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Z-Uno multiple Sensors not seen in Domoticz

Posted: Saturday 04 August 2018 17:14
by Wolfgang
Hello there ,
I'm searching for the solution of following problem in domoticz :
I am using a z-uno device with multiple channels setup :

1 Multilevel-Sensor Distance
1 Multilevel Sensor Tankcapacity
1 Multilevel Sensor General Purpose with Percent Scale

When I connect the device to domoticz the openzwave panel shows the devices as seen below
The attachment openzwave.png is no longer available
but in domotics only 1 multilevel sensor is seen beside the binary switches :
openzwave.png (42.53 KiB) Viewed 635 times
Any suggestions how to fix this problem ?

Regards Wolfgang

Re: Z-Uno multiple Sensors not seen in Domoticz

Posted: Sunday 21 April 2019 18:10
by Ben0it
Hello, I have the same problem using a custom Z-Uno sensor with four channels :
  1. Relative humidity in %
  2. Air temperature in °C
  3. Air PM10 concentration (in µg/m3)
  4. Air PM25 concentration (in µg/m3)
In Domoticz only the first channel (Relative Humidity) is available, no matter how I configure the Z-Wave channels in the sensor (Z-Uno). However in the OpenZWave control pannel, my sensors are seen correctly :
DomoticzMissingChannels.png (23.89 KiB) Viewed 394 times

Is there an XML file (or else) I could possibly update to make these missing channels available in Domoticz devices :?:

Best Regards,