Still not working.
I have updated dashticz by using 'git pull' as described on the Dashticz wiki. I assume this updates the Spotify module as well.
Result: error Problem in re-directing, error INVALID_CLIENT: Invalid redirect URI, or Dashticz loads, but
no Domoticz data visible, only clock and news feeds visible
I have tried these options as Re-direct URL on the Spotify page
a) http://name:passw@IP:port (the exact same line as in config.js, parameter config['domoticz_ip'])
b) http://name:passw@IP:port/dashticz_v2/
c) http://IP:port
d) http://IP:port/dashticz_v2/
And yes, remembered to press save

Found out that only Login type 'Basic-Auth' works in conjuction with Dashticz, not 'Login page'
1) is it ok for the password to have symbols in it? Or just characters and numbers?
2) is it ok for the username to have symbols in it? Or just characters and numbers?
3) does the spotify app update immedetiatly after pressing save in the redirect URL?
4) what shoud be the redirect URL (option, a/b/c/d or e?)