Tado Thermostat plugin

For heating/cooling related questions in Domoticz

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Tado Thermostat plugin

Post by dotms »

As of recently Tado support is available in the development versions of Domoticz.

In order to keep the feedback a bit channeled I created this topic to collect issues and suggestions.

This plugin is based on the my.tado.com web application. Unfortunately Tado does not offer an official API so all functionality is using the unofficial API. Subsequently this can result in things breaking if Tado decides to change things around. Let's hope they don't and will eventually provide a stable API (it's on their roadmap after all).

Current features implemented:
  • Zone setpoint
  • Zone temperature/humidity
  • Zone away
  • Zone Heating On (is zone currently being heated)
  • Zone heating power %
  • Zone heating enabled (is zone allowed to turn on heating)
  • Zone manual setpoint override (turn off only)
This plugin is currently in development (by me) and I'm trying to figure out what features/use cases would make sense and which don't.

Note that I work on this plugin quite irregularly so there might be some time without (meaningful) responses or between plugin updates.
Last edited by dotms on Friday 11 May 2018 21:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tado Thermostat plugin

Post by dotms »

rjblake@github wrote:really appreciate your effort and work on this. I 'turned it on' yesterday and working well. In looking to replace my PHP script, wondered if you would consider the following enhancements:

Away indicator - change from switch to alert. Also with additional parameter for proximity (currently I have these as Home, Close and Away)
Outside temperature - since Tado already reports this, it is possibly one less call to Wunderground or OpenWeather
Away: I'll see if I can implement something that provides the actual status. Switch to alert wouldn't be too useful though imho, unsure what it would add. If you want to respond to status changes I'd suggest you use blockly or lua to act on a device event.

Outside temperature: should be doable. I think I saw this coming along with some other information in certain API responses.
Last edited by dotms on Monday 30 April 2018 20:54, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tado Thermostat plugin

Post by rjblake »

Thanks for all your hard work and brilliant that you picked this up. The changes/suggestions I made are not critical in any way, but perhaps some logic as follows:

Away Indicator - having this as an alert allows for simple logic to be used on status changes and more importantly allows for more than an On/Off status (e.g. if from Away to Close, it'll know you're heading in the direction of home) and can act on that as a different action. Can also be done in dzVents or Lua programs). Also, regards setting proximity, this comes from the API "/api/v2/homes/<homeID>/users" and the "relativeDistanceFromHomeFence"

Outside Temp/Weather - this comes from the "/api/v2/homes/<homeID>/weather" API response. It'll return the following (for example):

Code: Select all

	"solarIntensity": {
		"type": "PERCENTAGE",
		"percentage": 6.50,
		"timestamp": "2018-04-30T17:52:26.384Z"
	"outsideTemperature": {
		"celsius": 7.49,
		"fahrenheit": 45.48,
		"timestamp": "2018-04-30T17:52:26.384Z",
		"type": "TEMPERATURE",
		"precision": {
			"celsius": 0.01,
			"fahrenheit": 0.01
	"weatherState": {
		"type": "WEATHER_STATE",
		"value": "DRIZZLE",
		"timestamp": "2018-04-30T17:52:26.384Z"
From what I've seen, the following 'Weather_State' can be returned (not sure if this is complete):

night_clear, night_cloudy, cloudy, cloudy_mostly, cloudy_partly, foggy, drizzle, scattered_rain, rain, snow, thunderstorms, sun, windy,
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Re: Tado Thermostat plugin

Post by dotms »

Thank you, this is helpful. I'll take a look at it when I get the chance.

Also in the works is implementing a setting where the override mode when changing the setpoint for a zone (schedule/timer/ until manually ended) can be configured.
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Re: Tado Thermostat plugin

Post by pnieuwla »

Strange. I can see tado as hardware in the list and can select it, but when I click 'add' the tado is not added as hardware. Any other item I select is added succesfully. I am running v3.9379
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Re: Tado Thermostat plugin

Post by Onrust »

dotms wrote: Monday 30 April 2018 19:04 As of recently Tado support is available in the development versions of Domoticz.
I assume you're saying it's available in the beta release, right? Or is a development version something else? :oops:
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Re: Tado Thermostat plugin

Post by dotms »

I'm not entirely sure what defines a beta release. I was referring to the git development branch (which may very well be the same thing).
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Re: Tado Thermostat plugin

Post by Onrust »

Just decided to update my Domoticz test system to the latest beta an yes, it appears to be 'Tado enabled'! :D So this is really really cool! Thnx for creating this!
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Re: Tado Thermostat plugin

Post by manutremo »

Plugin installed on my Domoticz over Synology and working perfect over here! Available for testing :D
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Re: Tado Thermostat plugin

Post by markk »

Hi. I just updated to the latest beta and added the Tado hardware on my windows test machine, added my my.tado.com details but no data is received. I get this error in the log:
2018-05-12 23:21:16.569 Tado: StartHardware() called.
2018-05-12 23:21:16.570 Tado: Init() called.
2018-05-12 23:21:16.571 Tado: Worker started. Will poll every 30 seconds.
2018-05-12 23:21:21.790 Tado: Attempting login.
2018-05-12 23:21:22.026 Tado: Retrieved webapp environment from API.
2018-05-12 23:21:22.566 Error: Tado: GetAuthToken: Received token is zero length.

Any idea what might be wrong please?
Running Domoticz on Pi3 with RFXtrx433e. LWRF power sockets and dimmer switches. Integrated my existing wirefree alarm PIRs and door contacts with domoticz. Geofencing with Pilot. Harmony Hub. Tado for Heating. Now playing with mysensors.
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Re: Tado Thermostat plugin

Post by dotms »

Since you got the environment data from My Tado it shows that your Domoticz installation is able to access the internet.

Getting this error either means that Tado has an issue or authentication is failing. Can you please double check that your username/password is correct (no spaces or line feeds leading or trailing). Do you happen to have any special characters in your password which might get sent incorrectly?
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Re: Tado Thermostat plugin

Post by markk »

So sorry, schoolboy error, I did have a digit wrong in my password :oops:

I've now corrected this and all the devices from my Tado heating and two Tado cooling devices have been found and added to Domoticz. thanks for this. i'll have a play with this over the next few days.
Running Domoticz on Pi3 with RFXtrx433e. LWRF power sockets and dimmer switches. Integrated my existing wirefree alarm PIRs and door contacts with domoticz. Geofencing with Pilot. Harmony Hub. Tado for Heating. Now playing with mysensors.
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Re: Tado Thermostat plugin

Post by Onrust »

Despite the higher temps these days I have been testing this plugin and it seems to be working very nicely.

One request though: When I set 'Heating enabled' to Off, it goes into 'Until next automatic change' (in Dutch: 'Tot de volgende automatische verandering'). It would be nice to be able to set it to 'Until ended by user' or any of the other modes manually from within Domoticz. Otherwise it starts to follow my heating schedule again during the evening, which might lead to a heated living room in the morning. Nice in winter, but totally unnecessary in summer, even if temperature drops below 20 or so.
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Re: Tado Thermostat plugin

Post by dotms »

@Onrust: I agree. In some cases the scheduling mode that is currently hardcoded in the plugin is not desirable. The difficulty is that I cannot just say "leave it as is". When setting a new setpoint I am required to specify one of the modes (schedule/until manually ended/timer). For the initial release I opted for schedule.

I'm planning on implementing this as a configurable switch.
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Re: Tado Thermostat plugin

Post by Onrust »

dotms wrote: Tuesday 22 May 2018 12:15 I'm planning on implementing this as a configurable switch.
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Re: Tado Thermostat plugin

Post by Jabes »

I ditched my tado heating, but have it controlling my ACs in my house. The temperature/humidity devices seem to work and correspond to my evohome devices in the same room. My AC devices seem to have been picked up as a "lighting 2" type "heating enabled", but I've just added them to switches to see if this corresponds to the on/off - assuming we have a hot day soon!
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Re: Tado Thermostat plugin

Post by dotms »

Happy to hear if they work correctly. As I do not have the luxury of a Tado-controlled cooling system I'm curious how it will work in practice :)
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Re: Tado Thermostat plugin

Post by Jabes »

Air conditioning on/off switch logging doesn't appear to be working (ie I can't see when it is turning on/off through a switch). I can add you as a user to my tado account if this would help? Or anything else I can do to debug this?
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Re: Tado Thermostat plugin

Post by Jabes »

Looking at this further, I guess you aren't able to see when the device is actually on/off as that isn't revealed in the web interface.
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Re: Tado Thermostat plugin

Post by gcannar »

pnieuwla wrote: Sunday 06 May 2018 22:34 Strange. I can see tado as hardware in the list and can select it, but when I click 'add' the tado is not added as hardware. Any other item I select is added succesfully. I am running v3.9379
Same thing to me...looking deep i see that in my domoticz/config/ there is no Tad plugin folder...

Any clues?

Thanks. G.
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