Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by harrykausl »

I could include it according to the comments written in this blog.
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by KaeptnM »

Hello everybody!

I'm new here and I do not know much about smart home yet, but I'm trying to get in ;)
I have a Synology DS218+ with an Aeotec Z-Stick and Domoticz and I'm just trying to integrate the Eurotronic Spirit. Unfortunately I come across a few inconsistencies. :o
I managed to integrate the devices and they are also displayed in Domoticz. There are 11 functions for each device, but I do not know how to continue now.
Domoticz_02.jpg (138.52 KiB) Viewed 4320 times
Also there apparently something is missing in the settings under "configuration", right? (Match this screenshot with the one in the first post) :?:
Domoticz_01.jpg (133.47 KiB) Viewed 4320 times
Can someone tell me what I have to do now? I do not understand that much yet. :|

Thank you!
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by KaeptnM »

Okay, it's me again.
Now I included all four Radiators, get a response from all like the actual temperature. I can serve them manually at the thermostats but I'm not able to do some adjustments over domotics.
The only thing, I can do, ist to lock them. All other options are hidden somewhere, or whatever.
Domoticz_03.jpg (27.13 KiB) Viewed 4306 times
Also the thermostats are descripted as "Unknown", ist that a problem and how can I solve this?
Domoticz_04.jpg (74.72 KiB) Viewed 4306 times

Thanks again!


I could find now some more options in the OpenZwave Control Panel, but I'm still not able to do some changes. For example, if I change the "Level" to 80, a few seconds later it goes back to the last value (in this case 36).
Domoticz_05.jpg (115.93 KiB) Viewed 4305 times


Okay, I'm getting better :D
Finally had a few horrible hours to get connected with my synology per ssh to get access to the folders of domoticz. Then found the manufacturer data, changed it an added the .xml-datasheet for the spirit. The thermostats are now correctly descripted :idea:
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by stutmich »

Hi Berkens,

where did you found this information. I tried to find it as well but without success.

<CommandClass id="32" >
<Value type="list" genre="user" instance="1" index="0" label="BasicFunction" min="0" max="254" value="0" size="1">
<Item label="Off" value="15" />
<Item label="Heat" value="254" />
<Item label="Heat Econ" value="0" />
<Item label="Full Power" value="240" />

Especially the values for eg. Full power 240 or Heat 254 or Off 15

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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by antipiot »

Hello Mates!

I'm having some questions you may help to answer:

1: Do i need to edit some XML on latest stable?

2: i have floor heat, so the knobs are not in the room to control: may i direclty control the % of open/close without using setpoint on the device?

Thanks for your answers!
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by EddyG »

I have a problem with 1 of my thermostats.
Child protection is on. I do not know how it got on, but I am not able to get it off again.
In Domoticz settings and in OpenZwave Control Panel it states 'Unprotected'
The other thermostats work normally, I can get Child protection on and off on those.
The manual states "If the Spirit Z-Wave Plus is set into the highest protection level it is no longer possible to operate the device locally."
So that might be the problem. But how do I set the (lowest) protection level?
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by clumpton »

I thought that it might be useful to share a bit of information. I bought a couple of these recently and all worked fine, except that one ran down the batteries very quickly. When I changed the batteries it went into Installation mode. Thereafter it would drop into installation mode randomly.
I contacted the manufacturer who was very slow to reply, so I asked Amazon for an exchange (who were very rapid). Later I got this message from Eurotronic...

Certainly our Spirit Z-Wave Plus has made many positive headlines in the heating and smart home world in recent years. Unfortunately, however, as you have already seen in some forums, we have had to find out that a faulty component has crept into the delivery batch for autumn 2019. The failure of this component leads to the repeatedly described jump into the "INST" state.
Because of this problem, we will be happy to replace your defective thermostat.
Please send the defective product to our service centre:

I hope that this helps anybody who is struggling with a recent Spirit.
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by lingenavd »

erwiel wrote: Wednesday 19 December 2018 20:58
This is my eur_spirit.xml file I compiled with the information I found in this topic and some information from the PDF from Eurotronic. This also ads the posibility to set the mode to manual and set the valve to a percentage with a slider (or set the slider from a script).

I hope this helps...

Regards Erik
Thanx for this, I did not understand why I could not use "Manufacturer specific" option and the valve level switch.
I just removed my z-wave Spirit from Domoticz and modified the .xml file
what I noticed when I searched for the eur_spiritz.xml file with "find / -name *spirit*" I got two matches:
- /src/domoticz/Config/eurotronic/eur_spiritz.xml
- /src/open-zwave/config/eurotronic/eur_spiritz.xml

I modified the first one in the /src/domoticz/Config/eurotronic/ folder, but do I need to modify the second one also?
The second file is exactly the same as my original /src/domoticz/Config/eurotronic/eur_spiritz.xml
or do I just leave that one alone?

I will try the added z-wave Spirit tomorrow because it is a little to late in the evening for that :-)
My thoughts were that maybe the second file /src/open-zwave/config/eurotronic/eur_spiritz.xml would be overwritten with the first one when such a device was added, but that is ot the case, so maybe I have to that tomorrow first.

What are your thoughts on the second file?


PS now 23:12, I can select the "Manufacturer specific" as before, but it will not register in the thermostat mode widget.
I think I have to modify the second file as well...
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by lingenavd »

It works now......what I did is:

I modified both (below) .xml files to the one Erik "erwiel" posted earlier, but I inserted all the "help" lines. (** MAKE SURE TO BACKUP/COPY YOUR OWN FILES BEFORE EDITING THEM **)

The "Manual" instead of "Manufacturer specfic" is purely cosmetic for "Thermostat mode" widget, but I changed it anyway because I like "Manual" better.

The "Manual" or "Manufacturer specfic" is still NOT updated in the "Thermostat mode" widget when you select and update that in the Domoticz interface! (I don't know why but I don't care anymore)

I selected and updated the "Thermostat mode" to the setting "Off" first, waited until the "Thermostat mode" widget was updated with the selected "Off" setting and then I selected the "Manual" setting and updated the "Thermostat mode" widget again.
The "Thermostat mode" widget will NOT update to the last sekected "Manual" setting, but it is working with this workaround. It is now completely manual. The thermostat will NOT do anything to change the valve by itself or try to correct it self to the Heat or Heat Econ set points.
The Z-wave Spirit thermostat does not interfere with my manual valve setting in any way.

I want to use the dimmer switch called "Level" to manualy set the thermostat valve to a specific percentage, because I am using the Z-wave Spirit thermostat to control my floor heating pump which is in a confined space instead of the kitchen where the floor heating actually is installed.

I am using a LUA script to read my Aotec 6 multi sensor for temperature in the kitchen every 5 minutes and configure the Z-wave Spirit valve to go up or down in 18% steps .
This is also a work around, because I was not able to get the Z-wave Spirit thermostat to work with a remote sensor temperature configuration in Domoticz.

I was not able to find any working solutions exept for changing to other domotica software, like home assistant where it seems to work.
more details here: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/e ... or/88430/7

Hope it helps, if not, react in this thread and I will try to help you.

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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by harrykausl »

Today I got 3 new Eurotronic Spirit z_wave. I included the first, (id1, type 3). I get 11 new devices. What I'm missing is the measured temperature (LaCrosse). Is this a problem with the xml_file?
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by wouterlet »

lingenavd wrote: Wednesday 26 February 2020 12:23 It works now......what I did is:

I modified both (below) .xml files to the one Erik "erwiel" posted earlier, but I inserted all the "help" lines. (** MAKE SURE TO BACKUP/COPY YOUR OWN FILES BEFORE EDITING THEM **)

The "Manual" instead of "Manufacturer specfic" is purely cosmetic for "Thermostat mode" widget, but I changed it anyway because I like "Manual" better.

The "Manual" or "Manufacturer specfic" is still NOT updated in the "Thermostat mode" widget when you select and update that in the Domoticz interface! (I don't know why but I don't care anymore)

I selected and updated the "Thermostat mode" to the setting "Off" first, waited until the "Thermostat mode" widget was updated with the selected "Off" setting and then I selected the "Manual" setting and updated the "Thermostat mode" widget again.
The "Thermostat mode" widget will NOT update to the last sekected "Manual" setting, but it is working with this workaround. It is now completely manual. The thermostat will NOT do anything to change the valve by itself or try to correct it self to the Heat or Heat Econ set points.
The Z-wave Spirit thermostat does not interfere with my manual valve setting in any way.

I want to use the dimmer switch called "Level" to manualy set the thermostat valve to a specific percentage, because I am using the Z-wave Spirit thermostat to control my floor heating pump which is in a confined space instead of the kitchen where the floor heating actually is installed.

I am using a LUA script to read my Aotec 6 multi sensor for temperature in the kitchen every 5 minutes and configure the Z-wave Spirit valve to go up or down in 18% steps .
This is also a work around, because I was not able to get the Z-wave Spirit thermostat to work with a remote sensor temperature configuration in Domoticz.

I was not able to find any working solutions exept for changing to other domotica software, like home assistant where it seems to work.
more details here: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/e ... or/88430/7

Hope it helps, if not, react in this thread and I will try to help you.

Hello André,

So it works now for you?
You changed the thermostat mode in the widget?
After that you can simply controll the level without the thermostat interfering?
What do you mean with the "help" lines?

Best regards,

Wouter Lettinga
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by harrykausl »

I found, that after a reboot the Temperature device is visible (Lacrosse TX3). So normally, there are 12 devices for the Eurotronic Spirit.
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by Xfiles »


recently I upgraded my Pi to Buster, intalled newest beta version of Domoticz, configured most of devices and then I started with zwave devices. Generaly I have Eurotrnic Spirit thermostats, Ne coolcam power plugs and aeotec energy meter. For now I know that there is no problems with power plugs but i have huge problem with eurotronic. Most of eurotonics are not recognized by domoticz (I dint have this issue in the previous version).Some of thermostats are recognized but not all. For majority i have situation like this:

Routing Slave General Thermostat V2 Unknown: id=0000 Unknown: type=0000, id=0000

or only

Routing Slave General Thermostat V2

Adding node in Domoticz doesn't work for themostats - I have to add node by using stick directly.

Any idea how to manage this situation?
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by wouterlet »

Exclude and include again? Factory reset of the Eurotronic? Mine worked all fine after the update...
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by rrozema »

Eurotronics Spirit zwave plus is on sale at reichelt.nl: 29,46 euro, excluding shipping costs of 9,95 though.

https://www.reichelt.nl/radiatorthermos ... 0.html?r=1
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by rrozema »

I could not yet find any news item saying so, but it seems aeon labs are now selling the same spirit under their name: https://www.robbshop.nl/thermostaatkraa ... lus-aeotec. Anyone knows if there are any differences or that it is exactly the same product?
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by Wilpshaar »

paolone919191 wrote: Wednesday 09 January 2019 16:24 Hi guys,

I am using succesfully 11 spirit z-wave+ controllers for 1 months now, and i'm pretty happy.

As of now, I am just controlling the % of open or close of the valve, so when someone touch the valve and uses the central button or + / - on the valve, the control metod change from manufacturer specific to heat.

As of now i fixed this behaviour running every 1 hour one script with dzevents that does this:

Code: Select all

domoticz.devices('VALVE MODE').updateMode('Manufacturer Specific')
and fix the problem.

Is there a way to do the same thing on LUA instead of dzevents?

For the summer period I would change the parameter "Temperature Report Threshold" : is there a way to programmatically change it? In this case I can insert in my lua script a function that, in case of summer and heating off can increase this value to 10 (so 1 update every degree) instead of the actual value of 2 (1 update every 0.2 degrees)

Hi there, today I installed the spirit successfully but am looking also for the way to set the valve in percentage, I have read that you need to set the mode to "manufacturer specific"?

Can you then control a slider the right way? I have a slider now as device but device is seen as a switch... Spirit does not react...

Changing mode would help? I will test it anyway. I am working in blocky only...

Thanks in advance!!!
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