[120] opentherm gateway

For OpenTherm-gateway related questions in Domoticz

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Re: [120] opentherm gateway

Post by HFman »

You could do this via Domoticz.. but strongly advise not to go that way...
Opentherm thermostats are not that expensive... why would you you use your "current" on/off thermostat ?
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Re: [120] opentherm gateway

Post by ESFnl »

A long time ago Newwolf suggested this code.
Newwolf wrote: Tuesday 17 February 2015 14:23 Heey,

I also had problems with my domoticz and otgw, but this was a SD-card problem.
At the moment it is working flowless in my setup.

Maybe you can/want to test it without domoticz as client, but run it from command line.


### Download OTGW
mkdir /home/pi/otgw/
wget -N http://otgw.tclcode.com/download/otmonitor-ahf -P /home/pi/otgw/
chmod +x /home/pi/otgw/otmonitor-ahf

### Make config file

nano /home/pi/otgw/otmonitor.conf

web {
enable true
port 8081
nopass true
connection {
device /dev/ttyUSB0
type serial
enable true
server {
enable true
port 7686
relay true

### Run it
/home/pi/otgw/otmonitor-ahf --daemon -f "/home/pi/otgw/otmonitor.conf" &

### Kill it (if needed)
killall -9 otmonitor-ahf

Connect Domoticz or OTGW-monitor to it's IP-address and port 7686

If you want it to run on reboot follow the next steps:

### Edit
sudo nano /etc/rc.local

### Add
printf "Starting OTGW"
(sleep 20;sudo /home/pi/otgw/otmonitor-ahf --daemon -f "/home/pi/otgw/otmonitor.conf)&

Hoping you can solve your problem with this.

I have OTGW from Nodo-shop running with a wifi module NodeMCU and see the all the devices in Domoticz. However I'd like to use otmonitor as well. If I use the setup above the script looks for the USB connection. Can anyone help me please to edit?

Code: Select all

connection {
device /dev/ttyUSB0
type serial
enable true

Code: Select all

connection {
type serial
enable true
Doesn't work...
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Re: [120] opentherm gateway

Post by DaWauZ »

It is just the one or the other.

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Re: [120] opentherm gateway

Post by knielen »

Running OTGW in combination with a Remeha Calenta + iSence thermostat. All went smooth for a couple of days, but I noticed a few days ago that when the boiler is not heating I still get a lot of switching on Flame_on and CH_Active channel. Is anyone familiar with this issue? My iSence doesn't show a start of the boiler.

Re: [120] opentherm gateway

Post by SweetPants »

knielen wrote: Sunday 16 December 2018 20:03 Running OTGW in combination with a Remeha Calenta + iSence thermostat. All went smooth for a couple of days, but I noticed a few days ago that when the boiler is not heating I still get a lot of switching on Flame_on and CH_Active channel. Is anyone familiar with this issue? My iSence doesn't show a start of the boiler.
Could this be your hot-water boiler maybe?
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Re: [120] opentherm gateway

Post by jake »

ESFnl wrote:A long time ago Newwolf suggested this code.
Newwolf wrote: Tuesday 17 February 2015 14:23 Heey,

I also had problems with my domoticz and otgw, but this was a SD-card problem.
At the moment it is working flowless in my setup.

Maybe you can/want to test it without domoticz as client, but run it from command line.


### Download OTGW
mkdir /home/pi/otgw/
wget -N http://otgw.tclcode.com/download/otmonitor-ahf -P /home/pi/otgw/
chmod +x /home/pi/otgw/otmonitor-ahf

### Make config file

nano /home/pi/otgw/otmonitor.conf

web {
enable true
port 8081
nopass true
connection {
device /dev/ttyUSB0
type serial
enable true
server {
enable true
port 7686
relay true

### Run it
/home/pi/otgw/otmonitor-ahf --daemon -f "/home/pi/otgw/otmonitor.conf" &

### Kill it (if needed)
killall -9 otmonitor-ahf

Connect Domoticz or OTGW-monitor to it's IP-address and port 7686

If you want it to run on reboot follow the next steps:

### Edit
sudo nano /etc/rc.local

### Add
printf "Starting OTGW"
(sleep 20;sudo /home/pi/otgw/otmonitor-ahf --daemon -f "/home/pi/otgw/otmonitor.conf)&

Hoping you can solve your problem with this.

I have OTGW from Nodo-shop running with a wifi module NodeMCU and see the all the devices in Domoticz. However I'd like to use otmonitor as well. If I use the setup above the script looks for the USB connection. Can anyone help me please to edit?

Code: Select all

connection {
device /dev/ttyUSB0
type serial
enable true

Code: Select all

connection {
type serial
enable true
Doesn't work...
Check out this topic for parallel running of both pieces of software.
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Re: [120] opentherm gateway

Post by knielen »

SweetPants wrote: Sunday 16 December 2018 20:08
knielen wrote: Sunday 16 December 2018 20:03 Running OTGW in combination with a Remeha Calenta + iSence thermostat. All went smooth for a couple of days, but I noticed a few days ago that when the boiler is not heating I still get a lot of switching on Flame_on and CH_Active channel. Is anyone familiar with this issue? My iSence doesn't show a start of the boiler.
Could this be your hot-water boiler maybe?
No, doesn't look so. It also has a 5 minute delay between switching, more or less. I'll try to reboot my OTGW later this day, maybe that solves this issue.
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Re: [120] opentherm gateway

Post by mvzut »

DaWauZ wrote: Tuesday 17 October 2017 12:23 I only get good results when I do the following:

Powerup the otgw and esp, wait about 2 minutes to be sure everything booted. Then use the reset button on the otgw, wait, and after that the esp is getting good data.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn XT1562 met Tapatalk
Sorry for reacting on an old post, but I recently ran into this same issue when I upgraded my OTGW with and ESP8266 (D1 mini) a couple of days ago. DaWauZ's tip solved my problem, without the reset I only see cryptical OTGW codes in the log, not real device updates. Apparently the OTGW is in the wrong "operation mode" when it does this, at least I read this somewhere. But why is this incorrect mode corrected with a reset, and not by powering it up from off state? Is there another way to restore normal operation when the power has been unplugged for a while? I tried sending PS=1 yesterday, but this didn't seem to help.
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Re: [120] opentherm gateway

Post by ESFnl »

Yes, that topicwww%2Edomoticz%2Ecom%2Fforum%2Fviewtopi ... are_type=t is useful but my difficulty here is they use a lan connection and i have wifi connection via NodeMCU.
I think it has to do with that specific passage

Code: Select all

connection { device /dev/ttyUSB0 type serial enable true }
. What language is it written in? Maybe that helps me searching in the right direction.
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Re: [120] opentherm gateway

Post by pretendor »

Dear people
I need some assist
I have bought the otgw from
And its working perfectly till now.
After addind the ch_pressure i starting to get trouble.
My otgw is reporting some weird characters so i would reflash the otgw.
Using otgw and windows 10 laptop (uses before for flassing so drivers etc are fine)
Now the otmonitor is reporting that the flashing is failing and i have to manually reset the opentherm gateway.
If anyone of you know how to reset this please let me know!
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[120] opentherm gateway

Post by mvzut »

I don't know for sure what is meant, but there is a possibility to reset the OTGW by temporarily shorting two specific terminals, see picture (terminals are marked with "RST"). I soldered a button on them, sometimes my OTGW (with ESP8266) is reporting weird codes in Domoticz and a reset always solves this.
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Re: [120] opentherm gateway

Post by pretendor »

How long did you bridged them?
30 seconds or just a small push for a sec?
Did you shutdown the otgw before bridging those 2 or in runningstate?

Sorry for my screwed english im a dutch man haha
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Re: [120] opentherm gateway

Post by mvzut »

Just short them for a second or so in on state
(Gewoon een seconde of zo kortsluiten terwijl hij aan staat ;-))
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Re: [120] opentherm gateway

Post by pretendor »

Did you connect it to the laptop before resetting or just only on psu?

Cuz when i short then all lights are flashing and i stop shorting them but seems like he wont reset at all.
I have connected it to the otmonitor and powersupply but doesn’t seems to do the trick
see attachments for the problem i have
otgw 3.PNG
otgw 3.PNG (7.6 KiB) Viewed 4072 times
otgw 2.PNG
otgw 2.PNG (9.05 KiB) Viewed 4072 times
otgw 1.PNG
otgw 1.PNG (22.82 KiB) Viewed 4072 times
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Re: [120] opentherm gateway

Post by dressie »

Hi all,

Since yesterday I have an OTGW connected trough LAN. Connecting it to Domoticz was easy and I'm receiving data from the Remeha. So far so good.
A lot of devices are created, including the setpoint. Now here's the thing, if I change the setpoint nothing happens!
Could it be that TOON is the problem?

My setup:
Remeha Avanta - OTGW (nodo-shop)-TOON_powersup. - TOON.
Domoticz: Stable
OTGW: 4.2.5

I don't think it's a Domoticz issue, if I use the Opentherm Monitor program I can't do it either.
All help is welcome!
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Re: [120] opentherm gateway

Post by pretendor »

Hi, in which mode is your otgw running ?
Monitor or gateway??
You can find this info when you connect otmonitor to the otgw and press f7 in otmonitor.exe
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Re: [120] opentherm gateway

Post by dressie »

pretendor wrote: Thursday 18 April 2019 7:00 Hi, in which mode is your otgw running ?
Monitor or gateway??
You can find this info when you connect otmonitor to the otgw and press f7 in otmonitor.exe
It's running in Gateway-mode.
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Re: [120] opentherm gateway

Post by pretendor »

Try switching between gatewAy and monitor mode. So setup the otgw to run as monitor cose application resort otgw and then put it back to gateway mode.
Also make sure that your domoticz has a connection with the toon to change te values in the toon
You should be able to find some information across the internet
Also i could assist you by setting up these connections if youre in the netherlands
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Re: [120] opentherm gateway

Post by dressie »

pretendor wrote: Thursday 18 April 2019 10:53 Try switching between gatewAy and monitor mode. So setup the otgw to run as monitor cose application resort otgw and then put it back to gateway mode.
Also make sure that your domoticz has a connection with the toon to change te values in the toon
You should be able to find some information across the internet
Also i could assist you by setting up these connections if youre in the netherlands
I tried, but nothing works. Still receiving a lot of data, but it looks like I can't overrule the thermostat.
Here's my log:
Spoiler: show
15:55:30.370060 T00240000 Read-Data Message ID 36: 0
15:55:30.378708 R007B0000 Read-Data DHW burner operation hours: 0
15:55:30.394229 BC07B0D98 Read-Ack DHW burner operation hours: 3480
15:55:30.410620 AF0240000 Unk-DataId Message ID 36: 0
15:55:31.076824 T00000000 Read-Data Status: 00000000 00000000
15:55:31.106882 Command: TC=17.00
15:55:31.140722 TC: 17.00
15:55:31.648834 BC0000000 Read-Ack Status: 00000000 00000000
15:55:32.268983 T10010600 Write-Data Control setpoint: 6.00
15:55:32.279227 BD0010600 Write-Ack Control setpoint: 6.00
15:55:33.162249 T00110000 Read-Data Relative modulation level: 0.00
15:55:33.322568 BC0110000 Read-Ack Relative modulation level: 0.00
15:55:34.197756 T80190000 Read-Data Boiler water temperature: 0.00
15:55:34.322056 BC019334C Read-Ack Boiler water temperature: 51.30
15:55:35.244557 T00050000 Read-Data Application-specific flags: 00000000 0
15:55:35.330561 BC00500FF Read-Ack Application-specific flags: 00000000 255
15:55:36.278929 T00000000 Read-Data Status: 00000000 00000000
15:55:36.421466 BC0000000 Read-Ack Status: 00000000 00000000
15:55:37.325208 T10010600 Write-Data Control setpoint: 6.00
15:55:37.421563 BD0010600 Write-Ack Control setpoint: 6.00
15:55:38.360230 T00110000 Read-Data Relative modulation level: 0.00
15:55:38.521482 BC0110000 Read-Ack Relative modulation level: 0.00
15:55:39.723031 T80190000 Read-Data Boiler water temperature: 0.00
15:55:39.731524 BC019334C Read-Ack Boiler water temperature: 51.30
15:55:40.448649 T001B1400 Read-Data Outside temperature: 20.00
15:55:40.456889 R00740000 Read-Data Burner starts: 0
15:55:40.542573 BC074FFFF Read-Ack Burner starts: 65535
15:55:40.553487 AC01B1400 Read-Ack Outside temperature: 20.00
15:55:41.678229 T00000000 Read-Data Status: 00000000 00000000
15:55:41.708577 BC0000000 Read-Ack Status: 00000000 00000000
15:55:42.528250 T10010600 Write-Data Control setpoint: 6.00
15:55:42.627038 BD0010600 Write-Ack Control setpoint: 6.00
15:55:43.578438 T00110000 Read-Data Relative modulation level: 0.00
15:55:43.720659 BC0110000 Read-Ack Relative modulation level: 0.00
15:55:44.599183 T80190000 Read-Data Boiler water temperature: 0.00
15:55:44.720765 B40193335 Read-Ack Boiler water temperature: 51.21
15:55:45.643494 T900E6400 Write-Data Maximum relative modulation level: 100.00
15:55:45.732377 B500E6400 Write-Ack Maximum relative modulation level: 100.00
15:55:46.678066 T00000000 Read-Data Status: 00000000 00000000
15:55:46.822331 BC0000000 Read-Ack Status: 00000000 00000000
15:55:47.718785 T10010600 Write-Data Control setpoint: 6.00
15:55:47.827119 BD0010600 Write-Ack Control setpoint: 6.00
15:55:49.053938 T00110000 Read-Data Relative modulation level: 0.00
15:55:49.064252 BC0110000 Read-Ack Relative modulation level: 0.00
15:55:49.800993 T80190000 Read-Data Boiler water temperature: 0.00
15:55:50.392508 B40193333 Read-Ack Boiler water temperature: 51.20
15:55:51.057330 T90100E00 Write-Data Room setpoint: 14.00
15:55:51.068049 B50100E00 Write-Ack Room setpoint: 14.00
15:55:51.882763 T00000000 Read-Data Status: 00000000 00000000
15:55:52.236512 BC0000000 Read-Ack Status: 00000000 00000000
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Re: [120] opentherm gateway

Post by pretendor »

Is the device toon configured in domoticz,
For some devices you need to create an api connection to modify/overrule these settings.

If you want you could sent me an pm so i could assait you, i guess youre in the netherlands and could speak dutch. So it will be easier to contact directly so i could assist you by configuring the api controlled connection to overrule the toon
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