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Script to read ELV/eQ-3 MAX Temperatur to Domoticz Dummy Device

Posted: Tuesday 14 November 2017 17:47
by Gonetolunch
I found a interesting free software "MAX! HOME AUTOMATION" ... mation.htm for Linux or Windows to read out all temperatures or status or to change settings of my ELV/eQ-3 MAX-Devices. This software looks and works very well, but my knowledge about domoticz (script, lua, ect.) is too low to read this values ​​into dummy-devices.

The readout from the "MAX! HOME AUTOMATION" is very simple eg with a http-request:

This query is responded with the current temperature measured eg by a wall-mounted thermostat:


This query is responded with the current valve position of a radiator thermostat 0-100%. The value 100% corresponds to the fully opened valve:

so far so good ... but now i have to put this values eg every minute into my domoticz dummy sensors ...

Re: Script to read ELV/eQ-3 MAX Temperatur to Domoticz Dummy Device

Posted: Thursday 04 January 2018 18:10
by joshuas
I guess you already read the other forum topic about the EQ3 MAX, but if not, there is large thread about the EQ3 MAX;
