I only had to change the website name from https://recycleapp.be/ to https://www.recycleapp.be/ to make it work again.

Maybe you could try the same in the Dashticz module?
Moderators: leecollings, htilburgs, robgeerts
Thanks!jvdz wrote: ↑Saturday 08 April 2023 17:38 I can confirm that things changed as my test setup also fails for this website: recycleapp.be with error:301 Moved Permanently
I only had to change the website name from https://recycleapp.be/ to https://www.recycleapp.be/ to make it work again.
Maybe you could try the same in the Dashticz module?
You could try to use the Afvalinfo option within Dashticz, check if your region is available through this api: https://github.com/heyajohnny/afvalinfo ... er/Versionmadpatrick wrote: ↑Wednesday 28 February 2024 19:35 Does anybody expriencing some connection or update problems with afvalwijzer.nl ?
Since a few days i don't get any proper updates anymore.
Code: Select all
2024-04-24 14:00:00.080 Status: LUA: 14:00:00 MainScript: #!# Warning: These records are missing in your garbagecalendarconfig.lua file, so no notifications will be send!
2024-04-24 14:00:00.080 Status: LUA: 14:00:00 MainScript: #!# -- start -- Add these records into the garbagetype_cfg table and adapt the schedule and text info to your needs :
2024-04-24 14:00:00.080 Status: LUA: ["restafval- mini containers"] ={hour=19,min=02,daysbefore=1,reminder=0,text="restafval- mini containers"},
2024-04-24 14:00:00.080 ["papier en karton."] ={hour=19,min=02,daysbefore=1,reminder=0,text="papier en karton."},
2024-04-24 14:00:00.080
2024-04-24 14:00:00.080 Status: LUA: 14:00:00 MainScript: ==> found schedule:restafval- mini containers: 26 apr ; GFT Bak: 3 mei ; PMD Zak: 3 mei ;
Pretty sure you are in the wrong thread here!
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jQuery.Deferred exception: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0') TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')
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