I just wanted to avoid spending over a few hundred euros on automating my Brinks WTW system with: I thought it could be done a lot cheaper with Domoticz and Mysensors.
https://forum.mysensors.org/topic/7180/ ... te-systems
Next thing would be to power the whole device from the internal 24v of the WTW. Seems possible as described here.
https://www.brinkclimatesystems.nl/geta ... c19b8ddb90
Using the following cable lay-put. Currently mine is 3 wires only so have to modify it to 6 wire. For now I solved the problem. Using a max of € 10.
I Posted the code on Github, for details please follow mysensors forum link. As a result I am now able to write som code in such a way that the WTW will start working harder if somebody takes a shower.

(Hot water on for over 2 minutes and or humidity in specific area higher than 65%).