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negative value CounterToday

Posted: Wednesday 31 January 2018 21:07
by ropske
Anyone knows how it comes i have a negative value for CounterToday?
All my Fibaro wallplugs are like this, but when i look at the graph, it shows a correct value.
But since i want to save all this data to my mysql database, i will need the CounterToday

Someone knows how this comes and has a solution?
Thank you!

Re: negative value CounterToday

Posted: Wednesday 31 January 2018 22:43
by ropske
Is this value calculated internally in domoticz? because when i open the db file, i don't see this value in the table meters

Re: negative value CounterToday

Posted: Wednesday 10 July 2019 19:00
by Wiley
looking for this too. I have a sensor (kWh / counter) that has a weird value in CounterToday. The others (current and Wh) are correct (and WhToday actually shows what CounterToday should also show) Maybe I just still don't understand those devices.
For me the graphs are always way off because of CounterToday