Etiger doorcontact and smoke detector

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Etiger doorcontact and smoke detector

Post by Lebo2d9 »


I have some etiger devices but need some help.
Lighting4 and X10 is enabled on the rfxcom

The ES-D3C(wireless door contact big version) is working good.
The SAC-03 (wireless door contact small version) is seen in the domoticz log but in the device log there is no status change.
For the ES-D5B(Wireless smoke tedector) is it possible to trigger the alarm by domoticz and the battery level is reported as low .

Somone have some sugestions?

Kind regards

Domoicz on RPI3 (wifi) directly connected 3x ds18b20 for CV temp, Evohome (9 zone), 1 remote 220V switch based on ESP-12. RFXtrx433E, 16x AMST-606, 5 Somfy RTS motors
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Re: Etiger doorcontact and smoke detector

Post by Lebo2d9 »

the SAC-03 actions are now showing in the log file.

I dived in to the database and saw that the switchtype was different for the ES-D3C and SAC-03. After changing the type to the same value as the ES-D3C it was working perfect
Domoicz on RPI3 (wifi) directly connected 3x ds18b20 for CV temp, Evohome (9 zone), 1 remote 220V switch based on ESP-12. RFXtrx433E, 16x AMST-606, 5 Somfy RTS motors
Domoticz on RPI3(wifi) as slave for terraruim control
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Re: Etiger doorcontact and smoke detector

Post by pimms »

Hi TS, I also got a Etiger ES-D5B smoke detector. Could you tell me how you did manage it to work? Thanks!
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Re: Etiger doorcontact and smoke detector

Post by jurgend »

I have the eTiger aswell, the alarm, motion sensor, 2 keypads and 4 fire and smoke detectors.
Kan anyone tell me how to integrate them in Domoticz?
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