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Domoticz fail to compile

Posted: Thursday 16 August 2018 7:15
by Bernhard
I am running the laster version of raspian (strech) on a Rasberry Pi 3. I have downloaded the lastest version of domoticz. When compiling it fails with the following message:

[ 20%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/domoticz.dir/webserver/server.cpp.o
/home/pi/domoticz/webserver/server.cpp: In member function ‘void http::server::server_base::heart_beat(const boost::system::error_co de&)’:
/home/pi/domoticz/webserver/server.cpp:139:21: error: ‘boost::asio::steady_timer {aka class boost::asio::basic_waitable_timer<std::c hrono::_V2::steady_clock>}’ has no member named ‘expires_after’; did you mean ‘expires_at’?
CMakeFiles/domoticz.dir/build.make:5078: receptet för målet ”CMakeFiles/domoticz.dir/webserver/server.cpp.o” misslyckades
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/domoticz.dir/webserver/server.cpp.o] Fel 1
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:72: receptet för målet ”CMakeFiles/domoticz.dir/all” misslyckades
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/domoticz.dir/all] Fel 2
Makefile:149: receptet för målet ”all” misslyckades
make: *** [all] Fel 2
pi@raspberrypi:~/domoticz $

Sorry for the swedish above "receptet för målet" may translate to "recepie for target" and misslyckades with "failed"

Anyone have an idea why this happens?


Re: Domoticz fail to compile

Posted: Thursday 16 August 2018 8:12
by SweetPants
Which boost version do you have installed?

Re: Domoticz fail to compile

Posted: Thursday 16 August 2018 17:35
by Bernhard
Boost version 1.62

Re: Domoticz fail to compile

Posted: Thursday 16 August 2018 18:39
by SweetPants
Bernhard wrote: Thursday 16 August 2018 17:35 Boost version 1.62
Please upgrade first to at least 1.67 or higher
BTW, this is in the instructions ... _Libraries