Raspberry Pi RXB6 receiver

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Raspberry Pi RXB6 receiver

Post by Daylights »

Hello, I'm new here and kinda new at home automation as well, so bare with me ;) To practice I have made a setup using a Raspberry Pi Rev B and attached the well known Chinese RF433 transmitter/receiver combo to respectively GPIO17 and GPIO27. I've made a resister setup so that the 5V input of the receiver only outputs 3.3V to the Raspberry. I've installed WiringPi, 433Utils and now RFSniffer happily receives all sorts of 433Mhz traffic. Also installed Domoticz, configured the Transmitter which works fine with a dummy device setup and codesend script commands. I've also exported GPIO27 as an input and created a contact device for it. Domonticz now also receives a lot of 433Mhz traffic, a bit too much if you ask me. For instance when I check the logs, it keeps going and when I try to make Domoticz learn a new switch, it already received something before I pushed the button.

I've read that the RXB6 receiver is a much better replacement since it doesn't receive as much noise. But when I attach the GND, DATA and +5V pins to the Raspberry, nothing happens. I can measure voltage peaks while I push any 433 remote button, so I suspect the receiver is working. I read that it has to do with very precise timing that the Raspberry needs on the GPIO port, how can I change that (in WiringPI?) and what should be the correct setting?
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Re: Raspberry Pi RXB6 receiver

Post by Daylights »

Ok, at 5V with the voltage divider to make it 3.3V again didn't work? So inputting 3.3V and a straight data line now gives me input signals using RFSniffer :) However, using GPIO 27 in Domoticz still doesn't give me any input signal, where the Chinese version gave me loads (too many). Is this something I need to change in the Debounce and Period settings of the hardware?
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