iOS app: Homebridge for RaspberryPi

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iOS app: Homebridge for RaspberryPi

Post by najtram »

Does someone had experience with this app: ... 1123183713

I’m verry courious if this can also be used with an existing domoticz installation.

Please let me/us know! :D
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Re: iOS app: Homebridge for RaspberryPi

Post by Marci »

It's just a manager to allow you to setup, configure & add plugins to your homebridge server from iOS. Works fine with homebridge & homebridge plugins, therefore works fine with homebridge-edomoticz.

You'd still use your HomeKit app of choice to actually communicate with & control Domoticz. Your basically paying £5 for someone to set up homebridge for you if you don’t already have it installed, or (if you DO already have it installed), paying £5 to allow you to remote install other homebridge plugins without needing to SSH onto your server.
Extended Domoticz homebridge-plugin for latest Homebridge - adds temp/humidity/pressure sensors, power consumption sensors, DarkSkies virtual weather station support, YouLess Meter support, general % usage support & switch/lamp status checking!
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Re: iOS app: Homebridge for RaspberryPi

Post by Bert84 »

I bought the app, and it is working! I tried a lot of things to get the apple working with Domoticz, and this app is very easy to use. On your apple device you have to install Eve. I have 2 Raspberry PI’s. One with domoticz, and one with Homebridge for Raspberry PI.
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Re: iOS app: Homebridge for RaspberryPi

Post by bing69 »

Have the app also purchased but I'm still not clear what action in or on the Domoticz Pi to do. Could you perhaps clarify that?
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Re: iOS app: Homebridge for RaspberryPi

Post by Bert84 »

There is nothing you have to do onthe Domoticz PI. On the Homebridge pi you log in tot the Domoticz pi (first install the domoticz plug in). On the the you can install Eve. Then in the app “woning” (in dutch) you can see al the domoticz swtiches.
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