Honeywell Lyric Thermostat

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Re: Honeywell Lyric Thermostat

Post by devguy »

I've finished my changes and did some testing yesterday. I'm going to submit the pull request to the dev team later today. As soon as they accept my changes the Honeywell thermostat improvements will become public in the next beta.

- Configure the API key instead of the default embedded one
- Fixed some bugs in the OAuth2 handling
- Added a new device for the equipment state
- Added a new device 'away' (based on geofencing)

Once in a while (about every 12-24 hours) the Honeywelll server is still responding with a 401 (Authorization required). I don't know why because the authorization token is valid. Anyway, it's much better compared to the version included in the stable release of Domoticz.
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Re: Honeywell Lyric Thermostat

Post by daniellee »

THanks, but I'm using Domoticz on my Synology NAS and the latest version is V3.8153. So there is nog type of Honeywell, unfortunately. So I have to wait I guess. Or do you have a suggestion?
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Re: Honeywell Lyric Thermostat

Post by Saughassy »

I bought a T6R but the plugin seems to be unusable at the moment. I cant see the t6r's sensors, and as an on off switch.

(Im using latest build of Domoticz on a Synology NAS.)

After this fix would be nice a status monitoring. I'd like to see when and how long my boiler works.

Thanks for your efforts.
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Re: Honeywell Lyric Thermostat

Post by MikeF »

Does anybody know if the Honeywell T6 Lyric can be used 'locally', i.e., without the need to connect to a remote server?
- given that it operates over WiFi, is supported in Domoticz, and has a published API (and a nice thermostat display - WAF!).

I currently have a British Gas Hive Heating thermostat, but I'm not comfortable with its use of a hub and need to 'phone home', just to allow me to change the temperature of my heating. (I can do the remote access stuff through Domoticz.)
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Re: Honeywell Lyric Thermostat

Post by devguy »

The updates are now available in the beta release of domoticz. Please empty your browser cache first to see the API key changes.
daniellee wrote: Monday 26 November 2018 10:54 THanks, but I'm using Domoticz on my Synology NAS and the latest version is V3.8153. So there is nog type of Honeywell, unfortunately. So I have to wait I guess. Or do you have a suggestion?
Please take a look at the website . This website contains Synology packages of beta versions of Domoticz.
MikeF wrote: Friday 30 November 2018 17:20 Does anybody know if the Honeywell T6 Lyric can be used 'locally', i.e., without the need to connect to a remote server?
- given that it operates over WiFi, is supported in Domoticz, and has a published API (and a nice thermostat display - WAF!).
There is no direct connection available to the T6 thermostat. You have to use the online API. :-(
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Re: Honeywell Lyric Thermostat

Post by Toop68 »

hi since last Wednesday the returned outdoor temperature is -18 ?? while before it was working perfectly . if i look in the app of honeywell it shows the outdoor temp is 11. anyone an idea whats going on?
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Re: Honeywell Lyric Thermostat

Post by Huntback »


I have a Lyric T6R and have been waiting for this API update :D
I have updated my Synology NAS DS411 + II with the latest Domoticz Beta (version: 4.10253, Build Hash: b8aeb96-modified, Compile Date: 2018-12-04 17:12:17)
Then I followed the steps of the wiki at
But at step 8 I do not get the expected answer.
I put the full custom URL on the Synology (SSH) command line (same as in steps 4 and 6) but do not get a result.
What am I doing wrong?
All help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
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Re: Honeywell Lyric Thermostat

Post by devguy »

Huntback wrote: Thursday 06 December 2018 13:34 But at step 8 I do not get the expected answer.
I put the full custom URL on the Synology (SSH) command line (same as in steps 4 and 6) but do not get a result.
What am I doing wrong?
Can you send me some more details? What did the server respond?
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Re: Honeywell Lyric Thermostat

Post by hscholing »

Updated to latest beta, now problems figuring out what is meant in the wiki getting the key.

WIKI states
. Finally make the last webrequest to the Honeywell API to retrieve the Access Token and Refresh Token. Make sure to replace the Base64 encoded string and the CODE:
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Basic [[BASE64-ENCODED-STRING]]' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -H 'Accept: application/json' -d 'grant_type=authorization_code&code=[

Code: Select all


Where to do this and what code do I need for [[CODE]] ? I tried something on the Linux prompt of the PI, but no response
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Re: Honeywell Lyric Thermostat

Post by devguy »

hscholing wrote: Friday 07 December 2018 22:47 Where to do this and what code do I need for CODE ? I tried something on the Linux prompt of the PI, but no response
According to step 4 of the Wiki page you have to browse with your browser to the following page: ... client_id=[[YOURAPIKEY]]&redirect_uri=none

After loggin in with your thermostat credentials, you will be asked for permission to read out the thermostat values through the API. Your browser will be redirected to the invalid url 'none'. You can ignore this error. In the address bar of your browser the following address appeared containing the CODE value:
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Re: Honeywell Lyric Thermostat

Post by hscholing »

Thank you Devguy, I now see I missed step 6 mentioning the code also. It's working now, great!
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Re: Honeywell Lyric Thermostat

Post by Huntback »

thank you devguy,

I received no response at all after performing step 8.
so i just looked at the command line again and saw that I had not removed the [[ ]] signs :oops:
After having adjusted that and having requested a new CODE I got a response after executing step 8 and the requested access and refresh tokens.
Domoticz now shows the new devices :)
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Re: Honeywell Lyric Thermostat

Post by Robbedoes60 »

Toop68 wrote: Monday 03 December 2018 10:05 hi since last Wednesday the returned outdoor temperature is -18 ?? while before it was working perfectly . if i look in the app of honeywell it shows the outdoor temp is 11. anyone an idea whats going on?
Same here, using Domoticz 4.10267 on a Linux server.
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Re: Honeywell Lyric Thermostat

Post by Toop68 »

Robbedoes60 wrote: Monday 10 December 2018 19:44
Toop68 wrote: Monday 03 December 2018 10:05 hi since last Wednesday the returned outdoor temperature is -18 ?? while before it was working perfectly . if i look in the app of honeywell it shows the outdoor temp is 11. anyone an idea whats going on?
Same here, using Domoticz 4.10267 on a Linux server.
found out by creating a testapi key and entering commands from a terminal session that the country for me was set to canada
changed in the Honeywell app my home location (added address specifics (had only zipcode, now full address)

tried again -> i've got now the correct outdoor temp although the country still was canada
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Re: Honeywell Lyric Thermostat

Post by Thelion »

devguy wrote: Monday 26 November 2018 10:39 I've finished my changes and did some testing yesterday. I'm going to submit the pull request to the dev team later today. As soon as they accept my changes the Honeywell thermostat improvements will become public in the next beta.

- Configure the API key instead of the default embedded one
- Fixed some bugs in the OAuth2 handling
- Added a new device for the equipment state
- Added a new device 'away' (based on geofencing)

Once in a while (about every 12-24 hours) the Honeywelll server is still responding with a 401 (Authorization required). I don't know why because the authorization token is valid. Anyway, it's much better compared to the version included in the stable release of Domoticz.
Is there any way of updating only (manually) the Honeywell part of the latest stable version of Domoticz? My father runs this and the Lyric T6 and I don't want to "bother" him with a beta version.
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Re: Honeywell Lyric Thermostat

Post by HenkN »

I just switched from an Atag One thermostat to a Honeywell Lyric T6. The T6 works good in Domoticz, but I miss the Opentherm parameters. With the Atag One I had also cv temperature water supply, cv temperature water return, cv water pressure as readings in Domoticz.

Is there any possibility to read those values from the Lyric T6? I know the parameters are available in the Lyric.
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Re: Honeywell Lyric Thermostat

Post by usbuild »

Did not work for me
Went successfully through 8 steps
Log says: Honeywell worker started
But nothing happens. No logs and it doesn’t retry in 5 minutes

Tried deleteting and adding with provided link on hardware page.
I get error: Honeywell: Error getting thermostat data

Anyone has ideas on what could be wrong?

update it does work now and behaves as described in posts above.
good enough for monitoring not to control.
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Re: Honeywell Lyric Thermostat

Post by SchulieBug »

usbuild, what did you do to get it working? I followed but no success.. I'm running on a Synology NAS with the stable version of Jadahl.
From step 7 it's not clear. Should I run echo -n [[APIKey]]:[[APISecret]] | base64 or echo -n "[[APIKey]]:[[APISecret]]" | base64
Same for step 8, should I user the brackets or not?

When I use the brackets step 8 doesn't return any value so that seems wrong..
I've checked again and in basic there were two issues:
1. Use the latest Domoticz build. In my case, I had to switch to the beta from
2. Lose the '[[' and ']]' from the command. In basic, run these as of step 7:
- echo -n APIKey:APISecret | base64
- curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Basic Base64Key' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -H 'Accept: application/json' -d 'grant_type=authorization_code&code=Code&redirect_uri=none'
Enter the values returned together with the APIKey and the APISecret into the Honeywell Thermostat hardware and it workes.
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Re: Honeywell Lyric Thermostat

Post by lukasbaran »

Subjective connective alludes to that sort of information called Connectivism, Thanks for giving out this educated point.
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Re: Honeywell Lyric Thermostat

Post by JackGeurts »

SchulieBug wrote: Monday 25 March 2019 16:09 usbuild, what did you do to get it working? I followed but no success.. I'm running on a Synology NAS with the stable version of Jadahl.
From step 7 it's not clear. Should I run echo -n [[APIKey]]:[[APISecret]] | base64 or echo -n "[[APIKey]]:[[APISecret]]" | base64
Same for step 8, should I user the brackets or not?

When I use the brackets step 8 doesn't return any value so that seems wrong..
I've checked again and in basic there were two issues:
1. Use the latest Domoticz build. In my case, I had to switch to the beta from
2. Lose the '[[' and ']]' from the command. In basic, run these as of step 7:
- echo -n APIKey:APISecret | base64
- curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: Basic Base64Key' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -H 'Accept: application/json' -d 'grant_type=authorization_code&code=Code&redirect_uri=none'
Enter the values returned together with the APIKey and the APISecret into the Honeywell Thermostat hardware and it workes.
Where can I find the value of "Code" Trying to install my Lyric thermostat into Domoticz
Visible in Hardware but no port assigned
Not visible in Devices
Keys installed from Honeywell
The app on my smartphone works well however...

Jack Geurts
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