Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by EddyG »

Does anyone know what the device 'Furnace' does? What is it used for?
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by wim2008 »

@ EddyG: What do you mean with 'Furnace' in the device of Eurotronic? I can't find this setting in the thermostate?

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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by EddyG »

These device are automatically created. And one of them is Furnace. What is that setpoint used for?
2018-12-10_13-07-13.png (44.42 KiB) Viewed 4188 times
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by wim2008 »

Yes I see. I have also used the Gen5 but I use another software program. So that is a problem for me.
If you see a comparing, let me know.
Eurotronic Spirit In HS3 kort.jpg
Eurotronic Spirit In HS3 kort.jpg (56.45 KiB) Viewed 4182 times
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by QFP72 »

I recently tried to add the Eurotronic Spirit radiator thermostat. The first time I tried, I could only see the temperature, so I added the xml file mentioned above and reconnected the Thermostat, but still I don't see how to control the thermostat, and the temperature is gone. This is what I see.
What should I do?
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by EddyG »

Try in Settings 'Accept new Hardware Devices' for a day or so.
I found out that that setting is not regulairy updated, perhaps only on a change?
So wait until the devices comes present. I had to wait for half a day.
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by erwiel »

You are missing two devices (or they are not visible is the list you are showing). You should have a device "ComfortSetpoint"and a Device "EnergySavingSetpoint". These devices can be assigned a temperatuur. When you set the "Mode" to "Heat" the valve setpoint will become the temperature you set at "ComfortSetpoint". When you set mode "Mode" to "Heat Econ" the valve setpoint will become the temperature you set at "EnergySavingSetpoint". Make sure the following lines are in your xml file.

Code: Select all

        <!-- THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT -->
        <CommandClass id="67">
                <Value type="decimal" genre="user" index="1" label="ComfortSetpoint" units="C" value="23"/>
                <Value type="decimal" genre="user" index="11" label="EnergySavingSetpoint" units="C" value="18"/>
This is my eur_spirit.xml file I compiled with the information I found in this topic and some information from the PDF from Eurotronic. This also ads the posibility to set the mode to manual and set the valve to a percentage with a slider (or set the slider from a script).

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Product sourceFile="eurotronic/eur_spirit.xml">
        <!-- BASIC -->
        <CommandClass id="32" >
                <Value type="list" genre="user"  instance="1" index="0" label="BasicFunction" min="0" max="255" value="0" size="1">
                        <Item label="Off" value="15"/>
                        <Item label="Heat" value="255"/>
                        <Item label="Heat Econ" value="0"/>
                        <Item label="Full Power" value="240"/>
                        <Item label="Manual" value="254"/>

        <!-- THERMOSTAT_MODE -->
        <CommandClass id="64" >
                <Instance index="1"/>
                <Value type="list" genre="user" instance="1" index="0" label="Mode" min="0" max="31" value="0" size="1">
                        <Item label="Off" value="0"/>
                        <Item label="Heat" value="1"/>
                        <Item label="Heat Econ" value="11"/>
                        <Item label="Full Power" value="15"/>
                        <Item label="Manual" value="31"/>
                        <Mode index="0" label="Off"/>
                        <Mode index="1" label="Heat"/>
                        <Mode index="11" label="Heat Econ"/>
                        <Mode index="15" label="Full Power"/>
                        <Mode index="31" label="Manual"/>

        <!-- THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT -->
        <CommandClass id="67">
                <Value type="decimal" genre="user" index="1" label="ComfortSetpoint" units="C" value="23"/>
                <Value type="decimal" genre="user" index="11" label="EnergySavingSetpoint" units="C" value="18"/>

        <!-- Configuration Parameter -->

       <CommandClass id="112">
                <Value type="byte" genre="config" index="1" label="LCDInvert" units="" value="0"/>
                <Value type="byte" genre="config" index="2" label="LCDTimeout" units="" value="0"/>
                <Value type="byte" genre="config" index="3" label="Backlight" units="" value="1"/>
                <Value type="byte" genre="config" index="4" label="BatteryReport" units="" value="1"/>
                <Value type="byte" genre="config" index="5" label="MeasuredTempReport" units="" value="5"/>
                <Value type="byte" genre="config" index="6" label="ValveopenReport" units="" value="0"/>
                <Value type="byte" genre="config" index="7" label="WindowOpenDetect" units="" value="2"/>
                <Value type="byte" genre="config" index="8" label="TempOffset" units="" value="0"/>
I hope this helps...

Regards Erik
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by koelma »

Dear all,
I ordered 4 of these Spitit Z-wave radiator controllers but I am now reading all kind of 'difficulties' to get this working using Domotics. So please help me out. First question what I see is: Where to put the XML config file? Please give me a hint.
this is very much appreciated !!!

best regards,
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by erwiel »

On a Raspbian installation put "eur_spirit.xml" in folder "~/domoticz/Config/eurotronic".
You will find a file "manufacturer_specific.xml" in the folder "~/domoticz/Config,
Find this section in this xml file:

Code: Select all

<Manufacturer id="0148" name="EUROtronic">
        <Product type="0001" id="0001" name="EUR_STELLAZ Wall Radiator Thermostat Valve Control" config="eurotronic/eur_stellaz.xml"/>
        <Product type="0002" id="0001" name="EUR_COMETZ Wall Radiator Thermostat Valve Control" config="eurotronic/eur_cometz.xml"/>
Edit the section in this xml file (add the line last line):

Code: Select all

<Manufacturer id="0148" name="EUROtronic">
                <Product type="0001" id="0001" name="EUR_STELLAZ Wall Radiator Thermostat Valve Control" config="eurotronic/eur_stellaz.xml"/>
                <Product type="0002" id="0001" name="EUR_COMETZ Wall Radiator Thermostat Valve Control" config="eurotronic/eur_cometz.xml"/>
                <Product type="0003" id="0001" name="EUR_SPIRIT Thermostat" config="eurotronic/eur_spirit.xml"/>
Now add your Z-wave Eurotronic device in Domoticz, before you do make sure "Accept new Hardware/Sensor" is on in your settings.

Regards Erik
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by Matzi »

I combined the post of berkens and tvurce and created a new eur_spirit.xml file which will show you some help text in Domoticz with the settings of the Eurotronic Spirit.

One question I have : Can someone tell me how I can update existing Eurotronic Spirit thermostat controllers in Domoticz?
With removing and adding them noting changes. Only with adding a completely new Eurotronic Spirit I get the updated help text in Domoticz.

Content of eur_spirit.xml

Code: Select all

<Product sourceFile="eurotronic/eur_spirit.xml">
        <!-- BASIC -->
        <CommandClass id="32" >
                <Value type="list" genre="user"  instance="1" index="0" label="BasicFunction" min="0" max="254" value="0" size="1">
                        <Item label="Off" value="15" />
                        <Item label="Heat" value="254" />
                        <Item label="Heat Econ" value="0" />
                        <Item label="Full Power" value="240" />
        <!-- THERMOSTAT_MODE -->
        <CommandClass id="64" >
                <Value type="byte" genre="config" index="1" label="Mode" units="" min="0" max="15" value="0">
                <Help> 0=Off, 1=Heat, 11=Eco, 15=FullPower </Help>
        <!-- THERMOSTAT_SETPOINT -->
        <CommandClass id="67">
                <Value type="decimal" genre="user" index="1" label="ComfortSetpoint" units="C" value="23"/>
                <Value type="decimal" genre="user" index="11" label="EnergySavingSetpoint" units="C" value="18"/>
        <!-- Configuration Parameter -->
        <CommandClass id="112">
                <Value type="byte" genre="config" index="1" label="LCDInvert" units="" value="0">
				Inverts the LCD orientation.
				0 - Normal orientation.
				1 - LCD content inverted.
                		Default setting: 0.
                <Value type="byte" genre="config" index="2" label="LCDTimeout" units="" value="0">
				Configures the timeout of the LCD in seconds.
				0 - LCD always on.
				5 - 30 - Timeout of the LCD in seconds.
                		Default setting: 0.
                <Value type="byte" genre="config" index="3" label="Backlight" units="" value="1">
				Enables or disables the LCD-Backlight.
				0 - Backlight disabled.
				1 - Backlight enabled.
                		Default setting: 1.
                <Value type="byte" genre="config" index="4" label="BatteryReport" units="" value="1">
				Enables or disables unsolicited battery reporting once a day.
				0 - Battery reporting disabled.
				1 - Battery reporting enabled.
                		Default setting: 1.
                <Value type="byte" genre="config" index="5" label="MeasuredTempReport" units="" value="5">
				Reports the measured temperature on change.
				0 - Reporting disabled.
				1 to 50 - Reporting Delta in 1/10 Celcius.
                		Default setting: 5.
                <Value type="byte" genre="config" index="6" label="ValveopenReport" units="" value="0">
				Reports the valve percentage on change.
				0 - Reporting disabled.
				1 to 100 - Reporting Delta in percent.
                		Default setting: 0.
                <Value type="byte" genre="config" index="7" label="WindowOpenDetect" units="" value="2">
				Configures the sensitivity of the window open detection.
				Sensitivity level:
				0 Detection disabled. 
				1 low.
				2 medium.
				3 high.
                		Default setting: 2.
                <Value type="byte" genre="config" index="8" label="TempOffset" units="" value="0">
				Configures an offset for the measured temperature.
				Set the offset to -128 (0x80) if measured temperature is provided externally. 
				-50 to 50 - Offset in 1/10 Celcius.
                		Default setting: 0.


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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by QFP72 »

thx Erik (erwiel) it works. Happy holidays and best wishes for 2019.


ps now trying to get telegram working :D
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by erwiel »

Ah, great QP :D
Happy holidays and best wishes for 2019 for you too.

I got Telegram working last week.Takes some study but it isn't to difficult :mrgreen:
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by Matzi »

I probably doing something wrong but I can't update de Comfortsetpoint of these thermostats from an event in Domoticz.

Everything works fine when I set the Comfortsetpoint of the Thermostat using the dashboard in Domoticz.
But when I set it to a certain value from an event in Domoticz nothing happens.
I attached a picture of the event I created.

Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong and what the correct code is for setting the Comfortsetpoint to a certain value from an event?
Event code for setting the ComfortSetpoint.png
Event code for setting the ComfortSetpoint.png (21 KiB) Viewed 4010 times
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by Matzi »

I found it!

To set a Setpoint you use the "Set Setpoint" function that you can find in the tree on the left under "Devices" ==> "Setpoints".
Set setpoint.png
Set setpoint.png (18.02 KiB) Viewed 4008 times
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by knielen »

Last week I installed the latest version of Domoticz (4.10304) and now I want to add the Spirit. Looks like my manufacturer file allready contains the info for the thermostat. Do I still need to add the line?

Code: Select all

<Manufacturer id="0148" name="EUROtronic">
                <Product type="0001" id="0001" name="EUR_STELLAZ Wall Radiator Thermostat Valve Control" config="eurotronic/eur_stellaz.xml"/>
                <Product type="0002" id="0001" name="EUR_COMETZ Wall Radiator Thermostat Valve Control" config="eurotronic/eur_cometz.xml"/>
                <Product type="0003" id="0001" name="EUR_SPIRITZ Wall Radiator Thermostat" config="eurotronic/eur_spiritz.xml"/>
                <Product type="0003" id="0002" name="EUR_SPIRITZ Wall Radiator Thermostat" config="eurotronic/eur_spiritz.xml"/>
                <Product type="0003" id="0003" name="EUR_SPIRITZ Wall Radiator Thermostat" config="eurotronic/eur_spiritz.xml"/>
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by sailmich »

I installed mine in December 2018 also in newest beta. All went well no need to change or add xml :) I was also confused about the information here. In domoticz devices list I got more devices per thermometer as I need. I use device Heat to change comfort(normal) temperature , Heat Eco is for lower temperature e.g. during night or if nobody is at home. With Thermostat mode I can switch between all available modes Heat/Heat Eco/Off/On/Manufacturer specific. Last Mode is if you want to use it as a control valve.
In configuration I changed Point 5. Temperature Report Threshold: to 1 to get better reports. Open windows detection doesn't work reliable. I use a dzvents script to detect an open window.
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by knielen »

Received the Spirits, I also can confirm that Domoticz has build in support on latest beta.
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by paolone919191 »

Hi guys,

I am using succesfully 11 spirit z-wave+ controllers for 1 months now, and i'm pretty happy.

As of now, I am just controlling the % of open or close of the valve, so when someone touch the valve and uses the central button or + / - on the valve, the control metod change from manufacturer specific to heat.

As of now i fixed this behaviour running every 1 hour one script with dzevents that does this:

Code: Select all

domoticz.devices('VALVE MODE').updateMode('Manufacturer Specific')
and fix the problem.

Is there a way to do the same thing on LUA instead of dzevents?

For the summer period I would change the parameter "Temperature Report Threshold" : is there a way to programmatically change it? In this case I can insert in my lua script a function that, in case of summer and heating off can increase this value to 10 (so 1 update every degree) instead of the actual value of 2 (1 update every 0.2 degrees)

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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by DoMoney »

I have installed Eurotronic valver and can control it, but I can't see the data of temperature sensor of it.
Please advice, how to add it and if it's updating in domoticz.
Moreover, 1 day after instalation all was Ok, now I can see red explanation mark behind this device. Please advice, why I have an error after 1 day of usage.
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Re: Z-Wave factfile Eurotronic Spirit Z-Wave+ radiator thermostat controller

Post by harrykausl »

Today I received my first spirit thermostat. I'm on stable version. Is it enough to insert the 3. line in the manufacurer.xml and insert the eur_spirit.xml from matzi in the forum in the config direcotry fo eurotronics. Or have I to update my version of domoticz to a beta? Thanks.
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