Netatmo Weather Station Baro Forcast value
Posted: Monday 03 July 2017 10:04
Hi there,
Trying to use my Netatmo Weather Station to drive my sun blind.
Want to use Barometer forcast prediction to drive the sun blind.
Following Api a temp/hum/baro device have to provied forcast like this :
With this easy to say if baro < 2 then this can be time to use sunblind
With Netatmo Weather Station Forcast does'nt follow this rules, and i discover a 5th level :
Forecast : 5 Some Clouds = Partly Cloud ?
Is there some other surprise like this ? where to find the real forecast value for Netatmo Weather Station please ?
Trying to use my Netatmo Weather Station to drive my sun blind.
Want to use Barometer forcast prediction to drive the sun blind.
Following Api a temp/hum/baro device have to provied forcast like this :
Code: Select all
Barometer forecast can be one of:
0 = No info
1 = Sunny
2 = Partly cloudy
3 = Cloudy
4 = Rain
With Netatmo Weather Station Forcast does'nt follow this rules, and i discover a 5th level :
Code: Select all
"Data": "21.4 C, 79 %, 1021.0 hPa",
"Description": "",
"DewPoint": "17.61",
"Favorite": 0,
"Forecast": 5,
"ForecastStr": "Some Clouds",
Is there some other surprise like this ? where to find the real forecast value for Netatmo Weather Station please ?