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PHP Script error 65280

Posted: Friday 22 September 2017 20:48
by josimd
I have a script which worked for a long time but suddenly stopped (Script error 65280) working (maybe due to the domo upgrade 3.8153)

Checked the IP address (are ok) mp3 locatie (ok), I have no clue what is wrong...anybody a suggestion? Thanks!

#!/usr/bin/env php
require_once '/volume1/appstore/scripts/php/sonos.class.php';
function find_ip_sonos($room_name)
$temp_stuff = new SonosPHPController('’);
$devices = $temp_stuff->detect();

foreach ($devices as $device) {

if (strtoupper($device->device_info()['roomName']) == strtoupper($room_name)) {
return str_replace(" ","", $raw_ip[0]);

function do_notification() {
// put here code for other notification steps like a telegram message or pushover

// settings for the doorbell
$volume = 45;
$unmute= 0;
$file = '';

// nice doorbell:

// get the time and compare with last doorbelpresstime
if (file_exists("/volume1/appstore/scripts/php/deurcontact.time") ) {
// read the session date if that exists
$lastchangedate = 0;

// only fire up when there was a press 10 minutes ago
if (($now-$lastchangedate)>10*1) {
// Write the last press time
file_put_contents("/volume1/appstore/scripts/php/deurcontact.time", $now, LOCK_EX);

// we need to check if the devices are up and running, and build the array of devices to use
$temp_stuff = new SonosPHPController('');
$present_devices = $temp_stuff->detect();
foreach ($present_devices as $present_device) {
$clean_ip=str_replace(" ","", $raw_ip[0]);

// is the device in the potential devices to use for the doorbell?
if (in_array($clean_ip, $potential_devices)) array_push( $devices, $clean_ip);

// create the instances and read the current status, initiate for final play
foreach ($devices as $a_device) {

// instantiate (devices must be on at all time
$sonos_1[$a_device] = new SonosPHPController($a_device);

// retrieve settings
$actual[$a_device]['track'] = $sonos_1[$a_device]->GetPositionInfo(); // this gives a notice if the radio is actually playing
$actual[$a_device]['volume'] = $sonos_1[$a_device]->GetVolume();
$actual[$a_device]['mute'] = $sonos_1[$a_device]->GetMute();
$actual[$a_device]['status'] = $sonos_1[$a_device]->GetTransportInfo();

// mute settings
if ($unmute == 1)
if ($volume != 0)

// check the type of sound playing
if (((stripos($actual[$a_device]['track']["TrackURI"],"x-file-cifs://")) != false) or ((stripos($actual[$a_device]['track']["TrackURI"],".mp3")) != false))
$TrackNumber[$a_device] = $sonos_1[$a_device]->AddURIToQueue($file);

// lets play at the same time
foreach ($devices as $a_device) {

// do the other notification steps

// wait until all devices have finished
foreach ($devices as $a_device)
while ($sonos_1[$a_device]->GetTransportInfo() == "PLAYING") {}

// and revert to old playlist
foreach ($devices as $a_device) {

if ($actual[$a_device]['is_mp3'])

// final step to continue playing
foreach ($devices as $a_device)
if (strcmp($actual[$a_device]['status'],"PLAYING") == 0)

// otherwise: do nothing


Re: PHP Script error 65280

Posted: Wednesday 18 October 2017 9:46
by holdemblow