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Rtl-sdr fault windows
Posted: Tuesday 01 August 2017 22:45
by phoenixblue
Question, I want to use the rtl433 function at my Domoticz environment in windows.
But when I check the log is see every 30 sec the next error.
2017-08-01 22:43:45.284 Rtl433: Failure! Retrying in 30 seconds
When I run manual the rtl433.exe it's normal running.
So I think that something is wrong with the run parameters but I'm not able to check what Domoticz is use for parameters.
Somebody some experience to let run this part under windows?
Re: Rtl-sdr fault windows
Posted: Saturday 16 September 2017 14:51
by phoenixblue
Small update, when I look into this file -> ... Rtl433.cpp
row 113 I see this part for windows:
Code: Select all
#ifdef WIN32
std::string szCommand = "C:\\rtl_433.exe " + szFlags;
m_hPipe = _popen(szCommand.c_str(), "r");
So the rtl_433.exe must be in the root of the c:\ only the extra "\" is i think 1 to much so domoticz is not able to find rtl_433.exe
Now i'm not able to compile for test the source so i hope somebody can check if this is the solution to run it inside windows.
Re: Rtl-sdr fault windows
Posted: Friday 11 January 2019 6:52
by sam974
Hi everybody,
I have the same problem. RTL433 fails to start in domoticz but work well in an external terminal.
Did you find the solution ?
I'm on a windows form with the latest stable 4.9 version of domoticz.
Thank for your answers,
Re: Rtl-sdr fault windows
Posted: Friday 11 January 2019 8:48
by gizmocuz
When you use the latest RTL433, you need to use the beta version of domoticz because the command line parameters have been changed
Re: Rtl-sdr fault windows
Posted: Friday 11 January 2019 10:51
by sam974
Hi Gizmocuz,
Thank you for your answer but....
I've installed the latest beta version 4.10300 and the problem is the same.
When Domoticz launch RTL433.exe, it open a cmd terminal to execute it and i saw this line :
- Spoiler: show
- C:\rtl-433.exe: unknown option -- I
and then it crash !
Rtl433 failed ! in domoticz log.
it seems that domotic launch rtl433 with this "-I" option that is not supported !
What do you think ?