I've built an OTGW with LAN-interface, and when I connected it yesterday, it worked like a charm! However, somewhere during the night, it got in an error, and this morning it didn't work anymore. I restarted the OTGW (unplug and replug the power cable), and sudo-rebooted my RPi. It looked as if it was up again, as the thermostat showed an outside temperature again. This disappeared quickly however, and now it doesn't respond to anything anymore.
The strange thing is: when I look in the Log-tab in Domoticz, I see a lot of communication with the OTGW. Just a small selection (mind you: this is just 12 seconds):
Code: Select all
2018-04-10 18:14:01.499 OTGW: T10010A00
2018-04-10 18:14:01.499 OTGW: BD0010A00
2018-04-10 18:14:01.499 OTGW: T80190000
2018-04-10 18:14:02.499 OTGW: B401938F8
2018-04-10 18:14:02.499 OTGW: T80000200
2018-04-10 18:14:02.499 OTGW: B40000200
2018-04-10 18:14:02.499 OTGW: T80000200
2018-04-10 18:14:03.499 OTGW: B40000200
2018-04-10 18:14:03.499 OTGW: T80000200
2018-04-10 18:14:03.499 OTGW: B40000200
2018-04-10 18:14:04.500 OTGW: T80000200
2018-04-10 18:14:04.500 OTGW: B40000200
2018-04-10 18:14:04.500 OTGW: T80384100
2018-04-10 18:14:04.500 OTGW: B40384100
2018-04-10 18:14:05.500 OTGW: T00395A00
2018-04-10 18:14:05.500 OTGW: BF0390000
2018-04-10 18:14:05.500 OTGW: AC0395A00
2018-04-10 18:14:05.500 OTGW: T10010A00
2018-04-10 18:14:05.500 OTGW: BD0010A00
2018-04-10 18:14:06.500 OTGW: T80000200
2018-04-10 18:14:06.501 OTGW: B40000200
2018-04-10 18:14:06.501 OTGW: T80190000
2018-04-10 18:14:07.501 OTGW: B4019390A
2018-04-10 18:14:07.501 OTGW: T80000200
2018-04-10 18:14:07.501 OTGW: B40000200
2018-04-10 18:14:07.501 OTGW: T80000200
2018-04-10 18:14:08.501 OTGW: B40000200
2018-04-10 18:14:08.501 OTGW: T80000200
2018-04-10 18:14:08.501 OTGW: B40000200
2018-04-10 18:14:09.502 OTGW: T00110000
2018-04-10 18:14:09.502 OTGW: BC0110000
2018-04-10 18:14:09.502 OTGW: T80000200
2018-04-10 18:14:09.502 OTGW: B40000200
2018-04-10 18:14:10.502 OTGW: T80000200
2018-04-10 18:14:10.502 OTGW: B40000200
2018-04-10 18:14:10.502 OTGW: T10010A00
2018-04-10 18:14:10.502 OTGW: BD0010A00
2018-04-10 18:14:11.502 OTGW: T80000200
2018-04-10 18:14:11.503 OTGW: B40000200
2018-04-10 18:14:11.503 OTGW: T80190000
2018-04-10 18:14:12.503 OTGW: B40193911
2018-04-10 18:14:12.503 OTGW: T00120000
2018-04-10 18:14:12.503 OTGW: B4012010F
2018-04-10 18:14:12.503 OTGW: T80000200
Code: Select all
2018-04-10 18:13:45.710 OTGW: Setting Room SetPoint to: 15.0
2018-04-10 18:13:45.714 (OpenTherm Gateway) Thermostat (Thermostaat)
2018-04-10 18:13:46.490 OTGW: OE
2018-04-10 18:13:46.490 OTGW: PR: OpenTherm Gateway 4.2.5
The log does not show any errors when I click that tab. The log was however cleaned when I rebooted the RPi (It's on a RAM-drive, and I didn't think of saving it first...).
Anybody any idea what it could be, or where I can look into further details?
The room temperature graph also shows hickups during the night: The room temperature-block in the dashboard shows 0 degrees Celcius, and has a red header. It states the temperature wasn't seen since 7:54 this morning (which is about the time I also got it to show a outside temperature very shortly)