Status for heart beats or last seen

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Status for heart beats or last seen

Post by strixx »


What is the actual status for last seen for MySensor sensors?

If I read MySensors heartbeat not handled #1396 it seems that heartBeat() is implemented in Domoticz.
But if I read sendHeartbeat() ? it seems as it is not.

I have a node with 4 different children. V_TEMP, V_HUM, V_TRIPPED, V_STATUS. If I send any of these messages with the same value again, last seen in Domoticz is not changed. If I use the sendHeartbeat() last seen in Domticz still doesn’t change. The V_TRIPPED message is from a motion sensor. I want to be able to see that the sensors is alive even if it hasn’t picked up any movements.

In Domoticz I have a couple of other 433MHz X10 motion sensors on RFXcom433E. These sensors report some kind of heart beat every hour, and Domticz is updating the last seen for these.

As for now I have to write a “dummy” child on my node. That sends a V_STATUS message that alternates every time. Not a very nice solution I think.
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Re: Status for heart beats or last seen

Post by strixx »

Hello again,

So I finally upgraded to 4.9701 and sendHeartbeat() is not working in this version.
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Re: Status for heart beats or last seen

Post by strixx »

Update: It seems as heartbeat works in 4.9701 for sensors presenting them self as S_DOOR, but not for S_MOTION or S_BINARY.
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Re: Status for heart beats or last seen

Post by davegerber »

Where do I discover the Adafruit Unified Sensor library? I'm endeavoring to introduce the Adafruit_BMP280 library and need an instructional exercise and do my project for me.
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