Raspberry and 1-wire component

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Raspberry and 1-wire component

Post by richardpub »

As part of the realization of a weather station for home automation, I encounter a number of problems ...
I use 3 types of components from Dallas, DS18B20, DS2423 and DS2450. I would have liked to use them directly in the Raspbian kernel.
with the first 2 no worries, unfortunately, there is no 1-wire module for the DS2450.
I also looked at owfs, but I do not know if I can use it directly in the Raspbian kernel, and if not what master 1-wire should I use, and what editing do you recommend in the case of use of owfs.

When the cable lengths are a bit long, it does not seem advisable to use the raspberry kernel w1 directly without making the Cpu work hard.

I found that there were quite a lot of libraries in different languages ​​for the 1-wire and the different components, but always by group for a given developer. So I do not know too much about which libraries to turn for this component.

And finally, I need the Ds2450 to display the voltage from 0V to 5V in millivolts ....
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