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Re: Problem Xiaomi Xiaofang 1S - Bootloader

Posted: Sunday 29 July 2018 22:34
by dlefol

I've done the process a few weeks ago so I cannot remember exactly what the led is like when finished, but if I remember well, after a while I just unplugged it and removed the SD card as said here in steps 9 and 10 : ...

When the upload had worked I could see the blue led for a couple of seconds as said in step 10, when the upload did not work (happened to me a couple of time because of not following properly the instructions by mistake), the led would not stay blue.

Another thing, make sure that you camera is the version 1s as if it's the older version, you need to use a different hack (see wiki page of domoticz).

Hope this helps

Re: Problem Xiaomi Xiaofang 1S - Bootloader

Posted: Monday 30 July 2018 11:08
by dlefol

I haven't tested on HTTP (port 80) as I'm using it with HTTPS (port 443), however I think the imageURL in both case is: cgi-bin/currentpic.cgi

Re: Problem Xiaomi Xiaofang 1S - Bootloader

Posted: Wednesday 02 January 2019 17:19
by asystems

in my case I can see the preview under https port (443) but this is the only I get. Only the preview. When I click over the camera icon no image is showed. any idea?

Re: Problem Xiaomi Xiaofang 1S - Bootloader

Posted: Wednesday 02 January 2019 17:35
by asystems
It`s the same issue in this post:


Re: Problem Xiaomi Xiaofang 1S - Bootloader

Posted: Saturday 30 March 2019 20:55
by pvklink
Hi ,

I also just bought the Xiaomi XiaoFan. At the back it says chine signs ending with1S and isc5 and seniscs. So i think i have the Xiaomi XiaoFang T20.
firmware is

I formatted a 128kb disk with fat32 and
copied cfw-1.0.bin to the sd and
renamed it to demo.bin.

put in the sd card
Pluged in the power whie clicking on the setup for 10 seconds.
I waited for 3minutes.
power off, sd card out and rebooted... after that is is blinking orange continous

I did this for 8 times, still the same!
anyone an idea?
Like to use this device in domoticz