Quigg wireless contacts

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Quigg wireless contacts

Post by pwnhouse »


I recently bought a set of wireless contacts (http://www.aldi.nl/aldi_draadloze_conta ... 42895.html) and found out they aren't recognised by the RFXTRX433E yet. Is someone still working on that?
I saw some discussion about it in various sections. The RFLink crew seems to have cracked it https://www.domoticz.com/forum/viewtopi ... gg#p107677
I'm a software guy and have no knowledge of RF or electro, so I can't be of help. I understand it uses some kind of scrambling technique. The first button press triggers the plug. Pressing a second time gets picked up by the transceiver, but doesn't work for the plug.

It would be a great help, if the RFXTRX would support this as well. An alternative is to just buy a set of Kaku for a few € extra. Always cheaper than investing in the RFLink w/ Arduino.

Thanks for the effort.
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Re: Quigg wireless contacts

Post by b_weijenberg »

This Quigg module is already supported in Ext2 firmware version 1013 and up.
Enable Lighting4 + AC to receive the remote in Domoticz.
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Re: Quigg wireless contacts

Post by Downsider »


I also have a set of Quigg wireless contacts, together with Domoticz and RFXtrx433E with Ext2 firmware 1025. But when trying to add a manual switch of type On/Off, I cannot find the Quigg switch in the Type drop down menu. In the RFXtrx User Guide, I see on page 17 that this switch (Quigg wireless contacts) should be available as of firmware version Ext2. I also tried to load firmware versions Por1 and Pro2, but I see the same result.
Do you know how I need to configure this switch?
Thanks in advance.
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