Today i started whit my zigate, i choose for the version whit wifi.
The assembly is easy.
A small manual about How did i do the setup (maybe it is not the correct way, but it worked).
First check the versions Domoticz must be version 3.87xx or higher.
Python must be version 3.4 or higher.
Which version Python version is installed?:
- Open putty and make a SSH connection whit your raspberry pi
- Give the command: python3 -V
- It will respond whit your python version.
how to install Python (if necessary):
- Open putty and make a SSH connection whit your raspberry pi
- Give the command: sudo apt install python3
- Python will be installed
***Add Zigate plugin to domoticz***
- Open putty and make a SSH connection whit your raspberry pi
- Go to the plugin directory, by command: cd domoticz/plugins
- Give the command: git clone
- When the clone is done, give the command: sudo /etc/init.d/ restart
- Domoticz will restart
Do a check: Go to setup-->hardware.
In the pull-down menu "type", the zigate plugin is added
***Update the Zigate***
- Open putty and make a SSH connection whit your raspberry pi
- Go to the plugin directory, by command: cd domoticz/plugins/Domoticz-Zigate
- Give the command: git pull
- When done, give the command: sudo /etc/init.d/ restart
- Domoticz will restart
***Zigate wifi gateway setup***
- Connect the gateway to a powerconnection
- Search the SSID whit a wifi device. SSID name = "Zigate-XXXX". The XXXX are the last 4 digits of the mac address
- Login on the SSID. The password is "adminXXXX". The XXXX are the last 4 digits of the mac address
- Open a browser and connect to
- The setup page will open, fill in the data. WATCH OUT, no DHCP possible. Needs to be a fixt IP address
- When ready, click on SAVE
Go to domoticz browser. To setup-->hardware
Add the zigate and fill in all the data. Port number needs to be 9999
Default the channel is on 11. But there are zigbee devices which don't work with that number. I changed it to 13 and no problems.
When added in domoticz. Go to the LOG page to check is the zigate is ready.
Now you are ready to connect devices.
At the first moment i had problems adding devices. I cound't find the paring mode.
Don't know if i did i right, i putt the zigate debug mode from NONE to CONNECTIONS ONLY.
After that i could connect the device.
Have fun whit it
The only thing i discovered and need a look over.
I also have the xiaomu gateway. All devices connected whit that gateway also gives a battery voltage.
Whit the zigate i only have the switch function, but not a battery voltage.
I hope to find how the zigate can give that information. Can be usefull when the battery is empty, to send automatically an e-mail