Dashticz - Feature Requests

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Re: Dashticz - Feature Requests

Post by HansieNL »

Hello Rob,
Is it possible to have the following options added to the block section?
blocks[IDX]['TextOn'] -> text shown when switch is on
blocks[IDX]['TextOff'] -> text shown when switch is off
blocks[IDX]['IconOn'] -> image shown when switch is on
blocks[IDX]['IconOff'] -> image shown when switch is off
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Re: Dashticz - Feature Requests

Post by DewGew »

HansieNL wrote: Wednesday 27 June 2018 22:43 Hello Rob,
Is it possible to have the following options added to the block section?
blocks[IDX]['TextOn'] -> text shown when switch is on
blocks[IDX]['TextOff'] -> text shown when switch is off
blocks[IDX]['IconOn'] -> image shown when switch is on
blocks[IDX]['IconOff'] -> image shown when switch is off
Do you want the icon to show only when device is on or off?
Is it state text you want to change with custom text?

There is a message function:

Code: Select all

blocks[IDX]['messageOn'] -> text shown right lower corner when switch is on
blocks[IDX]['messageOff'] -> text shown right lower corner when switch is off
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Re: Dashticz - Feature Requests

Post by HansieNL »

Do you want the icon to show only when device is on or off? No, I wanna use different icons for on and of.
Is it state text you want to change with custom text? Yep, that's what I mean.
I have several blocks in custom.js. Now I have to edit 2 files to get things done. This is one for example:

Code: Select all

function getBlock_147(device,idx){ 
   var html='';
   html+='<div class="col-xs-4 col-icon">';
      if(device['Status']=='Off') html+=iconORimage(idx,'fa-microphone-slash','','off icon');
      else html+=iconORimage(idx,'fa-microphone','','on icon');
   html+='<div class="col-xs-8 col-data">';
   html+='<strong class="title">'+device['Name']+'</strong><br />';
   if(device['Status']=='Off') html+='<span class="state">STIL</span>';
   else html+='<span class="state">LUISTEREN</span>';
   return html;
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Re: Dashticz - Feature Requests

Post by Vomera »

Sorry for the long time to repost, but thank you for this feature!!
Now i can reduce the code :)
On the wiki is the right way to use it!
DewGew wrote: Tuesday 19 June 2018 10:08
HansieNL wrote: Monday 18 June 2018 23:32
DewGew wrote: Monday 18 June 2018 23:09
Function is added to latest beta
Can you tell us how to use this function? Or is it gonna be added to the wiki shortly?
I have add this to wiki also.

Open a popup when a device changes to on:

Code: Select all

blocks[IDX]['openpopupOn'] = {}
blocks[IDX]['openpopupOn']['url'] = 'http://www.urltocamera.nl/image.jpg';
blocks[IDX]['openpopupOn']['auto_close'] = 5; //seconds	
Open a popup when a device changes to off

Code: Select all

blocks[IDX]['openpopupOff'] = {}
blocks[IDX]['openpopupOff']['url'] = 'http://www.urltocamera.nl/image.jpg';
blocks[IDX]['openpopupOff']['auto_close'] = 5; //seconds
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Re: Dashticz - Feature Requests

Post by AlleyCat »

Hi Rob,
Fantastic application.
I have a feature request:

1) Can you add an auto-play option? It can be triggered by a Domoticz switch state change.
2) Can the auto-play have enabled/disable option
3) When switching stations, the new station starts playing, instead of pushing the Play.

Thank you,

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Re: Dashticz - Feature Requests

Post by AlleyCat »

Hi again,
Please find another feature request. I wanted to keep the requests threads separate.

On Domoitcz motion sensor state change, send xset command to turn the LCD on (from screensaver), the same as if to turn-on LCD with by a touch.

Thank you,
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Re: Dashticz - Feature Requests

Post by AlleyCat »

Hi Again,
I have another feature request that came as a result because of my LCD touchscreen panel went bad. Since I am no longer have a touchscreen I plan to send the screen to a regular TV over HDMI. To control the screen I plan to use an IR remote (lirc of flirc). I will need to be able to change the buttons focus with the keystroke movements (left, right, up, down, enter).
How to set the buttons to having focus (for the enter), and move the focus between the buttons?


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Re: Dashticz - Feature Requests

Post by Thuis »

I have a feature request, i am just new here, so who am i?

I live in the south of Holland, i am a 42 y.o dad of 2 little girls, my name is Jeroen and I am a plc/hmi programmer with a mechanical background in engines and vehicles. My hobbies are o.a. domotica, electric cycling, CLicks®, Duplo® and LEGO® :lol:

My old X-10 system is getting out dated, so I am trying something new with Xiaomi, LED Wifi dimmers and sonoff and some different sensors.
Just got a new smart meter installed, and I like to change my thermostat for a Tado, in a short while.

Stumbled upon Domoticz and on the very nice Dashticz theme for controlling it all.

I have learned a lot from you guys and girls, by reading many posts and now i like to implement a "Diashow" when Dashticz goes into "standby after" .

Could it be possible to start a diashow when the standby kicks in ? And would it be a nice feature, if this is possible?

Will be monitoring the comments,
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Re: Dashticz - Feature Requests

Post by Prutsium »

Thuis wrote: Tuesday 11 September 2018 15:31 I have a feature request, i am just new here, so who am i?

I live in the south of Holland, i am a 42 y.o dad of 2 little girls, my name is Jeroen and I am a plc/hmi programmer with a mechanical background in engines and vehicles. My hobbies are o.a. domotica, electric cycling, CLicks®, Duplo® and LEGO® :lol:

My old X-10 system is getting out dated, so I am trying something new with Xiaomi, LED Wifi dimmers and sonoff and some different sensors.
Just got a new smart meter installed, and I like to change my thermostat for a Tado, in a short while.

Stumbled upon Domoticz and on the very nice Dashticz theme for controlling it all.

I have learned a lot from you guys and girls, by reading many posts and now i like to implement a "Diashow" when Dashticz goes into "standby after" .

Could it be possible to start a diashow when the standby kicks in ? And would it be a nice feature, if this is possible?

Will be monitoring the comments,
This can already be done if you have an Android tablet and use Fully Kiosk browser.
Can also be triggered by remote:

The same counts for screen on/off via Domoticz this can also be done by Fully Kiosk Browser.
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Re: Dashticz - Feature Requests

Post by Thuis »

Nice, okay, when I am as far to using an Android tablet, i will surely try this out. Thank you.
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Re: Dashticz - Feature Requests

Post by Thuis »

What am i doing wrong ? works on the server side works on the server side works on the server side not working on server side, saying something wrong with my config.js, but it is ok, really.

on other client pc's in the same network i can browse to domoticz address and see the standard domoticz dashboard, obviously, no dashticz dashboard.

In my config.js i have:
config['domoticz_ip'] = '';

What am i doing wrong ?
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Re: Dashticz - Feature Requests

Post by Thuis »

Got it, in the index.html i had to change to all good ! :rolling-eyes:
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Re: Dashticz - Feature Requests

Post by moses123 »


I used the openpopupOn and openpopupOff settings to inform the user that something happend. This works, the problem is, that i use the raspberrypi 7" display. It has a height of 480px. The popup has a fixed height of 570px. Is it possible to add a feature to configure the height of an popup?

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Re: Dashticz - Feature Requests

Post by Recky »

I have a request. Could you add the option to show the balance of the (anonymous) OV card?

https://www.ov-chipkaart.nl/saldo-terug ... hecker.htm#/
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Re: Dashticz - Feature Requests

Post by jake »

Recky wrote:I have a request. Could you add the option to show the balance of the (anonymous) OV card?

https://www.ov-chipkaart.nl/saldo-terug ... hecker.htm#/
That is a very interesting one. We have two of those anonymous cards laying around at home and it is always guesswork how much is still on which card.
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Re: Dashticz - Feature Requests

Post by TapNL »

really like this idea. Did some quick research, there is done some work in this direction, check GitHub:

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

I will give it a try this week.
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Re: Dashticz - Feature Requests

Post by HansieNL »

Is it possible to have a User Variable block with the following options to show variable values?

Code: Select all

blocks[vIDX] = {}
blocks[vIDX]['width'] = 4;
blocks[vIDX]['title'] = 'Variable Name'
blocks[vIDX]['image'] = 'whateveryoulike.png';
blocks[vIDX]['icon'] = 'whateveryoulike';
blocks[vIDX]['switch'] = true;
See also https://github.com/Dashticz/dashticz_v2/issues/377
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Re: Dashticz - Feature Requests

Post by ArthurNL »

I am using 2 Youless Energymeters (http://www.youless.nl/). 1 for measuring Electricity and 1 for Gas.

In the default Domoticz dashboard, they are seen as two separate devices, the one for Electricity using kWh and the one for Gas using m3.

But in Dashticz, they both show kWh.

When I search in main.js, I only see the YouLess Meter one time with the kWh as SubType.

Is it possible to add an second entry for detecting the one for gas too?



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Re: Dashticz - Feature Requests

Post by ArthurNL »

ArthurNL wrote: Saturday 06 October 2018 16:13 Is it possible to add an second entry for detecting the one for gas too?
Fixed this myself. I am filtering on the Device-Name instead of Sub-Type.

In main.js, the function getYouLessBlock is changed as follows;
Spoiler: show
function getYouLessBlock(device, idx) {
this.html = '';
if (device['Name'] === 'Electra Meter') {
if ($('div.block_' + idx).length > 0) {
allblocks[idx] = true;
var blockValues = [
icon: 'fas fa-bolt',
idx: idx + '_1',
title: device['Name'],
value: number_format(device['CounterToday'].split(' ')[0], settings['units'].decimals.kwh),
unit: settings['units'].names.kwh
icon: 'fas fa-bolt',
idx: idx + '_2',
title: language.energy.energy_totals + ' ' + device['Name'],
value: number_format(device['Counter'], settings['units'].decimals.kwh),
unit: settings['units'].names.kwh
if (typeof(device['Usage']) !== 'undefined') {
icon: 'fas fa-bolt',
idx: idx + '_3',
title: device['Name'],
value: number_format(device['Usage'], settings['units'].decimals.watt),
unit: settings['units'].names.watt
createBlocks(blockValues, device);
return ['', false];
if (device['Name'] === 'Gas Meter') {
if ($('div.block_' + idx).length > 0) {
allblocks[idx] = true;
var blockValues = [
icon: 'fas fa-fire',
idx: idx + '_1',
title: device['Name'],
value: number_format(device['CounterToday'].split(' ')[0], settings['units'].decimals.kwh),
unit: 'm3'
icon: 'fas fa-fire',
idx: idx + '_2',
title: language.energy.energy_totals + ' ' + device['Name'],
value: number_format(device['Counter'], settings['units'].decimals.kwh),
unit: 'm3'
if (typeof(device['Usage']) !== 'undefined') {
icon: 'fas fa-fire',
idx: idx + '_3',
title: device['Name'],
value: number_format(device['Usage'].split(' ')[0], settings['units'].decimals.kwh),
unit: 'm3'
createBlocks(blockValues, device);
return ['', false];
The only ugly part, is that I also use ".decimals.kwh" in the gasmeter part; but this works for me :)
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Re: Dashticz - Feature Requests

Post by Minglarn »

moses123 wrote: Saturday 15 September 2018 8:16 Hi,

I used the openpopupOn and openpopupOff settings to inform the user that something happend. This works, the problem is, that i use the raspberrypi 7" display. It has a height of 480px. The popup has a fixed height of 570px. Is it possible to add a feature to configure the height of an popup?

+1 for this!
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