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Cannot activate persistent data

Posted: Monday 17 September 2018 19:18
by gurzixo

I am struggling for 2 days to activate persistent data.

I run Domoticz on a Raspberry pi, and have 2 zsticks reading house and solar panel consumption. I want to create a composite meter showing how much electricity I use from the utility; the problem is that sometime I create more electricity that I use, but unfortunately my meter is not electromechanical, and so cannot turn backwards anymore ;-) so I need to store the amount of electricity I send back to the grid.
I have - more or less - understood lua and dzVents, and everything seems to work except for storing this amount between invocations.

In order to pinpoint the problem, I wrote the following minimal dzVent script:

Code: Select all

return {
    active = true,
    on = {
        ['timer'] = {
            'every minute'
    data = {
                mydata = { initial = 10 },
    execute = function(domoticz)
        print("Old mydata: ")
        mydata = 20
        print("New mydata: "..mydata)
Which should print 10 at the first run, then 20.
But the variable mydata is always nil, as shown in this logfile:

I cleared everything before starting the log.
The first script invocation occurs at line 82
The second invocation occurs at line 159
In both cases, Old mydata is nil

Just in case, the content of domoticzData.lua is available here:

What did I do wrong?


Re: Cannot activate persistent data

Posted: Monday 17 September 2018 19:35
by dannybloe
You should do: print( Look carefully at the examples. Good luck.

Re: Cannot activate persistent data

Posted: Monday 17 September 2018 20:32
by gurzixo
Thanks dannybloe for your quick answer and your kind words.

I modified my script as follows:

Code: Select all

return {
    active = true,
    on = {
        ['timer'] = {
            'every minute'
    data = {
                mydata = { initial = 10 },
    execute = function(domoticz)
        print("Old mydata: ")
        mydata = 20
        print("New mydata: "..mydata)
and got the following:
2018-09-17 19:17:00.099 Status: EventSystem: reset all events...
2018-09-17 19:17:00.104 Status: dzVents: Write file: /home/pi/domoticz/scripts/dzVents/generated_scripts/mydata.lua
2018-09-17 19:17:00.144 Status: Incoming connection from:
2018-09-17 19:17:00.660 Status: dzVents: Old mydata:
2018-09-17 19:17:00.662 Status: dzVents:
2018-09-17 19:17:00.664 Status: dzVents: 10
2018-09-17 19:17:00.665 Status: dzVents: New mydata: 20
2018-09-17 19:18:00.688 Status: dzVents: Old mydata:
2018-09-17 19:18:00.690 Status: dzVents:
2018-09-17 19:18:00.692 Status: dzVents: 10
2018-09-17 19:18:00.694 Status: dzVents: New mydata: 20
So it looks like the persistent data is created when I save the script, but not loaded before script invocation nor saved after...

FYI, I have a file "domoticz/scripts/dzVents/data/__data_mydata.lua" which contains:
-- Persistent Data
local multiRefObjects = {

} -- multiRefObjects
local obj1 = {
["mydata"] = 10;
return obj1
Any ideas?

Re: Cannot activate persistent data

Posted: Monday 17 September 2018 22:15
by dannybloe
Take a close look at the examples please. Follow the right syntax: = 20

Re: Cannot activate persistent data

Posted: Monday 17 September 2018 22:44
by gurzixo
Thanks dannybloe!

Forty years of development, half a million LOC (C, C++ but novice in lua) and still BS in the eyes! you made my day.
You could have added a smiley in your first response as a hint :-)
I was starting to analyse and try to understand self.callEventHandler() ... Nice piece of code!

In the meantime I found here ... to-console a little gem, very useful in debug:

Code: Select all

function dump(o)
   if type(o) == 'table' then
      local s = '{ '
      for k,v in pairs(o) do
         if type(k) ~= 'number' then k = '"'..k..'"' end
         s = s .. '['..k..'] = ' .. dump(v) .. ','
      return s .. '} '
      return tostring(o)
Maybe you could make it available for debugging scripts?

Thanx again!

Re: Cannot activate persistent data

Posted: Tuesday 18 September 2018 6:47
by dannybloe
Well, glad it works and thanks for the compliment :-)
There is a dumpTable function in the code but it is not put on the domoticz object for no obvious reason. I could add it.