New module - BleBox

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Re: New module - BleBox

Post by mastadook »

maybe it´s damaged? or something else.
I have tried the config in BleBox and Domoticz one after one, nothing helped.
Just the Arrow Buttons changed the direction, not the Percentage Bar
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Re: New module - BleBox

Post by fantom »

Maybe this is bug in domoticz, and switch "normal" works identically as "inverted"
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Re: New module - BleBox

Post by mastadook »

I do the cabeling all new now, so up is up in Hardware Switch
Up is Up when using the Webpage of the BleBox.
Pointing in blebox to the last 20% of the Blinds (nearly closed, it´s workinf fine and is nearly closed.
Pointing to 0% (Open) in Domoticz it stops in the middle and remains half open, if I choose 80% it´s nearly closed. :?
Yes, Calibaration is deleted and new autocalibrated.

Is there a File or a Config where the translation can be changed?
I see when coosing %Percentages it will be translated to some steps 1-12 or something.
I hoped I can replace this Fibare Shutters, cause they making Ghostswitching with the BleBox Shutters,
but with this Problems not possible to set correct Percentages, this will also not be a Solution for me :(
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Re: New module - BleBox

Post by fantom »

You may check what domoticz send to shutterBox (desiredPos) and actually position (currentPos) on ... utterState
Domoticz send 0 and 100 ? Or not ?
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Re: New module - BleBox

Post by mastadook »

So, i double and triple checked everything.

Shut down in Real and in the App, Domoticz set to Inverted, Percentage Bar Wrong, Icons correct
rolladen_3.PNG (36.31 KiB) Viewed 2590 times
Shut down in Real and in the App, Domoticz set to Normal, Percentage Bar correct, Icons and Text Wrong
rolladen_4a.PNG (30.76 KiB) Viewed 2590 times
Shut down in Real and in the App, Domoticz set to back to inverted, Percentage Bar wrong Icons correct Text ?
rolladen_5.PNG (34.68 KiB) Viewed 2590 times
this is, what the Get from my shutter box replied:

Code: Select all

Thank you for your Help :)

If I send then I got this reply:

Code: Select all

in Domoticz the Percentage Bar say, no matter if I switch to Normal or Inverted - 20%
and i real it is 60% closed...

So the real Thing seems to Work more or less, but the Percentage Bar in Domoticz making Problems and did not fit the Icons and the Text

When sending 80% from Domoticz (NOT Inverted) it says:

Code: Select all

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Re: New module - BleBox

Post by mastadook »

No more Ideas?

Is there a place with Config Files for BleBox Devices?
Maybe I can play around and change there the Translation from % to what is going to be send to the Box?

Or any other Ideas?
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Re: New module - BleBox

Post by fantom »

I think, that this is problem in domoticz with this control.
I installed one shutterBox a few days ago. I will try check where is problem.
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Re: New module - BleBox

Post by gmacioso »

After update to 2021.01 BleBOX module crashes Domoticz
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Re: New module - BleBox

Post by pablo75 »


New betarelase (13196) solve crashes due to blebox module but all blebox devises doesn't work anymore.

In log file:
2021-04-18 21:33:48.590 Error: BLEBOXY: Invalid json received!

In Hardware section all devices with unknown status. When you try to use device you received Error: BLEBOXX: unknown device (192.168.X.X)

any idea?

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Re: New module - BleBox

Post by pablo75 »


Strange symptom after V2021.1 build 13196 deploy. All Blebox hardware in line IP Adreess at the end of line have special character (attached screen).
Not possible to delete them and if I tried add device once again this special character is added to IP address at the end automatically.
Blebox hardware config
Blebox hardware config
2021-04-19 10_28_55.jpg (61.04 KiB) Viewed 2353 times
Still blebox devices doesn't work. Log errors:

2021-04-19 09:27:30.857 Error: BLEBOXY: Invalid json received!
2021-04-19 09:27:39.300 Error: BLEBOXY: unknown device (

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Re: New module - BleBox

Post by pablo75 »


Is there anyone who has migrated to V2021.1 and has a properly functioning Blebox?

thanks for the info.

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Re: New module - BleBox

Post by BartekKo »

I have a problem with adding BB modules to Domoticz V2021.1. Last two years everything was working properly but as usuall something went wrong fored me to install new Raspbian and Domoticz.
Now each attempt (manual or auto) causes crash of domoticz and system need to be reloaded.
Any idea why?
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Re: New module - BleBox

Post by fantom »

I'm coming back after a few years to improve this module ;)
I'll see what I can do.
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Re: New module - BleBox

Post by fantom »

So feel free to download the version at least
Version: 2024.4 (build 15998)

Strongly rebuilt BleBox support. There should be no duplicates, the controls should work, signal strength should be displayed, etc.

ps. I recomended remove all BleBox devices and add they again.
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Re: New module - BleBox

Post by waltervl »

fantom wrote: Wednesday 22 May 2024 7:33
ps. I recomended remove all BleBox devices and add they again.
I dont know if history data of the old devices would be stored because then I would propose another way of implementing:
  • Disable (not delete!) BleBox in Domoticz (menu Setup - hardware)
  • Create new BleBox gateway in Domoticz
  • New devices are created in BleBox and visible in menu Setup- Devices
  • If you want to keep the history logging of the old devices then you need to replace the old device with the new one if identical devices are created. Use the replace function in Edit device, see wiki Replace Devices Devices that were replaced will get the old name and old IDX, no need to change scripts.
NOTE: To see the devices of the disabled BleBox hardware gateway during replacement action go to menu Setup - Settings and disable setting "Hide disabled hardware devices". Enable it again when you are done.
NOTE: Alternatively, you can also change the type of the old disabled BleBox hardware to "Dummy" and re-enable it, then replace each dummy device with equivalent Zwave JS UI discovered device.
  • Now you can delete the old BleBox gateway in Domoticz (menu Setup - hardware). All related old devices that not were replaced will be deleted.
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Re: New module - BleBox

Post by homeJLB »

because there are some warnings from this code in the AppVeyor Build,

Code: Select all

conversion from 'uint64_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
This is because the function 'm_sql.InsertDevice' return a 'uint64_t'
and the idx is declared as 'int'

Code: Select all

		int idx = (int)m_sql.InsertDevice(m_HwdID, 0, id, 1, deviceType.rfxType, deviceType.subType, deviceType.switchType, 0, "Unavailable", deviceName, signalQuality, 255, 0);
		_log.Debug(DEBUG_HARDWARE, "BleBox: new device Id: '%d'", idx);
		m_sql.safe_query("UPDATE DeviceStatus SET StrParam1='%d', StrParam2='%q' WHERE (ID==%d)", deviceTypeID, IPAddress.c_str(), idx);

		idx = m_sql.InsertDevice(m_HwdID, 0, id, 2, pTypeGeneralSwitch, sTypeAC, STYPE_PushOn, 0, "Unavailable", deviceName, signalQuality, 255, 0);
		m_sql.safe_query("UPDATE DeviceStatus SET StrParam1='%d', StrParam2='%q' WHERE (ID==%d)", deviceTypeID, IPAddress.c_str(), idx);

		idx = m_sql.InsertDevice(m_HwdID, 0, id, 3, pTypeGeneralSwitch, sTypeAC, STYPE_PushOn, 0, "Unavailable", deviceName, signalQuality, 255, 0);
		m_sql.safe_query("UPDATE DeviceStatus SET StrParam1='%d', StrParam2='%q' WHERE (ID==%d)", deviceTypeID, IPAddress.c_str(), idx);
what is best accepted;

Code: Select all

int idx = (int)m_sql.InsertDevice(........

Code: Select all

int idx = static_cast<int>(m_sql.InsertDevice(........
kind regards
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Re: New module - BleBox

Post by fantom »

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Re: New module - BleBox

Post by homeJLB »

No it is not corrected;
GizMoCuz has put in; Bad coding! Return = uint64_t, please change!

it must be for example;

Code: Select all

                uint64_t idx = m_sql.InsertDevice(m_HwdID, 0, id, 1, deviceType.rfxType, deviceType.subType, deviceType.switchType, 0, "Unavailable", deviceName, signalQuality, 255, 0);
		_log.Debug(DEBUG_HARDWARE, "BleBox: new device Id: '%" PRIu64 "'", idx);
		m_sql.safe_query("UPDATE DeviceStatus SET StrParam1='%d', StrParam2='%q' WHERE (ID==%" PRIu64 ")", deviceTypeID, IPAddress.c_str(), idx);
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