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updateCustomSensor() not triggering device updated state?

Posted: Tuesday 19 December 2017 11:05
by triton

Slowly moving scripts over from lua to dzVents, and I must say dzVents is a charm to work with. Making it easier to do stuff. Thank you. I have a question regarding updateCustomSensor(). I don't know if it is by design. But using that function does not trigger the updated state for other scripts to act on the device. I know I have the same problem with using 'commandArray['UpdateDevice']' in lua. Ended up by using an 'commandArray['OpenURL']' to tirgger the device updated state trigger.

If the behaviour is correct, what should I use to trigger the updated state, or is using an URL call the only option?



Re: updateCustomSensor() not triggering device updated state?

Posted: Wednesday 03 January 2018 8:44
by MiloshCZ
Hi, I have same problem. Now I am using url method, but I think, that it is not "nice and clear"

Re: updateCustomSensor() not triggering device updated state?

Posted: Wednesday 03 January 2018 8:52
by dannybloe
In the upcoming 2.4 release this should be fixed. Still squashing a couple of little bugs before it's ready.

Re: updateCustomSensor() not triggering device updated state?

Posted: Friday 05 January 2018 15:45
by triton
Thanks for the update and the excellent work! Can't wait for the new stable release :)