Lua scripts from Pi to win - not working
Posted: Wednesday 15 August 2018 23:33
My pi crashed, so I installed a backup of the db on a Windows machine I had running. It seems there is some pb with the curl command, is this expected? I tried executing it in a Lua interpreter, and then it works, but not in Domoticz, in the log I just see
The code that's failing in the LUA script is:
The script ran just fine on the pi, and can be run standalone on a different pi machine (without Domoticz).
The code that's failing in the LUA script is:
Code: Select all
local f = assert(io.popen('curl -g -s -k -X "POST" -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -H "User-Agent: SpiderControl/1.0 (iniNet-Solutions GmbH)" --data "<item_list><n>G0.RaumTemp</n><n>G1.RaumTemp</n><n>G2.RaumTemp</n><n>G3.RaumTemp</n><n>G4.RaumTemp</n></item_list>" "" ', 'r'))