dzVents get garbage collection dates (various) [SOLVED]
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)
Never mind. It worked without an additional notification.
Sent from my MI 6 using Tapatalk
Sent from my MI 6 using Tapatalk
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)
I would like to extend the notification to once around 18:30 on the day before the actual pick-up of the garbage. However I don't see where (actually to which) to compare a variable like garbareTomorrow and do a simple check.
Or would it make more sense to compare it in a seperate script and against the alertdevice for example?
Making use of: Raspbian(SSD), dz Beta, Woonveilig, Z-Wave(alarm+multi-sensor), RFLink(blinds), P1, Yeelight, Xiaomi temp sensors, Tasmota(SonoFF, Blitzwolf SHP2, Shelly1)
- waaren
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)
If you can send me the script via PM as you use it now I will have a look.
Debian buster, bullseye on RPI-4, Intel NUC.
dz Beta, Z-Wave, RFLink, RFXtrx433e, P1, Youless, Hue, Yeelight, Xiaomi, MQTT
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dz Beta, Z-Wave, RFLink, RFXtrx433e, P1, Youless, Hue, Yeelight, Xiaomi, MQTT
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)
Some more fun: Let the Hue light flash in the colour of the garbage bin that is collected that day, when coming home from morning walk.
I use a different script (if you are interested, I'll post it) for setting the user variables for the number of days until next collection and the type of bin.
I use a different script (if you are interested, I'll post it) for setting the user variables for the number of days until next collection and the type of bin.
Code: Select all
return {
on = {
devices = {
logging = {
level = domoticz.LOG_INFO,
marker = "SvdP-proximity"
execute = function(domoticz, triggeredItem)
local Time = require('Time')
local Now = Time().hour + (Time().minutes)/100
domoticz.log('Het is ongeveer ' .. Now .. ' uur',LOG_INFO)
local lmsURL = 'http://' .. domoticz.variables('LMS_IP').value .. ':' .. domoticz.variables('LMS_TCPPort').value .. '/status.html?'
if (Now < 6) then timeOfDay = 'nacht'
elseif (Now < 12) then timeOfDay = 'ochtend'
elseif (Now < 18) then timeOfDay = 'middag'
else timeOfDay = 'avond'
domoticz.log('Het is nu ' .. timeOfDay,LOG_INFO)
if ( then
if (timeOfDay == 'ochtend') then
if (domoticz.variables('Dagen_tot_ROVA_inzameling').value == 0) then -- Als de Container vandaag opgehaald wordt dan
domoticz.log('Vandaag wordt de ' .. domoticz.variables('Eerstvolgende_Container').value .. ' opgehaald',LOG_INFO) -- de lampen in de juiste kleur knipperen
if (domoticz.variables('Eerstvolgende_Container').value == 'GFT') then
domoticz.devices('Hue Group Woonkamer').setRGB(11, 244, 11)
elseif (domoticz.variables('Eerstvolgende_Container').value == 'PAPIER') then
domoticz.devices('Hue Group Woonkamer').setRGB(11, 11, 255)
elseif (domoticz.variables('Eerstvolgende_Container').value == 'PLASTICPLUS') then
domoticz.devices('Hue Group Woonkamer').setRGB(140, 140, 170)
domoticz.devices('Hue Group Woonkamer').switchOff().afterSec(1)
domoticz.devices('Hue Group Woonkamer').switchOn().forSec(2).repeatAfterSec(2, 30)
- Running LMS, Domoticz and Dashticz on a windows 11 laptop.
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- LMS (11 players) / Hue (26 lights, 2 switches) / Z-wave (14 devices) / Toon (unrooted) / Chromecast
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)
Great idea! I'm using another script for RD4 and I was wondering if this is also possible with the RD4 script?stephanvdplas wrote: ↑Tuesday 05 March 2019 21:57 Some more fun: Let the Hue light flash in the colour of the garbage bin that is collected that day, when coming home from morning walk.
I use a different script (if you are interested, I'll post it) for setting the user variables for the number of days until next collection and the type of bin.
Code: Select all
return { on = { devices = { 'Ste_Thuis' } }, logging = { level = domoticz.LOG_INFO, marker = "SvdP-proximity" }, execute = function(domoticz, triggeredItem) local Time = require('Time') local Now = Time().hour + (Time().minutes)/100 domoticz.log('Het is ongeveer ' .. Now .. ' uur',LOG_INFO) local lmsURL = 'http://' .. domoticz.variables('LMS_IP').value .. ':' .. domoticz.variables('LMS_TCPPort').value .. '/status.html?' if (Now < 6) then timeOfDay = 'nacht' elseif (Now < 12) then timeOfDay = 'ochtend' elseif (Now < 18) then timeOfDay = 'middag' else timeOfDay = 'avond' end domoticz.log('Het is nu ' .. timeOfDay,LOG_INFO) if ( then if (timeOfDay == 'ochtend') then -- HERE SOME OTHER CODE OF STUFF THAT IS TRIGGERED DAILY -- if (domoticz.variables('Dagen_tot_ROVA_inzameling').value == 0) then -- Als de Container vandaag opgehaald wordt dan domoticz.log('Vandaag wordt de ' .. domoticz.variables('Eerstvolgende_Container').value .. ' opgehaald',LOG_INFO) -- de lampen in de juiste kleur knipperen if (domoticz.variables('Eerstvolgende_Container').value == 'GFT') then domoticz.devices('Hue Group Woonkamer').setRGB(11, 244, 11) elseif (domoticz.variables('Eerstvolgende_Container').value == 'PAPIER') then domoticz.devices('Hue Group Woonkamer').setRGB(11, 11, 255) elseif (domoticz.variables('Eerstvolgende_Container').value == 'PLASTICPLUS') then domoticz.devices('Hue Group Woonkamer').setRGB(140, 140, 170) end domoticz.devices('Hue Group Woonkamer').switchOff().afterSec(1) domoticz.devices('Hue Group Woonkamer').switchOn().forSec(2).repeatAfterSec(2, 30) end end end end } ... imburg-rd4
Does anyone know this or can anybody help me?
Raspberry Pi 4 With Domoticz - RFXCom - Tuya Wifi LED lights - Chuango Alarm - Zwave+ - Zigbee2MQTT - Anna Thermostat - Broadlink IR, P1 - Eufy Robo Vacuum - Worx Robo Mower
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)
I'm a happy user of this script but it's seems like the rova api changed.waaren wrote: ↑Thursday 08 November 2018 12:32Please have a look at the script below.delcara wrote: ↑Wednesday 07 November 2018 11:24 I'm trying to create a script to get garbage collection dates from ROVA. I've discovered how to get the dates through a curl command. But I've no idea how to translate this to a dzVents script. I've just started with DzVents and have now translated all my blockly to DzVents (relatively simple scripts to control lights etc.). Can you help to translate this curl command to a DzVents script?
I tried to translate the curl command into a domoticz.openUrl but I failed in finding the working syntax (the cookie table seems to mess up the openUrl internally). If someone else has found a solution for this I would be much obliged if that solution could be shared here.
So had to use the curl command itself. To ensure that a wait time for the JSON return would not stall the event thread, the command is processed in the background and the script will come back every couple of seconds to check if it is already there.
(In practice I have not seen that the return have taken more then 2 seconds, but just to be sure)
Code: Select all
--[[ getGarbage.lua for [ dzVents >= 2.4 ] this script is only useful in those areas of the Netherlands where the household garbage collector is rova Tested on debian stretch but probably also working on other Linux variants. needs curl command needs to be able to process commands in the background ( by using leading &) Enter your zipcode, housenumber and garbageID in the appropriate places between the lines starting with -- *** Next is to set your virtual text and or virtual alert device. the text device will contain the most nearby collectdates for the types of household garbage the alert device will contain the date and type for the garbagecollection that will arrive first notification system will be called when collect will be today ]]-- return { on = { timer = { "at 00:05","at 08:00" }, -- daily run twice devices = { "getGarbage" }, -- Ignore just for test httpResponses = { "delay_Response" }, -- (re)triggers the script }, logging = { level = domoticz.LOG_DEBUG , -- Change to ERROR when script is behaving as expected marker = ""}, -- Will be set in execute = function block data = { delay = { initial = 0 }, }, execute = function(dz, item, info) -- ************************* Mandatory: Set your values and device names below this Line local myZipcode = "0000AA" -- Your zipcode like "3085RA" local myHousenumber = "99" -- Your housenumber like 38 local myGarbageID = "9999999" -- Your GarbageID local myTextDevice = "GarbageText" -- Name with quotes or idx without when created as virtual text device local myAlertDevice = "GarbageAlert" -- Name with quotes or idx without when created as virtual alert device -- **************************************************************** No changes required below this local initialDelay = 2 local repeatDelay = 10 local maxDelay = 60 local outFile = "/tmp/garbageCollectionDates.json" local catCommand = "cat" local garbageToday = false _G.logMarker = info.scriptName -- sets the logmarker for dz.log local function logWrite(str,level) dz.log(str,level or dz.LOG_DEBUG) end local function alertLevel(delta) if delta < 2 then return dz.ALERTLEVEL_RED end if delta < 3 then return dz.ALERTLEVEL_YELLOW end if delta < 4 then return dz.ALERTLEVEL_ORANGE end return dz.ALERTLEVEL_GREEN end local function setGarbageAlertDevice(alertDevice,alertText, delta) dz.devices(alertDevice).updateAlertSensor(alertLevel(delta),alertText) return (delta == 0) end local function longGarbageName(str) -- Use descriptive strings str = tostring(str) str = str:gsub("PMD"," Plastic verpakkingen, blik en drinkpakken ") str = str:gsub("GFT"," Groente-, fruit- en tuin afval ") str = str:gsub("Restafval" ," Restafval ") return str end local function retriggerAfterSec(seconds) dz.openURL({ url = dz.settings['Domoticz url'] .. "/json.htm?type=command¶m=getversion", method = "GET", callback = "delay_Response" }).afterSec(seconds) end local function osCommand(cmd) local fileHandle = assert(io.popen(cmd, 'r')) local commandOutput = assert(fileHandle:read('*a')) local returnTable = {fileHandle:close()} return commandOutput,returnTable[3] -- rc[3] contains returnCode end function makeTimeStamp(dateString) local pattern = "(%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)T(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)" local xyear, xmonth, xday, xhour, xminute, xseconds = dateString:match(pattern) local convertedTimestamp = os.time({year = xyear, month = xmonth, day = xday, hour = xhour, min = xminute, sec = xseconds}) return convertedTimestamp end local function procesJSON(resultJSON) keep = {} rt = dz.utils.fromJSON(resultJSON) local today ="%Y-%m-%d") local garbageLines = "" local earliestDate = "2999-12-31" -- Hopefully we will have a different garbage collection system by then for i = 1,#rt do local fmtDate =" %A %d %B, %Y", makeTimeStamp(rt[i].Date)) if rt[i].Date >= today and rt[i].Date < earliestDate then fmtDate =" %A %d %B, %Y", makeTimeStamp(rt[i].Date)) keep.Date = rt[i].Date keep.fmtDate = fmtDate keep.GarbageType = longGarbageName(rt[i].GarbageType) earliestDate = rt[i].Date end garbageLines = garbageLines .. fmtDate .. longGarbageName(rt[i].GarbageType) .. " " .. "\n" end if myTextDevice then -- Update defined virtual text device with dates / types dz.devices(myTextDevice).updateText(garbageLines) end if myAlertDevice then -- Update AlertDevice with nearby date / type local delta ="%d",tonumber(makeTimeStamp(keep.Date))) -"%d") garbageToday = setGarbageAlertDevice( myAlertDevice, keep.GarbageType .. "\n" .. keep.fmtDate, delta ) end if dz.time.matchesRule("at 08:00-17:00") and garbageToday then dz.notify(keep.GarbageType .. "will be collected today") end end local function triggerCurlInBackGround() local curlCommand = "curl -v --cookie" local curlCookie = 'RovaLc_inwoners={' .. '\\"Id\\":' .. myGarbageID .. ',' .. '\\"ZipCode\\":\\"' .. myZipcode .. '\\",' .. '\\"HouseNumber\\":\\"' .. myHousenumber .. '\\"}' local curlHTTP = "" local backGround = " & " -- We don't want the script to wait for the result so process curl in background getGarbageCollectionDatesCommand = curlCommand .. " " .. curlCookie .. " " .. curlHTTP .. " > " .. outFile .. backGround osCommand(getGarbageCollectionDatesCommand) end local function waitForAndProcessResult() local result, returnCode = osCommand(catCommand .. " " .. outFile) -- is the output there ? if returnCode == 0 then -- Yes -- logWrite(result) osCommand("rm " .. outFile) procesJSON(result) else -- Not yet. Come back in repeatDelay seconds logWrite("No result yet") = + repeatDelay -- Keep track of the delays if > maxDelay then logWrite("We are waiting > maxDelay seconds for the result. Giving up now",dz.LOG_ERROR) else retriggerAfterSec(repeatDelay) end end end -- main if item.isDevice or item.isTimer then triggerCurlInBackGround() retriggerAfterSec(initialDelay) -- We will come back in initialDelay seconds to check if output has already arrived = initialDelay else waitForAndProcessResult() end end }
The api is only showing the future collections days, so on the collection day what is being is not longer showed.
This causes the notications no longer to work.
I hope anyone has an idea on how to fix this.
- waaren
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)
If you send me a DM with your settings (see above) I will try to fix it.annegerben wrote: ↑Friday 14 February 2020 9:08 I hope anyone has an idea on how to fix this.Code: Select all
local myZipcode = "0000AA" -- Your zipcode like "3085RA" local myHousenumber = "99" -- Your housenumber like 38 local myGarbageID = "9999999" -- Your GarbageID
Debian buster, bullseye on RPI-4, Intel NUC.
dz Beta, Z-Wave, RFLink, RFXtrx433e, P1, Youless, Hue, Yeelight, Xiaomi, MQTT
==>> dzVents wiki
dz Beta, Z-Wave, RFLink, RFXtrx433e, P1, Youless, Hue, Yeelight, Xiaomi, MQTT
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)
The new version does allow for shelling your own command at notification time, so should make this possible as well in my scripts.dheuts wrote: ↑Tuesday 07 May 2019 20:52
Great idea! I'm using another script for RD4 and I was wondering if this is also possible with the RD4 script? ... imburg-rd4
Does anyone know this or can anybody help me?
New Garbage collection scripts:
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)
Below the updated script for, All credits go to waaren.
- adjusted to new api to keep showing collection type on collection day.
- Papier & Karton added as collection type.
- adjusted to new api to keep showing collection type on collection day.
- Papier & Karton added as collection type.
Code: Select all
--[[ getGarbage.lua for [ dzVents >= 2.4 ]
this script is only useful in those areas of the Netherlands where the household garbage collector is rova
Tested on debian stretch but probably also working on other Linux variants.
needs curl command
needs to be able to process commands in the background ( by using leading &)
Enter your zipcode, housenumber and garbageID in the appropriate places between the lines starting with -- ***
Next is to set your virtual text and or virtual alert device.
the text device will contain the most nearby collectdates for the types of household garbage
the alert device will contain the date and type for the garbagecollection that will arrive first
notification system will be called when collect will be today
on =
timer = { 'at 00:05','at 08:00' }, -- daily run twice
devices = { 'getGarbage' }, -- Ignore just for test
httpResponses = { 'delay_Response' }, -- (re)triggers the script
logging =
level = domoticz.LOG_DEBUG , -- Change to ERROR when script is behaving as expected
marker = ''}, -- Will be set in execute = function block
data =
delay = { initial = 0 },
garbage = { initial = {} },
execute = function(dz, item, info)
-- ************************* Mandatory: Set your values and device names below this Line
local myZipcode = '3085RA' -- Your zipcode like '3085RA'
local myHousenumber = '38' -- Your housenumber like 38
local myGarbageID = '9999999' -- Your GarbageID
local myTextDevice = 'GarbageText' -- Name with quotes or idx without when created as virtual text device
local myAlertDevice = 'GarbageAlert' -- Name with quotes or idx without when created as virtual alert device
-- **************************************************************** No changes required below this
local initialDelay = 2
local repeatDelay = 10
local maxDelay = 60
local outFile = '/tmp/garbageCollectionDates.json'
local catCommand = 'cat'
_G.logMarker = info.scriptName -- sets the logmarker for dz.log
local function logWrite(str, level)
dz.log(str, level or dz.LOG_DEBUG)
local function alertLevel(delta)
if delta < 2 then return dz.ALERTLEVEL_RED end
if delta < 3 then return dz.ALERTLEVEL_YELLOW end
if delta < 4 then return dz.ALERTLEVEL_ORANGE end
local function setGarbageAlertDevice(alertDevice,alertText, delta)
local function longGarbageName(str) -- Use descriptive strings
str = tostring(str)
str = str:gsub('PMD',' Plastic verpakkingen, blik en drinkpakken ')
str = str:gsub('GFT',' Groente-, fruit- en tuin afval ')
str = str:gsub('Restafval' ,' Restafval ')
str = str:gsub('Papier',' Papier en karton ')
return str
local function retriggerAfterSec(seconds)
url = dz.settings['Domoticz url'] .. '/json.htm?type=command¶m=getversion',
method = 'GET',
callback = 'delay_Response'
local function osCommand(cmd)
local fileHandle = assert(io.popen(cmd, 'r'))
local commandOutput = assert(fileHandle:read('*a'))
local returnTable = {fileHandle:close()}
return commandOutput,returnTable[3] -- rc[3] contains returnCode
function makeTimeStamp(dateString)
local pattern = '(%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)T(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)'
local xyear, xmonth, xday, xhour, xminute, xseconds = dateString:match(pattern)
local convertedTimestamp = os.time({year = xyear, month = xmonth, day = xday, hour = xhour, min = xminute, sec = xseconds})
return convertedTimestamp
local function updatePersistent(resultJSON)
local rt = dz.utils.fromJSON(resultJSON)
for i = 1,#rt do
local timeStamp = makeTimeStamp(rt[i].Date)
local garbageType = rt[i].GarbageType
if[garbageType] == nil or[garbageType] >= timeStamp then[garbageType] = timeStamp
local function updateSensors()
local garbageLines = {}
local garbageStamps = {}
local garbageNotify
local alertLines = {}
local textLines = ''
local todayBegin = makeTimeStamp(dz.time.rawDate .. 'T00:00:00')
local lowest = 2^32
for garbageType, timeStamp in pairs( do
if timeStamp >= todayBegin then
table.insert(garbageStamps, timeStamp )
local garbageName = longGarbageName(garbageType)
garbageLines[timeStamp] =' %A %d %B %Y', timeStamp ) .. garbageName
if timeStamp < lowest then
garbageNotify = garbageName
lowest = timeStamp
alertLines[timeStamp] = garbageName .. '\n' ..' %A %d %B, %Y', timeStamp )
else[garbageType] = nil
local delta ='%d',garbageStamps[1]) -'%d')
for _, timeStamp in ipairs(garbageStamps) do
textLines = textLines .. garbageLines[timeStamp] .. '\n'
if myTextDevice then -- Update defined virtual text device with dates / types
if myAlertDevice then -- Update AlertDevice with nearby date / type
setGarbageAlertDevice( myAlertDevice, alertLines[garbageStamps[1]], delta )
if delta == 0 then
return garbageNotify
local function triggerCurlInBackGround()
local curlCommand = 'curl -v --cookie'
local curlCookie = 'RovaLc_inwoners={' ..
'\\"Id\\":' .. myGarbageID .. ',' ..
'\\"ZipCode\\":\\"' .. myZipcode .. '\\",' ..
'\\"HouseNumber\\":\\"' .. myHousenumber .. '\\"}'
local curlHTTP = ''
local backGround = ' & ' -- We don't want the script to wait for the result so process curl in background
getGarbageCollectionDatesCommand = curlCommand .. ' ' .. curlCookie .. ' ' .. curlHTTP .. ' > ' .. outFile .. backGround
local function waitForAndProcessResult()
local result, returnCode = osCommand(catCommand .. ' ' .. outFile) -- is the output there ?
if returnCode == 0 then -- Yes
osCommand('rm ' .. outFile)
return true
else -- Not yet. Come back in repeatDelay seconds
logWrite('No result yet') = + repeatDelay -- Keep track of the delays
if > maxDelay then
logWrite('Waiting > maxDelay seconds for the result. Giving up now',dz.LOG_ERROR)
local function notifyToday(garbageType)
if dz.time.matchesRule('at 08:00-17:00') and garbageType then
dz.notify('Garbage alert',garbageType .. 'will be collected today')
-- main
if item.isDevice or item.isTimer then
retriggerAfterSec(initialDelay) -- We will come back in initialDelay seconds to check if output has already arrived = initialDelay
if waitForAndProcessResult() then
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)
Thanks for the great example waaren! It didn't work for me at first though (I got errors on invalid dates that I later found to be because no data was found), so I made "some" changes to the script. It should work on exactly the same devices as the original: if you've got your domoticz set up for the original script, you can simply disable that script and create a temporary new script in which you paste this altered version to test it. If you do so unaltered it'll give you an alert for when our king needs to put out the trash bin at Huis ten Bosch
. But it's probably more fun to put in your own provider, postcode and home number to get alerts for your own home address
What I did in this version:
edit: removed preliminary version now superseded by the one in the next posting.

What I did in this version:
- added a lot of error checking,
- added automatic retrieval of the available types
- added automatic retrieval of you "bagid"
- added automatically selecting available types
- added caching type and bagid information
edit: removed preliminary version now superseded by the one in the next posting.
Last edited by rrozema on Saturday 21 March 2020 10:14, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)
Maybe I went a little over the top with this. But... this is my final version that everyone should be able to use. After you've created the both devices, put below script in a dzvents script, fill in your postcode and number and the rest is automatic: If your address is in the area of one of the providers in the list, the dates will be retrieved and updated.
@waaren: how do you like this provider selection mechanism with next() 
- Added automatic selection of the provider
- alert icon is normally gray, green one day before collection day, red on collection day.
- devices are only updated if their content differs
- corrected program flow in case of any errors
Code: Select all
--[[ getGarbageDates.lua for [ dzVents >= 2.4 ]
This script is only useful in those areas of the Netherlands where the HVC group collects household garbage
Enter your zipcode and housenumber in the appropriate place between the lines starting with --++++
Next is to set your virtual text and or virtual alert device.
the text device will contain the most nearby collectdates for the four types of household garbage
the alert device will contain the date and type for the garbagecollecion that will arrive first
Ga naar de volgende url in de browser, waarbij je de juiste url voor jouw afvalverwerker kiest, en postcode en huisnummer wijzigd.
de output die je krijgt te zien bevat een bagId wat je later nodig hebt.
Dit bagId wordt gebruikt in de volgende URLs:
Ophaaldagen: <<replace bagId
De ophaaldagen gebruiken ID's om aan te geven welk afvaltype het betreft.
Informatie over deze afvaltypes kan opgehaald worden via: <<replace bagId
--++++--------------------- Mandatory: Set your values and device names below this Line -------------------------------------
local ZIPCODE = "1234AB" -- postcode, no space between 4 digits and 2 letters!
local NUMBER = "123" -- huisnummer
local TEXT_DEVICE_NAME = "Garbage"
local ALERT_DEVICE_NAME = "GarbageAlert"
--++++---------------------------- Set your values and device names above this Line -----------------------------------------
local GETBAGID = "getBagId_Response"
local GETTYPES = "getTypes_Response"
local GETDATES = "getGarbage_Response"
local provider_list = {
["Cyclus NV"] = "",
["HVC"] = "",
["Dar"] = "",
["Afvalvrij"] = "",
["Meerlanden"] = "",
["Cure"] = "",
["Avalex"] = "",
["RMN"] = "",
["Venray"] = "",
["Den Haag"] = "",
["Berkelland"] = "",
["Alphen aan den Rijn"] = "",
["Waalre"] = "",
["ZRD"] = "",
["Spaarnelanden"] = "",
--["Montfoort"] = "", -- url no longer available?
["GAD"] = "",
["Cranendonck"] = ""
return {
on = {
timer = {
"at 00:01",
"at 05:00"
-- 'every 1 minutes'
httpResponses = {
GETDATES, -- Trigger reading garbage collection schema
GETTYPES, -- Trigger reading afvalstromen
-- logging = {
-- level = domoticz.LOG_INFO, -- Remove the "-- at the beginning of this and next line for debugging the script
-- marker = "collectGarbage"
-- },
data = {
code = {initial = nil},
bagId = {initial = nil},
types = {initial = nil},
garbage = {initial = {}},
provider = {initial = nil}
}, -- Keep a copy of last json just in case
execute = function(dz, triggerObject)
local myCode = ZIPCODE .. "-" .. NUMBER
-- Build a get request for a specified trigger type
-- and send it after secondsFromNow.
local function request_Response( triggerName, secondsFromNow)
local url = nil
if GETDATES == triggerName then
local myYear ="%Y")
url = provider_list[] .. "/rest/adressen/" .. .. "/kalender/" .. myYear
--dz.log( "request dates from " .. .. ". url = " .. url .. ".", dz.LOG_INFO )
elseif GETTYPES == triggerName then
url = provider_list[] .. "/rest/adressen/" .. .. "/afvalstromen"
--dz.log( "request types from " .. .. ". url = " .. url .. ".", dz.LOG_INFO )
elseif GETBAGID == triggerName then
url = provider_list[] .. "/rest/adressen/" .. myCode
--dz.log( "request bagid from " .. .. ". url = " .. url .. ".", dz.LOG_INFO )
dz.log( "Unknown trigger " .. triggerName .. " in request_Response.", dz.LOG_ERROR)
if nil ~= url then
dz.openURL (
url = url,
method = "GET",
callback = triggerName
-- Response to a types request
local function handleTypesJSON( rt )
if nil ~= rt and #rt > 0 then
local types = {}
for j = 1, #rt do
types[tostring(rt[j].id)] = rt[j].title
end = types
dz.log( "No types list received from " .. .. ".", dz.LOG_WARNING ) = nil
return (nil ~=
-- Response to a bagid request
local function handleBagIdJSON( rt )
if nil ~= rt and #rt > 0 then = tostring(rt[1].bagId) = myCode
dz.log( "Got bagId " .. .. " for your address from provider " .. .. ".", dz.LOG_INFO )
dz.log( "No bagId received from " .. .. ".", dz.LOG_WARNING ) = nil
return (nil ~=
local function string2Epoch(dateString) -- seconds from epoch based on stringdate (used by string2Date)
-- Assuming a date pattern like: yyyy-mm-dd
local pattern = "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)"
local runyear, runmonth, runday= dateString:match(pattern)
local convertedTimestamp = os.time({year = runyear, month = runmonth, day = runday})
return convertedTimestamp
local function string2Date(str,fmt) -- convert string from json into datevalue
if fmt then
return" %A %d %B, %Y",string2Epoch(str))
local function alertLevel(delta)
if delta < 1 then return dz.ALERTLEVEL_RED end
if delta < 2 then return dz.ALERTLEVEL_ORANGE end
if delta < 3 then return dz.ALERTLEVEL_GREEN end
local function setGarbageAlertDevice(alertDeviceName,alertText,alertDate)
local delta = tonumber(string2Date(alertDate,"%d")) - tonumber("%d")) -- delta in days between today and first garbage collection date
local alert_device = dz.devices( alertDeviceName )
if nil ~= alert_device then
if nil == alertText then
alertText = "<no information available>"
local color = alertLevel(delta)
if alertText ~= alert_device.text or color ~= alert_device.color then
alert_device.updateAlertSensor( color, alertText )
return (delta == 0)
-- Handle response to dates request.
local function handleGarbageJSON( rt )
if nil ~= rt and #rt > 0 then = rt
elseif nil ~= and > 0 then
rt =
dz.log("Problem with received response (no data). Re-using data from previous run.", dz.LOG_WARNING)
dz.log("Problem with received response (no data) and no previous data is available.", dz.LOG_ERROR)
return false
local garbageLines
local typeEarliestDate
local overallEarliestDate = nil -- Hopefully we will have a different garbage collection system by then
local garbageToday = false
local today ="%Y-%m-%d")
local results = {}
local unknown = {}
-- Find the first date for each type.
for j = 1, #rt do
if[tostring(rt[j].afvalstroom_id)] and rt[j].ophaaldatum >= today then
local r = results[tostring(rt[j].afvalstroom_id)]
if r == nil or rt[j].ophaaldatum < r then
results[tostring(rt[j].afvalstroom_id)] = rt[j].ophaaldatum
if overallEarliestDate == nil or overallEarliestDate > rt[j].ophaaldatum then
overallEarliestDate = rt[j].ophaaldatum
overallEarliestType = tostring(rt[j].afvalstroom_id)
unknown[tostring(rt[j].afvalstroom_id)] = true
-- if we've found at least one value ...
if overallEarliestDate then
-- ... build the lines for the text device.
-- TODO: sort these lines by date, smallest first.
garbageLines = ""
for i, v in pairs( do
if results[i] then
garbageLines = garbageLines .. string2Date(results[i],"%a %e %b" ) .. " : " ..[i] .. "\n"
garbageLines = "<No information available>"
-- Plus, update the Alert device with the first upcoming collection date.
if overallEarliestDate then -- Update AlertDevice with nearest date and its type.
garbageToday = setGarbageAlertDevice(
ALERT_DEVICE_NAME,[overallEarliestType] .. "\n" .. string2Date(overallEarliestDate),
garbageToday = false
local text_device = dz.devices(TEXT_DEVICE_NAME)
if text_device then -- Update defined virtual text device with dates / types
if garbageLines ~= text_device.text then
if dz.time.matchesRule("at 05:00-10:00") and garbageToday then
if overallEarliestType and[overallEarliestType] then
dz.notify([overallEarliestType] .. " will be collected today")
return true
-- Main
if triggerObject.isTimer then
-- If we have a nil bagId, a nil provider or the address has changed,
-- get the first provider from our list and call it's url to see if we
-- get a bagid for our zipcode + number.
if nil == or nil == or ~= myCode then
-- Get the first provider from the provider_list., _ = next( provider_list, nil )
if nil ~= then
request_Response( GETBAGID, 1)
dz.log( "Sorry, we can't get your garbage collection dates, the provider list seems to be empty.", dz.LOG_ERROR )
-- If we don't have a valid types list, get one now.
elseif nil == then
request_Response( GETTYPES, 1 )
-- If we have everything we need, get the dates.
request_Response( GETDATES, 1 )
elseif triggerObject.isHTTPResponse then
if triggerObject.ok then
if GETDATES == triggerObject.trigger then
if handleGarbageJSON( triggerObject.json ) then
dz.log( "Done collecting dates for your address from " .. .. ".", dz.LOG_ERROR )
-- Try again with the next provider from the provider_list., _ = next( provider_list, )
if nil ~= then
request_Response( GETBAGID, 1)
dz.log( "Sorry, none of the providers in our list has dates for your address.", dz.LOG_ERROR )
elseif GETTYPES == triggerObject.trigger then
if handleTypesJSON( triggerObject.json ) then
-- Now that we have a types list, get the dates.
request_Response( GETDATES, 1 )
-- Try again with the next provider from the provider_list., _ = next( provider_list, )
if nil ~= then
request_Response( GETBAGID, 1)
dz.log( "Sorry, none of the providers in our list has dates for your address.", dz.LOG_ERROR )
elseif GETBAGID == triggerObject.trigger then
if handleBagIdJSON( triggerObject.json ) then
-- Now that we have a bagid, get the types list.
request_Response( GETTYPES, 1 )
-- Try again with the next provider from the provider_list., _ = next( provider_list, )
if nil ~= then
request_Response( GETBAGID, 1)
dz.log( "Sorry, none of the providers in our list has dates for your address.", dz.LOG_ERROR )
dz.log( "Unknown trigger " .. triggerObject.trigger .. " in handle_Response.", dz.LOG_ERROR)
-- Try again with the next provider from the provider_list., _ = next( provider_list, )
if nil ~= then
request_Response( GETBAGID, 1)
dz.log( "Sorry, none of the providers in our list has dates for your address.", dz.LOG_ERROR )

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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)
I used get garbage collection for a long time, but I think something has changed with Cure. Cannot get a BagId anymore. Tried the new script but also not successful. The site seems to have changed to
Anyone else have the same problems/solution?
Anyone else have the same problems/solution?
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)
It looks like is a generic site from the same company that created the search engines for many of the garbage collection companies in the Netherlands. Anyone here who knows how the original url's -like the ones I have in the top of script- were found? So we can find more to add to the list?hjzwiers wrote: ↑Saturday 21 March 2020 13:14 I used get garbage collection for a long time, but I think something has changed with Cure. Cannot get a BagId anymore. Tried the new script but also not successful. The site seems to have changed to
Anyone else have the same problems/solution?
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)
I can reach the page with all collection info through but then all the data is defiend in klasses. I tried adapting your script but without success
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)
Yes, but that is the link for the completely rendered page. In the back-end there are most likely other calls to retrieve the information as was used by our scripts. It's just that the calls to those pages are done by the webserver, not our web client, so we can't see the addresses used for these REST calls. This is why I asked how the original list of urls got compiled: my guess is that they were found by monitoring the calls from some app in a mobile device, but I don't know how to do that, so I can't get at more urls.hjzwiers wrote: ↑Tuesday 31 March 2020 21:18 I can reach the page with all collection info through but then all the data is defiend in klasses. I tried adapting your script but without success
- Posts: 327
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)
I think mijnafvalwijzer works a little different.
The URL for the json is:
Haven't look a lot further yet.
The URL for the json is:
Code: Select all
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)
Mmm, this url does give back a lot of data, but that's not proper Json as far as I can see.
*** Edit ** after looking again, I see It does provide a Json array with the days the garbage will be collected, but also an huge load of other non relevant info ***
** Edit 2 ** With this regex I can isolate only the Afhaaldagen:
Now only to get this in a good DzVents script 
*** Edit ** after looking again, I see It does provide a Json array with the days the garbage will be collected, but also an huge load of other non relevant info ***
** Edit 2 ** With this regex I can isolate only the Afhaaldagen:
Code: Select all

- HansieNL
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)
@waaren What is the latest dzvents script for MijnAfvalwijzer?
Blah blah blah
- waaren
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Re: dzVents get garbage collection dates (various)
Below is the latest one I made. No idea if it still works (I don't use it myself) but should not be very hard to get it to work if mijnAfvalwijzer stil returns something that looks like a JSON.
Code: Select all
--[[ getGarbageDates.lua for [ dzVents >= 2.4 ]
this script is only useful in those areas of the Netherlands where the household garbage collector is connected to
Enter your zipcode and housenumber in the appropriate place between the lines starting with --++++
Next is to set your virtual text and or virtual alert device.
the text device will contain the most nearby collectdates for the four types of household garbage
the alert device will contain the date and type for the garbagecollecion that will arrive first
return {
on = { timer = { "at 00:05","at 08:00" }, -- daily run twice
devices = { "Garbage" }, -- Only for test purposes can be ignored
httpResponses = { "getGarbage_Response" } -- Trigger the handle Json part
logging = { level = domoticz.LOG_DEBUG,
marker = "collectGarbage" },
data = { garbage = { initial = {} }, -- Keep a copy of last json just in case
lastStartline = { initial = 1 },
lastEndline = { initial = 1000 },
execute = function(dz, triggerObject)
--++++--------------------- Mandatory: Set your values and device names below this Line --------------------------------------
local myZipcode = "3085RA" -- Your zipcode like "3085RA"
local myHousenumber = 38 -- Your housenumber like 38
local myTextDevice = "GarbageText" -- Name with quotes or idx without when created as virtual text device
local myAlertDevice = "GarbageAlert" -- Name with quotes or idx without when created as virtual alert device
--++++---------------------------- Set your values and device names above this Line --------------------------------------------
local myYear ="%Y")
garbageTypes = {"restafval","gft","papier","plastic"}
local function collectGarbageDates(secondsFromNow)
local getGarbage_url = "" ..
myZipcode .. "&street=&huisnummer=" ..
myHousenumber .. "&toevoeging"
dz.openURL ({ url = getGarbage_url ,
method = "GET",
callback = "getGarbage_Response" }).afterSec(secondsFromNow)
-- Add entry to log and notify to all subsystems
local function errorMessage(message)
local function string2Epoch(dateString) -- seconds from epoch based on stringdate (used by string2Date)
-- Assuming a date pattern like: yyyy-mm-dd
local pattern = "(%d+)-(%d+)-(%d+)"
local runyear, runmonth, runday= dateString:match(pattern)
local convertedTimestamp = os.time({year = runyear, month = runmonth, day = runday})
return convertedTimestamp
local function string2Date(str,fmt) -- convert string from json into datevalue
if fmt then return,string2Epoch(str)) end
return" %A %d %B, %Y",string2Epoch(str))
local function alertLevel(delta)
if delta < 2 then return dz.ALERTLEVEL_RED end
if delta < 3 then return dz.ALERTLEVEL_YELLOW end
if delta < 4 then return dz.ALERTLEVEL_ORANGE end
local function setGarbageAlertDevice(alertDevice,alertText,alertDate)
local delta = tonumber(string2Date(alertDate,"%d")) - tonumber("%d")) -- delta in days between today and first garbage collection date
dz.log("\nalertLevel: " .. alertLevel(delta) .. ", alertText: " .. alertText,dz.LOG_DEBUG)
return (delta == 0)
local function longGarbageName(str) -- Use descriptive strings
str = tostring(str)
str = str:gsub("plastic"," Plastic verpakkingen, blik en drinkpakken ")
str = str:gsub("gft"," Groente-, fruit- en tuin afval ")
str = str:gsub("papier"," Papier en kartonnen verpakkingen ")
str = str:gsub("restafval" ," Restafval ")
return str
local function handleResponse()
triggerObject.json = dz.utils.fromJSON( -- dzVents does nor recognize the response as pure JSON so conversion is required
if #triggerObject.json < 1 then = -- Store this part in
rt = -- and in table
errorMessage("Problem with response (no data) using data from earlier run")
rt = -- json empty. Get last valid from
if #rt < 1 then -- No valid data in either
errorMessage("No previous data. are zipcode and housenumber ok and in afvalkalender ?")
return false
local lastEndline = 1000
if ~= 1 then
lastEndline = + 10
local garbageLines = ""
local typeEarliestDate
local overallEarliestDate = "2999-12-31" -- Hopefully we will have a different garbage collection system by then
local garbageToday = false
local today ="%Y-%m-%d")
for i = 1,#garbageTypes do --walk the the type Table
typeEarliestDate = "2999-12-31"
for j =,math.min(#rt,lastEndline) do -- walk the response table
dz.log(rt[j].date .. ": " .. rt[j].type,dz.LOG_DEBUG)
if rt[j].date >= today and rt[j].date < typeEarliestDate and
rt[j].type == garbageTypes[i] then -- Keep date closest to today per type
typeEarliestDate = rt[j].date
if typeEarliestDate < overallEarliestDate then -- date closest to today overall ?
overallEarliestDate = typeEarliestDate -- keep date
overallEarliestType = garbageTypes[i] -- keep type = j
garbageLines = garbageLines .. string2Date(typeEarliestDate,"%a %e %b" ) .. longGarbageName(rt[j].type) .. " " .. "\n"
typeEarliestDate = rt[j].date -- Keep date closest to today
if myAlertDevice then -- Update AlertDevice with nearby date / type
garbageToday = setGarbageAlertDevice( myAlertDevice,
longGarbageName(overallEarliestType) .. "\n" ..
if myTextDevice then -- Update defined virtual text device with dates / types
dz.log("\n" .. garbageLines,dz.LOG_DEBUG)
if dz.time.matchesRule("at 08:00-17:00") and garbageToday then
dz.notify(longGarbageName(overallEarliestType) .. "will be collected today")
-- Main
if triggerObject.isHTTPResponse then
if triggerObject.ok then
errorMessage("Problem with response from hvcgroep (not ok)")
--collectGarbageDates(600) -- response not OK, try again after 10 minutes
Debian buster, bullseye on RPI-4, Intel NUC.
dz Beta, Z-Wave, RFLink, RFXtrx433e, P1, Youless, Hue, Yeelight, Xiaomi, MQTT
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dz Beta, Z-Wave, RFLink, RFXtrx433e, P1, Youless, Hue, Yeelight, Xiaomi, MQTT
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