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Blocky script not working any more after update 4.9700

Posted: Friday 10 August 2018 22:01
by madpatrick
I've some Nodon switches with operate some lights with a blocky script.
After the upgrade these switches are not working any more.
I see in the log the switch is operated, but nothing is happening.

Code: Select all

2018-08-10 21:54:51.732 (Zwave USB) Light/Switch (NodOn Button 3)

Re: Blocky script not working any more after update 4.9700

Posted: Saturday 11 August 2018 9:57
by SweetPants
So the Blockly is working but the switch is not. Your tittle says something different. Can you manually switch?

Re: Blocky script not working any more after update 4.9700 [solved]

Posted: Saturday 11 August 2018 18:46
by madpatrick

Everything was working fine. The blocky script was working and the switched were operated by the blocky script.
After the upgrade to 4.9700 the the switches were not operating any more by the script. Manually was working fine.

But, i've found the problem.
Somehow in the settings the events were not set active anymore.
When i put the check mark on active, every thing was working again.

Re: Blocky script not working any more after update 4.9700

Posted: Sunday 12 August 2018 9:20
by SweetPants
Good to hear it is working again. I think you ran into an 'old' bug where the eventsystem was switched off after upgrade. Depending on the version prior to your upgrade to V4.9700, this could well have been your problem. Can you mark this solved?

Re: Blocky script not working any more after update 4.9700

Posted: Thursday 04 October 2018 9:27
by kalinkamaen
I have the same probolem here now. I cant figure out whats the problem. Switch is working in domoticz and motion sensor is detected in domoticz. But my event is not reacting.



Re: Blocky script not working any more after update 4.9700

Posted: Thursday 04 October 2018 19:21
by SweetPants
Was this also after an upgrade? Then check if your events are still enabled (Setttings->settings->Other "EventSystem (Lua/Blockly/Scripts)"

Re: Blocky script not working any more after update 4.9700

Posted: Thursday 04 October 2018 22:09
by kalinkamaen
No it was not directly after update. It happened after a while.


Re: Blocky script not working any more after update 4.9700

Posted: Thursday 04 October 2018 22:30
by kalinkamaen
Why is there difference in setting on my windows 10 computer?
Eventsystem works on this computer.


Re: Blocky script not working any more after update 4.9700

Posted: Friday 05 October 2018 19:32
by kalinkamaen
I have tried to uninstall Domoticz with revo uninstaller and instal it fresh again. Same problem. I cant understand whats doing this. :(

Re: Blocky script not working any more after update 4.9700

Posted: Monday 15 October 2018 22:06
by kalinkamaen
Please help me here.

I have reinstalled fresh windows 10. Blocky worked for +- 5 days. Now its fucked again. I have done nothing.

Re: Blocky script not working any more after update 4.9700

Posted: Tuesday 16 October 2018 8:50
by SweetPants
Please watch your language, it's an international forum. Are you willing to upgrade to the latest Beta?

Re: Blocky script not working any more after update 4.9700

Posted: Tuesday 16 October 2018 9:17
by kalinkamaen
Sorry for my language, i was so frustrated yesterday. I had done alott of work to get it working again.
I did try to update to latest Beta version, but it did not help. I have managed to fix it today. I set Domoticz
back to default Theme. That helped. If you look at the Domoticz theme I used first you had to hook box to disable event in settings <-- This I think should be opposite. I was not able to change this, everytime I saved, it went back to being unhooked.


But on default theme its the opposite. You have to unhook to dissable event and hook box to enable event. Changed theme and deleted cache in chrome and it started working again. I am not sure If this is a bug or not.


Re: Blocky script not working any more after update 4.9700

Posted: Sunday 02 December 2018 19:15
by BBI_home
I also do have a similar situation. I have 2 systems running, 1 is V3.8153 with running events and visual events overview and working blocky mode and a second system running V 4.9700 with event problems. After importing the database from V3.8153 into V4.9700 the old events are running well, but the user interface is not visible. Only some black blocks are visible. I’m also not able to see a list of existing and correct imported and working events. The EventSystem (Lua/Blockly/Scripts) are set correctly. (Both interfaces are running simultaneously with the same browser)

Re: Blocky script not working any more after update 4.9700

Posted: Tuesday 01 January 2019 12:16
by tsf0x13
Unfortunately, after 4-5 hours Blockly scripts has stop working on new system (v. 4.9700)
No errors in Event Log.

Re: Blocky script not working any more after update 4.9700 [solved]

Posted: Tuesday 15 January 2019 5:36
by rinse
madpatrick wrote: Saturday 11 August 2018 18:46 Hi,

Everything was working fine. The blocky script was working and the switched were operated by the blocky script.
After the upgrade to 4.9700 the the switches were not operating any more by the script. Manually was working fine.

But, i've found the problem.
Somehow in the settings the events were not set active anymore.
When i put the check mark on active, every thing was working again.
Thank you! You saved what was just about to be a ruined morning.