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Getting Started - No data getting through to Domoticz from BME280 via ESPEasy setup
Posted: Saturday 18 March 2017 22:11
by robatbentley
Where do I start here?
I'm a total beginner trying to configure my first ESPEasy BME280 (temp, humidity and pressure) device using an NodeMCU ESP8266. The ESPEasy and BME280 end seems to be working as I'm seeing good data in my EPSEasy Device "values" summary. However, I don't have the knowledge to get this data displayed in my Domoticz web-page. I've followed some guidelines and created a dummy hardware followed by "Create Virtual Sensors" which are visible but the associated data just isn't being updated from ESPEasy.
Have I missed out some critical step here? I thought that I didn't need to write any code to get this working but may be wrong on this. I think I've configured my ESPEasy device correctly (screenshot attached) but guess something is wrong somewhere.
Anyway, any help in getting my first ESPEasy-Domoticz project up and going will be greatly appreciated. ...and if more info is required then please ask.
Re: Getting Started - No data getting through to Domoticz from BME280 via ESPEasy setup
Posted: Saturday 18 March 2017 22:28
by Westcott
Did you create the Domoticz dummy device as a Temp+Hum+Baro ?
You'll need to put its device idx into the IDX/Variable (unless it really is 1).
Re: Getting Started - No data getting through to Domoticz from BME280 via ESPEasy setup
Posted: Sunday 19 March 2017 12:40
by robatbentley
Hi Westcott.
Yes, the dummy device is setup as Tem+Hum+baro (see screenshot)
The IDX really is 1 asd it's my first project (see Domoticz screenshots)
Fyi... I've installed Domoticz on a win10 (64bit) PC. The NodeMCU is also installed via my LAN wifi on same LAN as the PC.
Are there any references that descibe how to setup this integration between ESPEasy and Domoticz? I've already come across the following... ... troduction and
...but nothing, yet, that describes ways of checking the communication between ESPEasy and Domoticz.
Any support really appreciated.
Re: Getting Started - No data getting through to Domoticz from BME280 via ESPEasy setup
Posted: Sunday 19 March 2017 12:49
by robatbentley
...and I've attched the ESPEasy device config showing Domoticz IP address etc that I'm using.
Re: Getting Started - No data getting through to Domoticz from BME280 via ESPEasy setup
Posted: Sunday 19 March 2017 12:57
by mayyam
Controller IP, thats missing.
Or/and user and pass if You authorize in LAN too.
Re: Getting Started - No data getting through to Domoticz from BME280 via ESPEasy setup
Posted: Sunday 19 March 2017 13:28
by Westcott
Yes, Controller IP needs to be that of your Domoticz machine.
Have you been looking at Tools->Log ?
Re: Getting Started - No data getting through to Domoticz from BME280 via ESPEasy setup
Posted: Sunday 19 March 2017 14:50
by robatbentley
Thanks to both of you for the pointer. However, I'm still unclear as to what info goes in the ESPEasy Config page. ...mainly as to which node it's referring to. i.e.
SSID/WPA Key: Is this the SSID of my LAN wifi modem or that of myNodeMCU access point
Controller IP: is this the NodeMCU IP or the IP of the PC hosting Donoticz web-server or the IP of the Donoticz web-server itself (i.e.
Controller Port: Is this the Domoticz web-server (8080) or something else completely
As you can see, I'm really not sure how to set this up as I've never ever done it for an ESPEasy node before. so, please bear with me till I get this working and then I'm hoping it's pretty much the same approach for additional nodes.
I've attached more screenshots of my setup and tools log which, I hope, will help.
Re: Getting Started - No data getting through to Domoticz from BME280 via ESPEasy setup
Posted: Sunday 19 March 2017 14:58
by robatbentley
Got it. I just replaced the controller IP with the host name, and then set the actual host name with the name of my PC hosting Domoticz. Working a dream now. Sorry for the confusion. Now I have something that works, I think I csan repeat this for other nodes.
Thanks for your advice.
Re: Getting Started - No data getting through to Domoticz from BME280 via ESPEasy setup
Posted: Sunday 19 March 2017 15:17
by Westcott
You should see no more "HTTP:connection failed" in the ESP log, and the ConnectFailures count will decrease.
Interestingly, I've never managed to get "host name" to work, always having to use IP address.
Re: Getting Started - No data getting through to Domoticz from BME280 via ESPEasy setup
Posted: Sunday 19 March 2017 15:20
by KoenVanduffel
If you want to set the IP of your Domoticz you have to set it's external IP ( is only accessible on the domoticz machine itself). The external IP of the Domoticz will most probably be something like 192.168.x.x
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