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Python script for Netatmo weather station

Posted: Friday 21 February 2014 20:19
by cp9999
This is a python script for retrieving your weather station data from the cloud using the available RestAPI from Netatmo and send the data to domoticz using the JSON update device command.

Copy both the included script ( and the settings file (netatmo_settings.xml) into the same folder.
Empty settings file:

Code: Select all

	<authentication client_id="YOUR_CLIENT_ID" client_secret="YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET" password="YOUR_PASSWORD" username="YOUR_USERNAME" />
	<domoticz hardware_id="2" url="http://DOMOTICZ_IP:8080" />
You need to provide your details in the authentication node in the settings file. You already have Username and Password for your Netatmo account. In order to get keys for ClientSecret and ClientID, you need to register an application at

Also set the domoticz attribute values 'url' and 'hardware_id' for your system. (I have created one Virtual hardware device in my domoticz setup and use that hardware id for the Netatmo devices).

Now run the script once. A list of <device /> nodes will be added to <devices /> node in the settings file if the connection to your Netatmo cloud account was successful.

Code: Select all

	<device data_type="Temperature" domoticz_dev_id="" domoticz_dev_subtype="" domoticz_dev_type="" id="DEVICE_ID" module_id="" />	
	<device data_type="Humidity" domoticz_dev_id="" domoticz_dev_subtype="" domoticz_dev_type="8" id="DEVICE_ID" module_id="" />
Now you need to edit the settings file and provide the domoticz device information for every sensor (device) you want to include in domoticz. Set values for the following attributes:
  • domoticz_dev_id=""

Code: Select all

<device data_type="Temperature" domoticz_dev_id="10001" domoticz_dev_subtype="10" domoticz_dev_type="80" ....
Note: Only devices where all attributes are filled will be sent to domoticz.
I am curently using the following types / subtypes for the sensor types:
  • Temperature: Type = 0x50, Subtype = 0x0a
    Humidity: Type = 0x51, Subtype = 0
    Air pressure: Type = 0x53, Subtype = 0
    CO2: Type = 0xF9, Subtype = 0
Now run the script again. If everything is correct, new devices will show up in the devices list in domoticz.

I have scheduled the script to run every 5 minutes (running on a RaspberryPi) by adding this line to the crontab:

Code: Select all

*/5 * * * * python /home/pi/scripts/ &

Re: Python script for Netatmo weather station

Posted: Wednesday 26 February 2014 1:44
by nigels0
A very useful addition! The zip file though is corrupt, so can't get the script.

Re: Python script for Netatmo weather station

Posted: Wednesday 26 February 2014 21:11
by cp9999
I can download and extract the zip file without problems.

Just in case, this is the contents of the script file (

Code: Select all

import sys
import os
import string
import json
import urllib
import datetime
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

## Access token handling

## Netatmo constants

URL_RequestToken = ''
URL_DeviceList = ''
URL_GetMeasure = ''

PARM_Grant_Type = 'grant_type'
PARM_Grant_Type_Password = 'password'
PARM_Grant_Type_RefreshToken = 'refresh_token'
PARM_Client_Id = 'client_id'
PARM_Client_Secret = 'client_secret'
PARM_Username = 'username'
PARM_Password = 'password'
PARM_Refresh_Token = 'refresh_token'

PARM_Access_Token = 'access_token'
PARM_Device_Id = 'device_id'
PARM_Module_Id = 'module_id'
PARM_Scale = 'scale'
PARM_Scale_Max = 'max'
PARM_Scale_30Min = '30min'
PARM_Scale_1Hour = '1hour'
PARM_Scale_3Hours = '3hours'
PARM_Scale_1Day = '1day'
PARM_Scale_1Week = '1week'
PARM_Scale_1Month = '1month'

PARM_Measure_Type = 'type'
PARM_Date_Begin = 'date_begin'
PARM_Date_End = 'date_end'
PARM_Date_End_Last = 'last'
PARM_Limit = 'limit'
PARM_Optimize = 'optimize'
PARM_Real_Time = 'real_time'

DATATYPE_Temperature = 'Temperature'
DATATYPE_Humidity = 'Humidity'
DATATYPE_Pressure = 'Pressure'
DATATYPE_Noise = 'Noise'

RESPONSE_Status = 'status'
RESPONSE_Status_OK = 'ok'
RESPONSE_Body = 'body'

## DomoticZ constants

URL_JSON = "/json.htm"
PARM_Type = "type"
PARM_Type_Command = "command"
PARM_Param = "param"
PARM_Param_UpdateDevice = "udevice"
PARM_HardwareId = "hid"
PARM_DeviceId = "did"
PARM_DeviceUnit = "dunit"
PARM_DeviceType = "dtype"
PARM_DeviceSubType = "dsubtype"
PARM_NValue = "nvalue"
PARM_SValue = "svalue"

# status types for humidity

## XML constants

TOKEN_ROOT = 'token'
TOKEN_ATTR_ACCESS_TOKEN = 'access_token'
TOKEN_ATTR_EXPIRES_IN = 'expires_in' 
TOKEN_ATTR_REFRESH_TOKEN = 'refresh_token'
TOKEN_ATTR_EXPIRED_AT = 'expired_at' 

SETTINGS_ROOT = 'settings'
NODE_AUTHENTICATE = 'authentication'
ATTR_AUTH_CLIENT_ID = 'client_id'
ATTR_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET= 'client_secret'

NODE_DOMOTICZ = 'domoticz'

DEVICES_ROOT = 'devices'

## General functiona

def Log(message):

def GetWorkingPath():
    return os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + os.sep

## Access token handling
def GetTokenFileName():
    return GetWorkingPath() + "token.xml"

def SaveToken(token):
    token_filename = GetTokenFileName()
    if ET.iselement(token):
        except Exception:
            Log('ERROR: in SaveToken(%s)' % token_filename)            

def DeleteTokenFile():
    token_filename = GetTokenFileName()
    if os.path.isfile(token_filename):
            Log('ERROR: in DeleteTokeFile(%s)' % token_filename)

def CreateToken(json_data):
    newtoken = ET.Element(TOKEN_ROOT)
    if newtoken != None and json_data != None:
        json_decoded = json.loads(json_data)
        newtoken.set(TOKEN_ATTR_ACCESS_TOKEN, json_decoded[TOKEN_ATTR_ACCESS_TOKEN])
        newtoken.set(TOKEN_ATTR_EXPIRES_IN, str(json_decoded[TOKEN_ATTR_EXPIRES_IN]))
        newtoken.set(TOKEN_ATTR_REFRESH_TOKEN, json_decoded[TOKEN_ATTR_REFRESH_TOKEN])
        expired_at = + datetime.timedelta(seconds = json_decoded[TOKEN_ATTR_EXPIRES_IN])
        newtoken.set(TOKEN_ATTR_EXPIRED_AT, expired_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
    return newtoken

def GetAuthentication():
    authentication = {PARM_Client_Id: '', PARM_Client_Secret: '', PARM_Username: '', PARM_Password: ''}
    settings = LoadSettings()
    if settings != None:
        authenticate = settings.find('.//%s' % NODE_AUTHENTICATE)
        if authenticate != None:
            if len(authenticate.get(ATTR_AUTH_CLIENT_ID)) > 0:
                authentication[PARM_Client_Id] = authenticate.get(ATTR_AUTH_CLIENT_ID)
            if len(authenticate.get(ATTR_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET)) > 0:
                authentication[PARM_Client_Secret] = authenticate.get(ATTR_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET)
            if len(authenticate.get(ATTR_AUTH_USERNAME)) > 0:
                authentication[PARM_Username] = authenticate.get(ATTR_AUTH_USERNAME)
            if len(authenticate.get(ATTR_AUTH_PASSWORD)) > 0:
                authentication[PARM_Password] = authenticate.get(ATTR_AUTH_PASSWORD)
    return authentication

def RequestToken():
    authentication = GetAuthentication()
    params = urllib.urlencode({
        PARM_Grant_Type: PARM_Grant_Type_Password,
        PARM_Client_Id: authentication[PARM_Client_Id],        
        PARM_Client_Secret: authentication[PARM_Client_Secret],
        PARM_Username: authentication[PARM_Username],
        PARM_Password: authentication[PARM_Password]
    json_data = urllib.urlopen(URL_RequestToken, params).read()
    return CreateToken(json_data)

def RefreshToken(refresh_token):
    authentication = GetAuthentication()
    params = urllib.urlencode({
        PARM_Grant_Type: PARM_Grant_Type_RefreshToken,
        PARM_Refresh_Token: refresh_token,
        PARM_Client_Id: authentication[PARM_Client_Id],        
        PARM_Client_Secret: authentication[PARM_Client_Secret]
    json_data = urllib.urlopen(URL_RequestToken, params).read()
    return CreateToken(json_data)

def LoadToken():
    token_filename = GetTokenFileName()
    if os.path.isfile(token_filename):
            tree = ET.parse(token_filename)
            root = tree.getroot()
            return root
            Log('ERROR: in LoadToken(%s)' % token_filename)
    return RequestToken()

def GetToken():
    token = LoadToken()
    if token != None:
            # we should always have a token
            expired_at = datetime.datetime.strptime(token.get(TOKEN_ATTR_EXPIRED_AT), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            if expired_at < + datetime.timedelta(seconds = 30):
                # is expired or will expire within 30 seconds: Refresh the token
                token = RefreshToken(token.get(TOKEN_ATTR_REFRESH_TOKEN))
            token = None
    if token == None:
    return token                                 

## Devices
def GetSettingsFileName():
    return GetWorkingPath() + "netatmo_settings.xml"

def AddSubElement(node, tag):
    if node != None and tag != None:
        return ET.SubElement(node, tag)
    return None

def SaveSettings(settings):
    filename = GetSettingsFileName()
    if ET.iselement(settings):
        except Exception:
            Log('ERROR: in SaveSettings(%s)' % filename)            

def CreateSettings():
    settings = ET.Element(SETTINGS_ROOT)
    if settings != None:
        authenticate = AddSubElement(settings, NODE_AUTHENTICATE)
        authenticate.set(ATTR_AUTH_CLIENT_ID, 'CLIENT_ID')
        authenticate.set(ATTR_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET, 'CLIENT_SECRET')
        authenticate.set(ATTR_AUTH_USERNAME, 'USERNAME')
        authenticate.set(ATTR_AUTH_PASSWORD, 'PASSWORD')
        domoticz = AddSubElement(settings, NODE_DOMOTICZ)
        domoticz.set(ATTR_DOMOTICZ_URL, '')
        domoticz.set(ATTR_DOMOTICZ_HARDWARE_ID, '10')
        devices = AddSubElement(settings, DEVICES_ROOT)
    return settings

def LoadSettings():
    filename = GetSettingsFileName()
    if os.path.isfile(filename):
            tree = ET.parse(filename)
            root = tree.getroot()
            return root
            Log('ERROR: in LoadSettings(%s)' % filename)
    return CreateSettings()   

def GetDomoticzIds(device_ids, device_id, module_id, data_type):
    domoticz_ids = {"domoticz_dev_id" : "", "domoticz_dev_type": "", "domoticz_dev_subtype" : ""}
    if device_ids != None:
            device_present = False
            # cannot get this one to work (using multiple attributes)
            xpath = '//%s[@id="%s" and @module_id="%s" and @data_type="%s"]' % (DEVICES_NODE_DEVICE, device_id, module_id, data_type)
            xpath = './/%s[@id="%s"]' % (DEVICES_NODE_DEVICE, device_id)
            device_list = device_ids.findall(xpath)
            for device in device_list:
                if device.get("module_id") == module_id and device.get("data_type") == data_type:
                    device_present = True
                    domoticz_ids["domoticz_dev_id"] = device.get("domoticz_dev_id")
                    domoticz_ids["domoticz_dev_type"] = device.get("domoticz_dev_type")
                    domoticz_ids["domoticz_dev_subtype"] = device.get("domoticz_dev_subtype")
            if device_present == False:
                new_device = AddSubElement(device_ids, DEVICES_NODE_DEVICE)
                new_device.set("id", device_id)
                new_device.set("module_id", module_id)
                new_device.set("data_type", data_type)
                new_device.set("domoticz_dev_id", "")
                new_device.set("domoticz_dev_type", "")
                new_device.set("domoticz_dev_subtype", "")
    return domoticz_ids
def AddMeasures(root, data_types, device_ids):
    if root == None or data_types == None:
    device_id = root.get(DEVICES_ID)
    module_id = root.get("module_id")
    for data_type in data_types:
        data_element = AddSubElement (root, DEVICES_NODE_MEASURE)         
        data_element.set("data_type", data_type)
        domoticz_ids = GetDomoticzIds(device_ids, device_id, module_id, data_type)
        for domoticz_id in domoticz_ids.keys():
            data_element.set(domoticz_id, domoticz_ids[domoticz_id])

def AddDevices(root, devices, device_ids, unit, is_module):
    if root == None or devices == None or device_ids == None:
        return unit
    for device in devices:
        unit += 1
        if is_module == True:
            device_id = device["main_device"]
            module_id = device["_id"]
            device_id = device["_id"]
            module_id = ""
        module_name = device["module_name"]
        device_element = AddSubElement (root, DEVICES_NODE_DEVICE)         
        device_element.set(DEVICES_ID, device_id); 
        device_element.set("module_id", module_id); 
        device_element.set("module_name", module_name);
        device_element.set("dunit", str(unit))
        AddMeasures(device_element, device["data_type"], device_ids)        
    return unit

def GetMeasures(devices, access_token):
        # cannot get this one to work using multiple attributes
        xpath = './/%s' % DEVICES_NODE_DEVICE
        device_list = devices.findall(xpath)
        for device in device_list:
            device_id = device.get("id")
            module_id = device.get("module_id")
            xpath_measure = './/%s' % DEVICES_NODE_MEASURE
            measure_list = device.findall(xpath_measure)
            for measure in measure_list:
                if module_id != None:
                    params = urllib.urlencode({
                        PARM_Access_Token: access_token,
                        PARM_Device_Id: device_id,
                        PARM_Module_Id: module_id,
                        PARM_Scale: PARM_Scale_Max,
                        PARM_Measure_Type: measure.get("data_type"),
                        PARM_Date_End: PARM_Date_End_Last,
                        PARM_Optimize: "True"                    
                    params = urllib.urlencode({
                        PARM_Access_Token: access_token,
                        PARM_Device_Id: device_id,
                        PARM_Scale: PARM_Scale_Max,
                        PARM_Measure_Type: measure.get("data_type"),
                        PARM_Date_End: PARM_Date_End_Last,
                        PARM_Optimize: "True"                    
                json_data = urllib.urlopen(URL_GetMeasure, params).read()
                measure_response = json.loads(json_data)
                if measure_response != None and RESPONSE_Status in measure_response.keys() and measure_response[RESPONSE_Status] == RESPONSE_Status_OK:
                    body = measure_response[RESPONSE_Body]
                    value = body[0]["value"][0][0]
                    measure.set("value", str(value))

def MeasureIsValid(measure):
    if measure.get("data_type") != None and len(measure.get("data_type")) > 0 and \
       measure.get("domoticz_dev_id") != None and len(measure.get("domoticz_dev_id")) > 0 and \
       measure.get("domoticz_dev_type") != None and len(measure.get("domoticz_dev_type")) > 0 and \
       measure.get("domoticz_dev_subtype") != None and len(measure.get("domoticz_dev_subtype")) > 0 and \
       measure.get("value") != None and len(measure.get("value")) > 0:
        return True
    return False

def AddQueryParameter(name, value, cat = '&'):
    return '%s%s=%s' % (cat, name, value)

def GetNSValues(data_type, value):
    values = { PARM_NValue: "0", PARM_SValue: "0" }
    if data_type == DATATYPE_Temperature:
        values[PARM_SValue] = value
    elif data_type == DATATYPE_Humidity:
        values[PARM_NValue] = value
        intvalue =int(value)
        if intvalue < 40:
            values[PARM_SValue] = HUMSTAT_DRY
        elif intvalue > 90:
            values[PARM_SValue] = HUMSTAT_WET
        elif intvalue >= 50 and intvalue <= 70:
            values[PARM_SValue] = HUMSTAT_COMFORT
            values[PARM_SValue] = HUMSTAT_NORMAL                    
    elif data_type == DATATYPE_CO2:
        values[PARM_NValue] = value
    elif data_type == DATATYPE_Pressure:
        values[PARM_SValue] = value
    elif data_type == DATATYPE_Noise:
        values[PARM_NValue] = value
    return values

def TransferSingleMeasure(url, hardware_id, unit, measure):
    if MeasureIsValid(measure):
        url = '%s%s' % (url, URL_JSON)
        url += AddQueryParameter(PARM_Type, PARM_Type_Command, '?')
        url += AddQueryParameter(PARM_Param, PARM_Param_UpdateDevice)
        url += AddQueryParameter(PARM_HardwareId, hardware_id)
        url += AddQueryParameter(PARM_DeviceId, measure.get("domoticz_dev_id"))
        url += AddQueryParameter(PARM_DeviceUnit, unit)
        url += AddQueryParameter(PARM_DeviceType, measure.get("domoticz_dev_type"))
        url += AddQueryParameter(PARM_DeviceSubType, measure.get("domoticz_dev_subtype"))
        values = GetNSValues(measure.get("data_type"), measure.get("value"))
        for value in values.keys():
            url += AddQueryParameter(value, values[value])

def TransferMeasures(devices, url, hardware_id):
    # Transfer all measurements to DomoticZ
        xpath = './/%s' % DEVICES_NODE_DEVICE
        device_list = devices.findall(xpath)
        for device in device_list:
            unit = device.get("dunit")
            xpath_measure = './/%s[@value]' % DEVICES_NODE_MEASURE
            measure_list = device.findall(xpath_measure)
            for measure in measure_list:
                TransferSingleMeasure(url, hardware_id, unit, measure)
        Log("Error in TransferMeasures")

def HandleDevices(json_data, access_token):
    if json_data != None:
            device = json.loads(json_data)
            if RESPONSE_Status in device.keys() and RESPONSE_Body in device.keys() and device[RESPONSE_Status] == RESPONSE_Status_OK:
                body = device[RESPONSE_Body]
                settings = LoadSettings()
                domoticz = settings.find('.//%s' % NODE_DOMOTICZ)                
                device_ids = settings.find('.//%s' % DEVICES_ROOT)
                devices = ET.Element(DEVICES_ROOT)
                if devices != None:
                    # Build the actual device list
                    unit = AddDevices(devices, body['devices'], device_ids, 0, False)
                    unit = AddDevices(devices, body['modules'], device_ids, unit, True)
                    if domoticz != None and domoticz.get(ATTR_DOMOTICZ_HARDWARE_ID) == None:
                        domoticz.set(ATTR_DOMOTICZ_HARDWARE_ID, "100")
                    # Get the actual measurement values from Netatmo service
                    GetMeasures(devices, access_token)
                    if domoticz != None and domoticz.get(ATTR_DOMOTICZ_URL) != None:
                        # Transfer the measurements to DomoticZ
                        TransferMeasures(devices, domoticz.get(ATTR_DOMOTICZ_URL), domoticz.get(ATTR_DOMOTICZ_HARDWARE_ID))
	    Log("Error in HandleDevices")

def UpdateDeviceList(access_token):
    if access_token != None:
        params = urllib.urlencode({
            PARM_Access_Token: access_token
        json_data = urllib.urlopen(URL_DeviceList, params).read()
        HandleDevices(json_data, access_token)

## Main entry

def main():
    token = GetToken()
    if token != None:
if __name__ == "__main__":

And here is the empty settings file (netatmo_settings.xml):

Code: Select all

	<authentication client_id="YOUR_CLIENT_ID" client_secret="YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET" password="YOUR_PASSWORD" username="YOUR_USERNAME" />
	<domoticz hardware_id="2" url="http://DOMOTICZ_IP:8080" />

Re: Python script for Netatmo weather station

Posted: Monday 03 March 2014 12:34
by nigels0
Works Great!


It also reads both netatmo stations I have, but I can't get the barometric pressure come up as a device although it shows in the device list - must be a Domoticz issue....

Re: Python script for Netatmo weather station

Posted: Wednesday 16 April 2014 14:01
by jili
Hi Cp9999,

Really sorry to write this here but I'v got some problem to send information from my netatmo via your script.

I found some information in the forum and by my own search, but I'm Stalled. I think I'm ok for some parameters but wrong for others.

Coul you tell me more from my notes :

data_type is "Temperature" or "Humidity" or other things.
"domoticz_dev_id" is in settings/devices, the ID column ???
"domoticz_dev_type" is from a file seen in source and is in decimal.
same thing for "domoticz_dev_type" in decimal
id is idx ???
module_id is ???

Thank you.

Re: Python script for Netatmo weather station

Posted: Thursday 08 May 2014 20:30
by mccharlet

It's compatible with the new weather module ?

Best regards

Re: Python script for Netatmo weather station

Posted: Sunday 25 May 2014 16:00
by petergab
Hello, many thaks for a script !! good job,

i install :
python on raspberry ok,
token via Netamo , ok
run script : error:

Code: Select all

Error in TransferMeasures
an ideas ?

Re: Python script for Netatmo weather station

Posted: Monday 26 May 2014 13:04
by petergab
i create a dummy hardware ,
-Dummy (Does nothing, use for virtual switches only) : this is ok for temperature ?
- create virtuel sensors: ok

plesase help for
hardware id: name hardware ?
domoticz_dev_id="21" is idx ? in périphériques
module_id="" no return for 1 module ?

Code: Select all

	<authentication client_id="5381dxxxxxxxx" client_secret="Qxxxxxx" password="xxx" username="xx" />
	<domoticz hardware_id="temp netatmo" url="" />
	<device data_type="Temp" domoticz_dev_id="21" domoticz_dev_subtype="0x0a" domoticz_dev_type="0x50" id="70:ee:xxxx" module_id="" /><device data_type="Co2" domoticz_dev_id="" domoticz_dev_subtype="" domoticz_dev_type="" id="70:ee:xx" module_id="" /><device data_type="Humidity" domoticz_dev_id="" domoticz_dev_subtype="" domoticz_dev_type="" id="70:ee:xx" module_id="" /><device data_type="Noise" domoticz_dev_id="" domoticz_dev_subtype="" domoticz_dev_type="" id="70:ee:xxx" module_id="" /><device data_type="Pressure" domoticz_dev_id="" domoticz_dev_subtype="" domoticz_dev_type="" id="70:ee:xx" module_id="" /><device data_type="Temperature" domoticz_dev_id="" domoticz_dev_subtype="" domoticz_dev_type="" id="70:ee:xx" module_id="02:00:00:00:18:3c" /><device data_type="Humidity" domoticz_dev_id="" domoticz_dev_subtype="" domoticz_dev_type="" id="70:ee:xxx" module_id="02:00:00:00:18:3c" /><device data_type="Temperature" domoticz_dev_id="" domoticz_dev_subtype="" domoticz_dev_type="" id="70:ee:xxx" module_id="03:00:00:00:0b:9c" /><device data_type="Co2" domoticz_dev_id="" domoticz_dev_subtype="" domoticz_dev_type="" id="70:ee:xxx" module_id="03:00:00:00:0b:9c" /><device data_type="Humidity" domoticz_dev_id="" domoticz_dev_subtype="" domoticz_dev_type="" id="70:ee:xxx" module_id="03:00:00:00:0b:9c" /></devices>

Re: Python script for Netatmo weather station

Posted: Tuesday 27 May 2014 16:10
by petergab
Gently advance .. its good but its not always work!

hardware id:
  create a virtual hardware and a virtual device .. and you-have Hardware_id!
ok this is the number when you create a virtual hardware found by making a call:
http://myip:8080/json.htm?type=devices& ... order=Name

domoticz_dev_id: still a mystery
module_id = "" no return for first module? this blocking is?

And for this , still a mystery, I'm looking on the forum, the JSON doc ... nothing: why is in héxadécima ?
Note: Only devices where all attributes are filled will be sent to domoticz.
I am curently using the following types / subtypes for the sensor types:
Temperature: Type = 0x50, Subtype = 0x0a
Humidity: Type = 0x51, Subtype = 0
Air pressure: Type = 0x53, Subtype = 0
CO2: Type = 0xF9, Subtype = 0
Please help .... I can not sleep ..

Re: Python script for Netatmo weather station

Posted: Friday 30 May 2014 11:50
by fredaim
I use your scripts. It works thery well.

Thks a lot.

Re: Python script for Netatmo weather station

Posted: Friday 30 May 2014 12:31
by jili
And nobody help Petergab? Fredaim, Don't you think you can?

Re: Python script for Netatmo weather station

Posted: Sunday 22 June 2014 20:21
by s0nik42
Hello cp9999 ,

Works fine for me too.

Thank you for your time !


Re: Python script for Netatmo weather station

Posted: Sunday 29 June 2014 13:29
by s0nik42
Script is partially broken this morning; the script doesn't retrieve main probe information.

I found a bug line 374 :

< if module_id != "None":

should be replaced by

> if module_id != "":

Re: Python script for Netatmo weather station

Posted: Monday 30 June 2014 11:10
by petergab
Hi, thanks for a bugs!

Can you tell me what subtype you use to barometric?
i use 0 and i receive value: 0, 1016, it is not exploitable by Domoticz
(type 83)

Re: Python script for Netatmo weather station

Posted: Friday 04 July 2014 20:16
by mccharlet

How i can my netatmo rain gauge ?

Best regards

Re: Python script for Netatmo weather station

Posted: Monday 07 July 2014 21:44
by fwehrle

Just try your script. find the hardware id, set credentials, run
token.xml is generated, but I have an error when running :
Error in HandleDevices

Anyone has an idea?

Thank you.

Re: Python script for Netatmo weather station

Posted: Monday 07 July 2014 22:44
by fwehrle
Ok. My fault : I forget to name the external module in the netatmo app.

Re: Python script for Netatmo weather station

Posted: Monday 07 July 2014 23:40
by fwehrle
Ok. Devices added, but with unknowns type and subtype. I use the one in hexa in this post...
Don't understand.
Could someone please help us?

Re: Python script for Netatmo weather station

Posted: Tuesday 08 July 2014 15:40
by fwehrle
Ok. Found : type and subtype must be added in decimal, not in hexa!
By the way, there is effectivelly a problem with the barometer (pressure) type : it seems there is no more type 83 in Domoticz...
The solution may be creating combo temp+Humidity+barometer device (and Temp+Hum for external module).
But the python script must be modified...

Re: Python script for Netatmo weather station

Posted: Saturday 26 July 2014 17:53
by cp9999
petergab wrote: domoticz_dev_id: still a mystery
module_id = "" no return for first module? this blocking is?

Please help .... I can not sleep ..
I am sorry for this (very) late response. I have not been monitoring this topic for a while.
Don't know if you still need answers, but here they are anyway:

The module_id is empty for the first (main) module. This should not be a problem.
You can choose a (unique) domoticz_dev_id yourself for every device. This id will be used for creating the new device in Domoticz. The id should be entered in decimal. Id's will show up in domoticz as either decimal or hexadecimal, depending on the type of device.