to keep this topic alive my latest dashboard it need some tuning but i'am really happy with it everything in one page has still my preference.
Code: Select all
var config = {}
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config['owm_min'] = 1;
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config['garbage_use_cors_prefix'] = 1;
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gft: ['gft', 'tuin', 'refuse bin', 'green', 'groen', 'Biodégradables', 'snoei'],
pmd: ['plastic', 'pmd', 'verpakking', 'kunststof', 'valorlux'],
papier: ['papier', 'blauw', 'blue', 'recycling bin collection'],
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gft: {kliko: 'green', code: '#FFFFFF', name: 'GFT', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_green.png'},
pmd: {kliko: 'orange', code: '#FFFFFF', name: 'Plastic', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_orange.png'},
rest: {kliko: 'grey', code: '#FFFFFF', name: 'Restafval', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_grey.png'},
papier: {kliko: 'blue', code: '#FFFFFF', name: 'Papier', icon: 'img/garbage/kliko_blue.png'},
var max_resolution_desktop = 'default';
var max_resolution_smart = 'tablet';
var p1_elektra_nu = '15_1';
var verbruikt = '15_2';
var temp_serverruimte = '53_1';
var vandaag_geleverd = '15_5';
var grafiek_elektra = '15';
var orcon_status = '75';
var douche = '77';
var eten = '78';
var verbruik_server = '81_1';
var verbruik_accu = '753';
var temp_buiten = '25';
var sonos_keuken = '56';
var sonos_woonkamer = '58';
var deurbel = '71';
var temp_warmtepomp = 'graph_92';
var temp_woonkamer = '102';
var temp_boven = '251';
var temp_server = '131_1';
var temp_babykamer = '123_1';
var temp_badkamer = '115_1';
var hum_woonkamer = '107_2';
var hum_server = '131_2';
var hum_badkamer = '115_2';
var post = '231';
var vloerpomp_beneden = '196';
var vloerpomp_boven = '140';
var ring_verwarming = '205';
var beneden = '391';
var beneden_stand = '388';
var boven = '215';
var boven_stand = '212';
var hue_aanrecht = '286';
var hue_woonkamer = '70';
var hue_keuken_l = '43';
var hue_keuken_r = '35';
var hue_veranda = '239';
var hue_overloop = '142';
var hue_gang = '149';
var hue_slaapkamer = '9';
var zones = '59';
var contact_voordeur = '138';
var contact_schuur = '187';
var contact_poort = '226';
var contact_serre = '147';
var contact_keukenraam = '254';
var securitypanel = '220';
var bui_komt_over = '163';
var en_duurt = '164';
var en_bestaat_uit = '169';
var wind = '158';
var zonnescherm = '240';
var zonnescherm1 = '240';
var douche = '383';
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title: 'mm2 regen',
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width: 2,
title: 'kantoor'
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width: 2,
title: 'serre'
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blocks[contact_poort] = {
idx: 1023,
title: 'lampjes',
width: 2,
blocks[hue_aanrecht] = {
idx: 286,
type: 'dial',
// subtype: 'updown',
color: '#ebd234',
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last_update: true,
width: 3,
title: 'keuken aanrecht'
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idx: 149,
type: 'dial',
// subtype: 'updown',
color: '#ebd234',
height: 165,
last_update: true,
width: 3,
title: 'veranda 2'
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last_update: true,
width: 3,
title: 'overloop'
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idx: 9,
type: 'dial',
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color: '#ebd234',
height: 165,
last_update: true,
width: 3,
title: 'slaapkamer'
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type: 'dial',
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color: '#ebd234',
height: 165,
last_update: true,
width: 3,
title: 'woonkamer'
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idx: 35,
type: 'dial',
// subtype: 'updown',
color: '#ebd234',
height: 165,
last_update: true,
width: 3,
title: 'keuken R'
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idx: 43,
type: 'dial',
// subtype: 'updown',
color: '#ebd234',
height: 165,
last_update: true,
width: 3,
title: 'keuken L'
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idx: 239,
type: 'dial',
// subtype: 'updown',
color: '#ebd234',
height: 165,
last_update: true,
width: 3,
title: 'veranda 1'
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// subtype: 'updown',
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min: 15,
max: 30,
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last_update: true,
color: '#57c4d6',
height: 165,
showring: true,
title: 'beneden'
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width: 3,
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height: 165,
title: 'beneden'
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temp: 118,
setpoint: 20,
min: 15,
max: 30,
shownumbers: true,
last_update: true,
color: '#57c4d6',
height: 165,
showring: false,
title: 'boven'
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idx: 212,
type: 'dial',
subtype: 'updown',
width: 3,
color: '#57c4d6',
height: 165,
title: 'stand boven'
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idx: 158,
title: 'Wind',
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// setpoint: 5,
offset: 0,
color: '#57c4d6',
isneedle: true,
showring: false,
showunit: true,
shownumbers: true,
last_update: false,
width: 3,
height: 165
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idx: 902,
title: 'charge',
// icon: 'fas fa-battery',
width: 2,
// switch: true
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idx: 1067,
title: 'bureau-heater',
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width: 3,
switch: true
blocks['1067'] = {
idx: 1067,
title: 'bureau-vw',
icon: 'fas fa-heater',
width: 3,
switch: true
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title: 'verwarming',
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switch: true,
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imageOff: 'heating_off.png',
last_update: false,
confirmation: 1
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title: 'verwarming',
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width: 3,
switch: true,
imageOn: 'heating_on.png',
imageOff: 'heating_off.png',
last_update: false,
confirmation: 1
blocks[vloerpomp_beneden] = {
width: 3,
title: 'vloer verwarming',
switch: true,
hide_data: false,
last_update: false,
imageOn: 'heating_on.png',
imageOff: 'heating_off.png'
blocks[vloerpomp_boven] = {
width: 3,
title: 'Cool / Warm',
switch: true,
hide_data: false,
last_update: false,
imageOn: 'heating_on.png',
imageOff: 'heating_off.png'
blocks[ring_verwarming] = {
width: 3,
title: 'accu verwarming',
switch: true,
hide_data: false,
last_update: false,
imageOn: 'heating_on.png',
imageOff: 'heating_off.png'
blocks[verbruikt] = {
last_update: true,
width: 3,
title: '(24u)',
hide_data: false
blocks[temp_woonkamer] = {
last_update: true,
width: 3,
title: 'Beneden',
hide_data: false
blocks[temp_boven] = {
last_update: true,
width: 3,
title: 'Boven',
hide_data: false
blocks[temp_buiten] = {
width: 3,
title: '',
switch: false,
hide_data: false,
last_update: false
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width: 2,
hide_lastupdate: true,
title: ''
blocks[vandaag_geleverd] = {
width: 2,
title: 'geleverd',
last_update: false,
protected: false,
icon: 'fas fa-bolt'
blocks[verbruik_server] = {
width: 4,
last_update: false,
protected: false
blocks[orcon_status] = {
width: 5,
last_update: false,
protected: false
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idx: 73,
title: 'wtw',
width: 3,
last_update: false,
protected: false
blocks['wtw1'] = {
idx: 73,
title: 'wtw',
width: 5,
last_update: false,
protected: false
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imageOff: 'blinds_open.png',
title: 'zonnescherm',
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blocks['p1'] = {
title: 'verbruik',
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"last": {
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"afgelopen 24 uur": {
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usage: 'd.v_15',
generation: '-d.r1_15'
"2 week": {
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usage: 'd.v_15+d.v2_15',
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"per jaar": {
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usage: 'd.v_15+d.v2_15',
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custom : {"last": {
range: 'last',
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pv2: '-d.u_819',
'huidig verbruik': 'd.v_15+d.v2_15',
netverbruik: 'd.eu_15-d.eg_15',
accuverbruik: '-d.u_753'
"12": {
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filter: '12 hours',
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pv1: '-d.u_24',
pv2: '-d.u_819',
'huidig verbruik': 'd.v_15+d.v2_15',
netverbruik: 'd.eu_15-d.eg_15',
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title: 'Room Temperatures',
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///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// pagina 2 thuisaccu ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
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