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Can not find energy counter device (Fibaro Wall Plug)

Posted: Friday 31 March 2017 22:35
by OutThere
Hi there,

I've successfully included Fibaro FGWPE Wall Plug into my network, but I can not find any energy consumption counter device instance in Device list. Got 3 Light/Switch devices (Switch, Alarm Type, Alarm Level) and 4 Usage devices, but all of them display values in Watts. None of them show energy consumed. But in the Control Panel I can see Energy value in kWh together with two (why two?) Power values in Watts. What I did wrong? Is there some workaround to fix this problem?

Re: Can not find energy counter device (Fibaro Wall Plug)

Posted: Saturday 01 April 2017 15:23
by unitedeurope001
Try Restart - this helped in my case
Also: Check if the device with consumption is sorted somewhere else in the device list and set to visible
Good luck

Re: Can not find energy counter device (Fibaro Wall Plug)

Posted: Saturday 01 April 2017 17:45
by OutThere
Thank you, unitedeurope001. Restart of the controller helped in this case too.