Binding Hikvision camera to doorbell

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Binding Hikvision camera to doorbell

Post by Sherlock »

Hope someone can help me. I have already tried to to read several posts but it does not become clear to me.
I have bought a Hikvision DS-2CD2142FWD-I. I have added the camera in Domoticz and filled in the particular fields.
The ImageURL field contains: 'Streaming/Channels/101/picture', which is ok because when I press 'Test verbinding', I really can see a still image in a flash. Adding a ? to picture shows the live stream. So far so good.
I have bound a Kaku switch (doorbell) to the camera via the same camera menu. However pressing the doorbell does not lead to a picture being taken.
Both the icons ('Neem foto' and 'Stream video') show different properties when right-clicked.
So I can imagine something is missing and I have to do something additionally. But what and where?
Kind regards, Sherlock
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Re: Binding Hikvision camera to doorbell

Post by maia »

not sure that we have same scenario, but i finally achieved camera picture being sent via shell script attached to door open sensor.

Sensor On Action: script://

curl http://user:[email protected]/streaming/ ... /2/picture -o /tmp/11xgd -s
curl -s -X POST "<token>/sendPhoto" -F chat_id=<chat_id> -F photo="@/tmp/11xgd"
rm /tmp/11xgd

also, before script i had e-mail notification via Setup->events -> Blocky but found this type not so useful then direct message in messenger.
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Re: Binding Hikvision camera to doorbell

Post by hoontje »


I'm interested: did you find a solution yet to get the Hikvision doorbell button pressed event into Domoticz?

My own research so far has led me to the HikVision ISAPI, but I'm not sure that is the right path.

Kind regards, hoontje
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Re: Binding Hikvision camera to doorbell

Post by waltervl »

hoontje wrote: Friday 10 September 2021 15:38 Hi,

I'm interested: did you find a solution yet to get the Hikvision doorbell button pressed event into Domoticz?

My own research so far has led me to the HikVision ISAPI, but I'm not sure that is the right path.

Kind regards, hoontje
The topic is about a normal camera using for sending an image when the doorbell is pressed.
You have a special doorbell/camera device. Something completely different. Please make a new topic.
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