dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)  [SOLVED]

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dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)

Post by waaren »

@Rembo found the"nnnnAA"&huisnummer="nn""

I created a dzVents script that make use of this site and store the information in a textdevice and an alertdevice. The script makes use of dzVents persistent data to store a copy the json result So if the site is not available for a couple of hours it will use the saved data.

Look at the 10 lines Using dzVents with Domoticz for a short intro to dzVents and howto get this script active in domoticz.

Further description and howto config are in the script.

have Fun !

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--[[ getGarbageDates.lua for [ dzVents >= 2.4 ]

this script is only useful in those  areas of the Netherlands where the HVC group collects household garbage

Enter your zipcode and housenumber in the appropriate place between the lines starting with --++++
Next is to set your virtual text and or virtual alert device.

the text device will contain the most nearby collectdates for the four types of household garbage
the alert device will contain the date and type for the garbagecollecion that will arrive first


return {
    on      =   {   timer           =   { "at 00:05","at 08:00" },   -- daily run twice
                    httpResponses   =   { "getGarbage_Response" }    -- Trigger the handle Json part

--  logging =   {   level     =   domoticz.LOG_DEBUG,              -- Remove the "-- at the beginning of this and next line for debugging the script
--                  marker    =   "collectGarbage"      },

    data    =   {   garbage     = {initial = {} },             -- Keep a copy of last json just in case

    execute = function(dz, triggerObject)

    --++++--------------------- Mandatory: Set your values and device names below this Line --------------------------------------
    local myZipcode     = "3318JZ"
    local myHousenumber = 85
    local myTextDevice  = "GarbageText"       -- Name with quotes or idx without when created as virtual text device
    local myAlertDevice = "GarbageAlert"      -- Name with quotes or idx without when created as virtual alert device
    --++++---------------------------- Set your values and device names above this Line --------------------------------------------

        -- Compose URL and send
        local function collectGarbageDates(secondsFromNow)
            local getGarbage_url  = "" ..
                                    myZipcode .."&huisnummer=" .. myHousenumber
            dz.openURL  ({  url = getGarbage_url ,
                            method = "GET",
                            callback = "getGarbage_Response" }).afterSec(secondsFromNow)

        -- Add entry to log and notify to all subsystems
        local function errorMessage(message)

        local function string2Epoch(dateString) -- seconds from epoch based on stringdate (used by string2Date)
            -- Assuming a date pattern like: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
            local pattern = "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+) (%d+):(%d+):(%d+)"
            local runyear, runmonth, runday, runhour, runminute, runseconds = dateString:match(pattern)
            local convertedTimestamp = os.time({year = runyear, month = runmonth, day = runday, hour = runhour, min = runminute, sec = runseconds})
            return convertedTimestamp

        local function string2Date(str,fmt)             -- convert string from json into datevalue
            if fmt then return,string2Epoch(str)) end
            return" %A %d %B, %Y",string2Epoch(str)):gsub(" 0"," ")

        local function alertLevel(delta)
            if delta < 2 then return dz.ALERTLEVEL_RED end
            if delta < 3 then return dz.ALERTLEVEL_YELLOW end
            if delta < 4 then return dz.ALERTLEVEL_ORANGE end
            return dz.ALERTLEVEL_GREEN

        local function setGarbageAlertDevice(alertDevice,alertText,alertDate)
            local delta = tonumber(string2Date(alertDate,"%d")) - tonumber("%d"))  -- delta in days between today and first garbage collection date
            return (delta == 0)

        local function longGarbageName(str)                                        -- Use descriptive strings
            str = str:gsub("PMD","Plastic verpakkingen, blik en drinkpakken ")
            str = str:gsub("GFT","Groente-, fruit- en tuin afval            ")
            str = str:gsub("PAPIER","Papier en kartonnen verpakkingen          ")
            str = str:gsub("REST","Restafval                                ")
            return str

       local function handleResponse()
            if #triggerObject.json > 0 then
          = triggerObject.json
                rt = triggerObject.json
                errorMessage("Problem with response from hvcgroep (no data) using data from earlier run")
                rt  =                       -- json empty. Get last valid from
                if #rt < 1 then                              -- No valid data in either
                    errorMessage("No previous data. are zipcode and housenumber ok and in HVC group area ?")
                    return false
            local garbageLines = ""
            local typeEarliestDate
            local overallEarliestDate   = "2999-12-31"       -- Hopefully we will have a different garbage collection system by then
            local garbageToday = false

            for i = 1,#rt do                                 -- walk the resulttable
                typeEarliestDate      = "2999-12-31"
                for j = 1,#rt[i].dateTime do                 -- walk the dates subtable

                    if rt[i].dateTime[j].date < typeEarliestDate then -- Keep date closest to today per type
                        typeEarliestDate =  rt[i].dateTime[j].date
                        if  typeEarliestDate < overallEarliestDate then  -- date closest to today overall ?
                            overallEarliestDate = typeEarliestDate      -- keep date
                            overallEarliestType =  rt[i].naam            -- keep date
                        garbageLines = garbageLines .. string2Date(typeEarliestDate,"%a %e %b:  " ) .. longGarbageName(rt[i].naam) .. " " .. "\n"
                        typeEarliestDate = rt[i].dateTime[j].date -- Keep date closest to today


            if myAlertDevice then   -- Update AlertDevice with nearby date / type
                garbageToday = setGarbageAlertDevice(  myAlertDevice,
                                                        longGarbageName(overallEarliestType) .. "\n" ..

            if myTextDevice then       -- Update defined virtual text device with dates / types

            if dz.time.matchesRule("at 08:00-17:00") and garbageToday then
                dz.notify(longGarbageName(overallEarliestType) .. "will be collected today")

        -- Main
        if triggerObject.isHTTPResponse then
            if triggerObject.ok then
                errorMessage("Problem with response from hvcgroep (not ok)")
                collectGarbageDates(600)                            -- response not OK, try again after 10 minutes
Last edited by waaren on Tuesday 18 September 2018 8:16, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates from

Post by remb0 »

really great, I only got:

2018-07-26 18:04:45.942 Status: dzVents: Error (2.4.7): error loading module 'Garbage' from file '/home/pi/domoticz/scripts/dzVents/generated_scripts/Garbage.lua':
2018-07-26 18:04:45.942 ...i/domoticz/scripts/dzVents/generated_scripts/Garbage.lua:96: unexpected symbol near ':'

is there a prerequisite that i don't have?
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates from

Post by waaren »

remb0 wrote: Thursday 26 July 2018 18:05 really great, I only got:

2018-07-26 18:04:45.942 Status: dzVents: Error (2.4.7): error loading module 'Garbage' from file '/home/pi/domoticz/scripts/dzVents/generated_scripts/Garbage.lua':
2018-07-26 18:04:45.942 ...i/domoticz/scripts/dzVents/generated_scripts/Garbage.lua:96: unexpected symbol near ':'

is there a prerequisite that i don't have?
Tested both on dzVents/generated_scripts/ and from ..dzVents/scripts/ on debian stretch with last beta and dzVents 2.4.7 but should also work on other OS / platforms
My line 96 : local overallEarliestDate = "2999-12-31" -- Hopefully we will have a different garbage collection system by then
I don't see a : there. What is your line 96 ?
Can you show your modifications (times / devices / messages ?)
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates from

Post by remb0 »

when copying this line is placed (don't know why!
local typeEarliestDatejavascript: save_block()

but the script works now! wow really nice! thank you very much!
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates from

Post by remb0 »

I made a little article about it. and thanks again!!!
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates from

Post by thecosmicgate »

I recently found this article on the domoticz FB site. And started to implement this to my own domoticz . But at the start i'am stuck :) : we use "Saver" as garbage collector and they didn't show up on the script guide. When I installed the "afval Nederland" application it works on this app.
So how / where can I found the correct input for the dzVents script ?

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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates from

Post by ArieKanarie »

Tried the script too when I saw the FB article, but got problems too :-(

I'm trying to get it work with AlphenaandenRijn, but keep getting this error:

Code: Select all

2018-08-09 10:50:02.762 Status: dzVents: Info: collectGarbage: ------ Start internal script: getGarbageDates: HTTPResponse: "getGarbage_Response"
2018-08-09 10:50:02.800 Status: dzVents: Error (2.4.6): collectGarbage: Problem with response from hvcgroep (no data) using data from earlier run
2018-08-09 10:50:02.800 Status: dzVents: Error (2.4.6): collectGarbage: No previous data. are zipcode and housenumber ok and in HVC group area ?
Edited the script like this:

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--++++--------------------- Mandatory: Set your values and device names below this Line --------------------------------------
local myTextDevice = "<strong>Garbage</strong>" -- Name with quotes or idx without when created as virtual text device
local myAlertDevice = "<strong>GarbageAlert</strong>" -- Name with quotes or idx without when created as virtual alert device
local myBagId = "0499200002034591"
local myYear ="%Y")

-- it can happen that other examples then HVC uses other numbers, change them at line
garbageTypes = {87,112,113}

--++++---------------------------- Set your values and device names above this Line --------------------------------------------

local function collectGarbageDates(secondsFromNow)
local getGarbage_url = "" ..myBagId .. "/kalender/" .. myYear
dz.openURL ({ url = getGarbage_url ,
method = "GET",
The url: https://afvalkalender.alphenaandenrijn. ... ender/2018 is working correct.

Any idea what the problem could be?

In de example script the variable BagID is defined with tags <code></code>, why is that?
If those tags are kept in the code the response is:

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2018-08-09 11:02:04.605 Error: Error opening url:<code>0499200002034591</code>/kalender/2018
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates from

Post by remb0 »

i see that your devices contains html code: <strong>Garbage</strong> so strong must be deleted. maybe somewhere else in the script there is also wrong scripting because of the copy-pasting? I see it was wordpress that changed the code, sorry for that.
also the the bagid: code>
also if i try your url I see dates like: 2018-01-121 121?
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates from

Post by remb0 »

i see that your devices contains html code: <strong>Garbage</strong> so strong must be deleted. maybe somewhere else in the script there is also wrong scripting because of the copy-pasting? I see it was wordpress that changed the code, sorry for that.
also the the bagid: code>
also if i try your url I see dates like: 2018-01-121 121?
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates from

Post by thecosmicgate »

Could somebody help me with the correct items but from the Saver website ?
The guys from saver told me that someway it's working within Dashticz , but I don't use that skin

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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates from

Post by ArieKanarie »

remb0 wrote: Thursday 09 August 2018 17:42 i see that your devices contains html code:
I see it was wordpress that changed the code, sorry for that.
Already thought it was strange, but it was in the instructions so.... :-)
remb0 wrote: Thursday 09 August 2018 17:42 also if i try your url I see dates like: 2018-01-121 121?
Yeah, no idea what the use of that is.
Maybe I could solve that by parsing only first 10 characters or something..
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates from

Post by thecosmicgate »

thecosmicgate wrote:Could somebody help me with the correct items but from the Saver website ?
The guys from saver told me that someway it's working within Dashticz , but I don't use that skin

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Anybody please ? ;)

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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates from

Post by waaren »

thecosmicgate wrote: Thursday 09 August 2018 18:12 Could somebody help me with the correct items but from the Saver website ?
The guys from saver told me that someway it's working within Dashticz , but I don't use that skin

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If you send me a PM with zipcode / housenumber, I will have a look
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates from

Post by waaren »

thecosmicgate wrote: Thursday 09 August 2018 18:12 Could somebody help me with the correct items but from the Saver website ?
The guys from saver told me that someway it's working within Dashticz , but I don't use that skin

Sent from my ONEPLUS A6003 using Tapatalk
Saver is using quite a different interface to the garbage collection data for the locations they serve. I modified the script in such a way that it works for some garbage collector companies / locations that are using
Could you try the script below and report back your findings ?

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--[[ getGarbageDates.lua for [ dzVents >= 2.4 ]

this script is only useful in those  areas of the Netherlands where the household garbage collector is connected to

Enter your zipcode and housenumber in the appropriate place between the lines starting with --++++
Next is to set your virtual text and or virtual alert device.

the text device will contain the most nearby collectdates for the four types of household garbage
the alert device will contain the date and type for the garbagecollecion that will arrive first


return {
        on      =  { timer           =  { "at 00:05","at 08:00" },   -- daily run twice
    --  on      =  { timer           =  {"every 1 minutes"},         -- During test / debug (only one "on =" line can be active ) 
    --  on      =  { timer           =  {"never"},                   -- To deactivate 
                     httpResponses   =  { "getGarbage_Response" }    -- Trigger the handle Json part

--  logging =   {   level     =   domoticz.LOG_DEBUG,              -- Remove the "-- at the beginning of this and next line for debugging the script
--                  marker    =   "collectGarbage"      },

    data    =   {   garbage     = {initial = {} },             -- Keep a copy of last json just in case

    execute = function(dz, triggerObject)

        --++++--------------------- Mandatory: Set your values and device names below this Line --------------------------------------
        local myZipcode     = "nnnntt"            -- Your zipcode like "3085RA"
        local myHousenumber =  nn                 -- Your housenumber like 38
        local myTextDevice  = "GarbageText"       -- Name with quotes or idx without when created as virtual text device
        local myAlertDevice = "GarbageAlert"      -- Name with quotes or idx without when created as virtual alert device
        --++++---------------------------- Set your values and device names above this Line --------------------------------------------

        local myYear ="%Y")
        garbageTypes  = {"restafval","gft","papier","plastic"}

        local function collectGarbageDates(secondsFromNow)
            local getGarbage_url  = ""  .. 
                                    myZipcode .. "&street=&huisnummer=" .. 
                                    myHousenumber .. "&toevoeging" 
            dz.openURL  ({  url = getGarbage_url ,
                            method = "GET",
                            callback = "getGarbage_Response" }).afterSec(secondsFromNow)

        -- Add entry to log and notify to all subsystems
        local function errorMessage(message)

        local function string2Epoch(dateString) -- seconds from epoch based on stringdate (used by string2Date)
            -- Assuming a date pattern like: yyyy-mm-dd
            local pattern = "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)"
            local runyear, runmonth, runday= dateString:match(pattern)
            local convertedTimestamp = os.time({year = runyear, month = runmonth, day = runday})
            return convertedTimestamp

        local function string2Date(str,fmt)             -- convert string from json into datevalue
            if fmt then return,string2Epoch(str)) end
            return" %A %d %B, %Y",string2Epoch(str))

        local function alertLevel(delta)
            if delta < 2 then return dz.ALERTLEVEL_RED end
            if delta < 3 then return dz.ALERTLEVEL_YELLOW end
            if delta < 4 then return dz.ALERTLEVEL_ORANGE end
            return dz.ALERTLEVEL_GREEN

        local function setGarbageAlertDevice(alertDevice,alertText,alertDate)
            local delta = tonumber(string2Date(alertDate,"%d")) - tonumber("%d"))  -- delta in days between today and first garbage collection date
            dz.log("\nalertLevel: " .. alertLevel(delta) .. ", alertText: " .. alertText,dz.LOG_DEBUG)
            return (delta == 0)

        local function longGarbageName(str)                                        -- Use descriptive strings
            str = tostring(str)
            str = str:gsub("plastic","  Plastic verpakkingen, blik en drinkpakken ")
            str = str:gsub("gft","  Groente-, fruit- en tuin afval            ")
            str = str:gsub("papier","  Papier en kartonnen verpakkingen          ")
            str = str:gsub("restafval" ,"  Restafval                                ")
            return str

       local function handleResponse()
            triggerObject.json = dz.utils.fromJSON(         -- dzVents does nor recognize the response as pure JSON so conversion is required
            if #triggerObject.json < 1 then
          =      -- Store this part in 
                rt =                      -- and in table
               errorMessage("Problem with response (no data) using data from earlier run")
               rt  =                       -- json empty. Get last valid from
               if #rt < 1 then                              -- No valid data in either
                  errorMessage("No previous data. are zipcode and housenumber ok and in afvalkalender ?")
                  return false
            local garbageLines = ""
            local typeEarliestDate
            local overallEarliestDate   = "2999-12-31"       -- Hopefully we will have a different garbage collection system by then
            local garbageToday = false
            local today ="%Y-%m-%d")
            for i = 1,#garbageTypes do --walk the the type Table
                typeEarliestDate      = "2999-12-31"
                for j = 1,#rt do                                 -- walk the response table
                    dz.log(rt[j].date .. ": " .. rt[j].type,dz.LOG_DEBUG)        
                    if  rt[j].date >= today and rt[j].date < typeEarliestDate and 
                        rt[j].type == garbageTypes[i] then              -- Keep date closest to today per type
                        typeEarliestDate =  rt[j].date
                        if  typeEarliestDate < overallEarliestDate then  -- date closest to today overall ?
                            overallEarliestDate = typeEarliestDate      -- keep date
                            overallEarliestType =  garbageTypes[i]            -- keep type
                        garbageLines = garbageLines .. string2Date(typeEarliestDate,"%a %e %b" ) .. longGarbageName(rt[j].type) .. " " .. "\n"
                        typeEarliestDate = rt[j].date  -- Keep date closest to today


            if myAlertDevice then   -- Update AlertDevice with nearby date / type
                garbageToday = setGarbageAlertDevice(  myAlertDevice,
                                                        longGarbageName(overallEarliestType) .. "\n" ..

            if myTextDevice then       -- Update defined virtual text device with dates / types
                dz.log("\n" .. garbageLines,dz.LOG_DEBUG)

            if dz.time.matchesRule("at 08:00-17:00") and garbageToday then
                dz.notify(longGarbageName(overallEarliestType) .. "will be collected today")

        -- Main
        if triggerObject.isHTTPResponse then
            if triggerObject.ok then
                errorMessage("Problem with response (not ok)")
                collectGarbageDates(600)                            -- response not OK, try again after 10 minutes
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates from

Post by Superpjeter »

Nice script, but it does not work for my garage collector, I am getting: "Problem with response from hvcgroep …."
My garbage collector is Circulus-Berkel and I am using url
The response I get when I am put it in a browser with my address is is a little different then from the hvcgroep url
I am not familiar with json and don’t know how to solve this.

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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates from

Post by waaren »

Superpjeter wrote: Wednesday 29 August 2018 14:40 Nice script, but it does not work for my garage collector, I am getting: "Problem with response from hvcgroep …."
My garbage collector is Circulus-Berkel and I am using url
The response I get when I am put it in a browser with my address is is a little different then from the hvcgroep url
I am not familiar with json and don’t know how to solve this.
If you give me the bagid you use I will take a look. Could take a while though as I am travelling.
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates from

Post by Superpjeter »

Thanks for your offer but I already figured it out
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates from

Post by waaren »

Superpjeter wrote: Tuesday 11 September 2018 19:42 Thanks for your offer but I already figured it out
Good to read. Can you please share your solution for the benefit of other forum users ?
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates from

Post by Huntback »

Hi Superpjeter,
we also use here
do you want to share the solution for the script with us?
thank you in advance :)
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates from

Post by Huntback »

waaren wrote: Tuesday 11 September 2018 21:24
Superpjeter wrote: Tuesday 11 September 2018 19:42 Thanks for your offer but I already figured it out
Good to read. Can you please share your solution for the benefit of other forum users ?
Hello waaren,
Unfortunately Superpjeter is not responding
So would you please, if you have time for it, take a to look at the script so that this can also work for
My BagId = "0200200000024867"
Thanks in advance.
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