Domoticz DS18B20 and solid state relays on PC

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Domoticz DS18B20 and solid state relays on PC

Post by PDP8 »


I've been using Domoticz on a Pi for a while for controlling the temperature on a chilling machine.
But after a month or so it crashes... Reboot the Pi and it runs again for a while... It's not stable

So I want to replace the Pi with a PC. But I've been using hardware directly
on the GPIO of the Pi. Are there hardware PC interfaces supported as well?

I want to use wired interfaces, not wireless. Arduino maybe?
Are there standard modules for it to interface with Domoticz on a PC?

I want to use the DS18B20 and a few solid state relays.

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Domoticz DS18B20 and solid state relays on PC

Post by jake »

Quite a step to move to such overrated hardware to hopefully avoid a software error.
Crashing every month is not normal. Have you been able to review the log of domoticz? Is the rpi crashing, or just domoticz?
As an intermediate solution, you can always add a Cron job to reboot your pi once a day at night, or once a week
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Re: Domoticz DS18B20 and solid state relays on PC

Post by PDP8 »

I know it is a big step, but to be honest I want to do more than just get rid of the unstable Pi.

Why it is crashing is not clear to me. Linux is still running but the Domoticz server crashes.
You can't access the webpage anymore and the scripts stop to run. The solid state outputs
go low so the chilling stops as well... Quite annoying...

I can remotely login trough Putty and reset the Pi. Then it runs fine again for a while...
The Pi is an older model (model 1B) and quite slow.

But I want to add a touchscreen monitor as well. And not that standard small 7" device
but I prefer something like 10". So I want to try to get it running in a PC so I can use an
industrial touchscreen PC or an Windows/Ubuntu tablet.

But that sensor and solid state relays might be a problem to connect to a PC.
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Re: Domoticz DS18B20 and solid state relays on PC

Post by jake »

I used a pi1b for 2 years. It is fast enough to run domoticz. Please have a look on the wiki page how to enable logging in domoticz. When your pi is still up after a crash, you can see why domoticz crashed on you. Since it is domoticz crashing, it possibly will do the same on a pc?
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Re: Domoticz DS18B20 and solid state relays on PC

Post by PDP8 »

Where can I find the logging to see what happened to Domoticz when it crashes?
I'm not sure what happens, but if it crashes, the webpage can't be reached and
the scripts stopped working.

For now I've upgraded to a Pi 3 with a brand new SD card.

But I really would like to know if there is supported I/O hardware for use on a PC.
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Re: Domoticz DS18B20 and solid state relays on PC

Post by emme »

you'd better move to a NodeMCU + MQTT + 1Wire? total cost around 8€
I'm using such solution for control my Central Heating System pipes and works quite well

Before I tried mySensors framework, but I had a lot of communication problems between nodes and gateway
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Re: Domoticz DS18B20 and solid state relays on PC

Post by PDP8 »

Thanks, Can I use that NodeMCU also wired to the PC and not using RF?
There is a lot of electronics here and I want to prevent dropouts or interference...

Edit: I see the NodeMCU is a sort of Arduino with WiFi. Just want
something directly wired to the PC if that is possible...
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Re: Domoticz DS18B20 and solid state relays on PC

Post by emme »

there are few solution even as GPIO and also some usb gateways for 1wire
but I do have NO experience on those

those are just examples ... =1wire+usb

and ... log-inputs

you maybe can find something googleing "USB GPIO" and "USB 1WIRE" ;)
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Re: Domoticz DS18B20 and solid state relays on PC

Post by PDP8 »

That MySensors triggered me! Thanks!

Now I've got an Arduino Uno running directly trough USB.
I've disabled the radio in the MySensors code and the serial
output is enabled so the gateway runs over USB comport now.
On the Arduino uno runs a piece of code for the temperature sensor also...

All wires now, directly on USB! And Domoticz likes it! 8-)
MySensors.jpg (109.41 KiB) Viewed 779 times
I've just got another Uno running the Digital outputs. My next step is to
figure out how I can merge the code so I can use just one Arduino.

To be honest, for now I'm glad that I've tried to switch over to a PC. The interface
is very fast compared to my old Pi. And that MySensors looks promising as well...

On the Pi I've tried several webcams with poor results. Most are not
recognised in Linux... I hope this will go better on a PC too...

To be continued...

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