 433trxE with firmware Ext2/1025 and Domoticz 11291 but I don't know how to control it through Domoticz :/

Thanks for any advices/informations.


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Re: RFXcom and Lucci / Westinghouse

Post by EdwinK »

Old post, but did you get it working?

I'm using a Westinghouse fan with a 77641B remote. I can add it through 'manually switch/light' button and then fill in the information. But, for the ID, it only has 3 boxes, where I have 4 (on/off) switches in the remote.
Screen Shot 2020-07-04 at 13.01.29.png
Screen Shot 2020-07-04 at 13.01.29.png (38.79 KiB) Viewed 2080 times
I have all 4 of them in the down position. But if I fill in '0' as ID (or any other number) it doesn't want to work.

What do I have to fill in here?

In the log I see: '2020-07-04 13:05:48.279 subtype = Wrong command received from application (0)'
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Re: RFXcom and Lucci / Westinghouse

Post by EdwinK »

Just got a Windows computer/laptop to see what happens when i used the RFXcom manager.

I don't understand .... about it.
11-2-2021 12:36:43:241= Fan command: 08 17 04 0F 00 00 01 02 00
Packettype = Fan
subtype = Westinghouse
subtype = Westinghouse
Sequence nbr = 15
ID = SW1=Off, SW2=Off, SW3=Off, SW4=On
Command = MED
Signal level = +10 dBm
11-2-2021 12:36:43:718= 0402010F00
Packettype = Receiver/Transmitter Message
subtype = Transmitter Response
Sequence nbr = 15
response = ACK, data correct transmitted
Been searching this on and off for about 6 months now, and still am nowhere close to finding an answer. Is it not possible to use this fan?
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Re: RFXcom and Lucci / Westinghouse

Post by EdwinK »

So, it does look there is no way to add this fan/remote to Domotic. :(
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