Add Aeotec Gen5 USB

Information about specific Z-Wave devices

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Add Aeotec Gen5 USB

Post by bluedog »

How do I add a Aeotec Gen5 USB controller to Domoticz?

I'm new to Domoticz and z-wave. I just received an Aeotec Gen5 USB controller. I also have an Aeotec dimmer, but I haven't wired that in yet.
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Re: Add Aeotec Gen5 USB

Post by bramski »

Go to hardware tab and add "OpenZwave USB" than select the right USB port.
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Re: Add Aeotec Gen5 USB

Post by bluedog »

Then what? The USB device keeps flashing blue,yellow,red. I can't work out how to configure it.

Domoticz has picked up the model number correctly though, so it does seem to be working I guess. Also has green status tick.
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Re: Add Aeotec Gen5 USB

Post by pvm »

Did you add any z-wave devices?
These should show up in the domoticz interface ('setup' for the USB stick device)
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Re: Add Aeotec Gen5 USB

Post by bramski »

Yes you need to pair some z-wave devices with your controller. Read the manual of your zwave device how to do that. Most of the time you must push a button. Also set the Zwave controller to include mode. Click on setup at the hardware tab for the Gen5 USB and then "Include device".
After succesfully paired more devices must show up in this listing.

Also the 3 color flashing is normal behaviour for the USB dongle. You can switch this off through configuration.
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Re: Add Aeotec Gen5 USB

Post by tlpeter »

It can be a bit confusing.

Go to hardware -> openzwave -> setup
Select the stick and on the bottom you can turn the blinking off.
If you want to include a node (that is what your dimmer is) then select "node management" and include the dimmer (node)
If it is zwave+ then you can also include it secure.
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Re: Add Aeotec Gen5 USB

Post by bluedog »

Thanks everyone. This is all working now. It seemed that by adding another device to the network things became more noticeably alive.
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