Dashticz is running on my Synology (DS418J). At the moment the display is just my MacBook on 1280x800 screen.
Code: Select all
var config = {}
config['domoticz_ip'] = '';
config['login_timeout'] = '60';
config['user_name'] = 'Edwin';
config['pass_word'] = '';
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config['room_plan'] = '0';
config['domoticz_refresh'] = '5';
config['dashticz_refresh'] = '60';
config['default_cors_url'] = '';
config['dashticz_php_path'] = './vendor/dashticz/';
config['standby_call_url'] = '';
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config['timeformat'] = 'DD-MM-YY HH:mm';
config['calendarformat'] = 'dd DD.MM HH:mm';
config['calendarlanguage'] = 'nl_NL';
config['calendarurl'] = '';
config['boss_stationclock'] = 'RedBoss';
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//config['gm_zoomlevel'] = '';
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//config['gm_longitude'] = 'xx.xxxxxx';
config['speak_lang'] = 'nl-NL';
config['owm_api'] = '';
config['owm_city'] = 'Rhoon';
config['owm_name'] = 'Rhoon';
config['owm_country'] = 'nl';
config['owm_lang'] = 'nl';
config['owm_cnt'] = '4';
config['owm_days'] = 1;
config['owm_min'] = 1;
config['idx_moonpicture'] = '';
config['longfonds_zipcode'] = '3161LH';
config['longfonds_housenumber'] = '27';
config['garbage_company'] = 'barafvalbeheer';
config['garbage_icalurl'] = '';
config['google_api_key'] = '';
config['garbage_calendar_id'] = '';
config['garbage_zipcode'] = '3161LH';
config['garbage_street'] = 'Jonkerhof';
config['garbage_housenumber'] = '27';
config['garbage_housenumberadd'] = '';
config['garbage_maxitems'] = '4';
config['garbage_width'] = '12';
config['garbage_hideicon'] = 0;
config['garbage_icon_use_colors'] = 1;
config['garbage_use_colors'] = 1;
config['garbage_use_names'] = 1;
config['garbage_use_cors_prefix'] = 1;
config['setpoint_min'] = '6';
config['setpoint_max'] = '30';
config['loginEnabled'] = 0;
config['disable_update_check'] = 0;
config['no_rgb'] = 1;
config['auto_positioning'] = 0;
config['use_favorites'] = 0;
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config['hide_seconds_stationclock'] = 0;
config['use_fahrenheit'] = 0;
config['use_beaufort'] = 0;
config['translate_windspeed'] = 1;
config['static_weathericons'] = 1;
config['hide_mediaplayer'] = 0;
//Graph line colors and point size
config['lineColors'] = ['#EE0000', '#00EE00', '#0000EE'];
config['pointSize'] = ['0'];
config['garbage'] = {
gft: {kliko: 'green', code: '#375b23', name: 'GFT', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_green.png'},
rest: {kliko: 'grey', code: '#5e5d5c', name: 'Rest', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_grey.png'},
papier: {kliko: 'blue', code: '#153477', name: 'Papier', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_blue.png'},
{"track":1,"name":"NPO Radio 1","file":"http://icecast.omroep.nl/radio1-bb-mp3"},
{"track":2,"name":"Omroep Brabant","file":"http://streaming.omroepbrabant.nl/mp3hq"},
{"track":3,"name":"Studio Brussel","file":"http://icecast.vrtcdn.be/stubru-high.mp3"},
var calendars = {}
calendars.prive = {
maxitems: 5,
url: s',
icon: 'fas fa-calendar-alt'
calendars.photography = {
maxitems: 5, icalurl: /basic.ics',
icon: 'fas fa-camera'
var buttons = {}
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buttons.IPCam = { width: 6, isimage: true, refreshimage: 60, btnimage: '', url: ''};
buttons.IPCam2 = {width: 6, isimage: true, refreshimage: 60, btnimage: '',url: ''};
var frames = {}
// frames.volumioplayer = { width:12, height:720, refreshiframe: 1000000, frameurl: "http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/playback"}
//var trafficinfo = {}
// trafficinfo.anwba58 = { key:'anwba58', provider: 'anwb', road:'A58', trafficJams: false, roadWorks: true, radars: false, show_lastupdate:false, icon: 'fas fa-car', width:12, results: 10 };
//var maps = {}
// maps.thuis = { height: 300, link:'http://www.ovzoeker.nl', width:12, latitude: 51.432103, longitude: 4.314068, zoom:10 }
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// tvguide.npo = { key:'tvnpo', image: '../custom/img/tv.png', width:12, channels: [1,2,3], maxitems: 5 }
// tvguide.other = { key:'tvother', image: '../custom/img/tv.png', width:12, channels: [29,18], maxitems: 4 }
var blocks = {}
blocks[49] = { //Thuis
textOff: 'AFWEZIG',
textOn: 'AANWEZIG',
icon: 'fas fa-home',
width: '4'}
// Alive?
blocks[391] = { //PI Hole
hide_data: true, width: 4 }
blocks['v27'] = { //Uptime
title: 'Uptime',
image: 'uptime.png',
switch: true,
width: 12
blocks['longfonds'] = {
title: 'Longfonds',
width: 4,
switch: true,
image: 'longfonds.png',
blocks['traffic'] = {
icon: 'fas fa-car'
blocks[49] = {
title: 'Presence',
width: 12
blocks['train'] = {
icon: 'fas fa-train'
blocks['streamplayer'] = {
image: '../custom/img/radio.png'
blocks['news_nualg'] = {
feed: 'https://www.nu.nl/rss/algemeen',
maxheight: 400,
title: 'Nu.nl' //optional
//icon: 'fas fa-icon'
blocks[451] = {
//title: 'Tarief',
width: 12
blocks['175_1'] = {
title: 'Buiten temp.',
switch: true,
width: 4
blocks[376] = {
title: 'Binnen temp.',
switch: true,
width: 4
blocks['1_1'] = {
title: 'Nu',
switch: true,
width: 4
blocks['1_2'] = {
title: 'Vandaag (?)',
switch: true,
width: 4
blocks['2_1'] = {
title: 'Vandaag (?)',
switch: true,
width: 4
blocks['2_2'] = {
title: 'Totaal (?)',
switch: true,
width: 4
blocks[407] = {
width: 4,
icon: 'fas fa-exclamation-triangle',
blocks[408] = {
width: 4,
icon: 'fas fa-exclamation-triangle',
//defining number of columns, their contents en widths
//width can be a number 1 to 12, but total widths of all columns should always be 12
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columns['bar'] = {}
columns['bar']['blocks'] = ['logo','miniclock','settings']
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columns[3] = {}
columns[3]['blocks'] = ['sunrise',49,451,'garbage','v27']
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//--- Screen 2 ---
columns[4] = {}
columns[4]['blocks'] = [calendars.prive,calendars.photography]
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columns[5] = {}
columns[5]['blocks'] = ['traffic',publictransport.ovinfobus,'train',publictransport.ovinfotrains]
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columns[6] = {}
columns[6]['blocks'] = ['stationclock','news_nualg']
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columns[7] = {}
columns[7]['blocks'] = [frames.volumioplayer]
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columns[8] = {}
columns[9]['blocks'] = ['news',tvguide.npo,tvguide.other]
columns[9]['width'] = 6;
//--- Standby Screen ---
var columns_standby = {}
columns_standby[1] = {}
columns_standby[1]['blocks'] = ['clock']
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//--- Multiple screens ---
var screens = {}
screens[1] = {}
screens[1]['background'] = 'bg10.jpg';
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screens[2] = {}
screens[2]['background'] = 'bg10.jpg';
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screens[3] = {}
screens[3]['background'] = 'bg10.jpg';
screens[3]['columns'] = [7,8]
Code: Select all
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