OpenZWave command via curl

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OpenZWave command via curl

Post by hamster »

Trying to figure out how to tell openzwave to 'test & heal' a node via curl. See screenshot for what I'm talking about. It shows the ozw control panel in domoticz.

I found this post, which partially explains it, but it tells how to set a function on a node, not how to execute a command on the controller itself.

If you're wondering "why," it's because I have an RGBW controller that will only get used during holidays for outdoor lighting, so I turn it off otherwise to save power. When I turn it back on, test & heal is the only thing I've found that works to bring the node out of the "dead" state immediately.

Let me know if I can give any more info to help solve.
testheal.png (52.81 KiB) Viewed 3566 times
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Re: OpenZWave command via curl

Post by hamster »

After posting I was able to figure it out. I'll leave it here for anyone searching later.

In domoticz/www/ozwcp/cp.js you can find all the functions. I ended up doing:

Code: Select all

curl -d "fun=test&num=9&cnt=1" -X POST
for reviving the node after i power on the device and

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curl -d "fun=refreshnode&node=9" -X POST
for refreshing the node after powering it off, so ozw will mark it dead again and not attempt to route through it.
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Re: OpenZWave command via curl

Post by user4563 »

Thank you for posting this, it's exactly what I need in my dzVents script I'm putting together. It's still the only thing to bring back a dead node.
If others need this in dzVents, make the call like this:

Code: Select all

                    url = '',
                    method = 'POST',
                    postData = "fun=test&num=38&cnt=1"
The Content-Type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded but the dzVents docs only show the format for Content-Type: application/json which is different and will fail.
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