I just played with the new iOS feature called shortcuts (NL: Opdrachten) and it is an easy way to control switches and scenes with Siri, without the need to install any software on your pi.
What you need to do is use authorization as written in https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Domoticz_ ... horization
I used https://webnet77.net/cgi-bin/helpers/base-64.pl to convert my login credentials.
then use any kind of command from the same page and place it all in a new shortcut like this:

When entering the authorization in the header part (NL: Kopteksten), don't forget to place the text "Basic" in front
After this press the slider symbol on the rh top of the window and add the shortcut to Siri. All done and from now on you can say "hey Siri YOURCOMMAND"
Works like a charm, only downside is you have to share the created shortcut with any family member if they want to use it on their own iOS device, but airdrop makes this quite easy.
I used some of the most used commands like living room lights, sunscreen etc. if you have your iOS device setup to listen for hey Siri you can control your house without moving a muscle (apart from the ones used for speech

For the non dutch users: the lower part of the shortcut, with the green arrow is called something like "get url contents".